Die gebruik van en behoefte aan sosiale ondersteuning onder huishoudings met gesinslede wat as MIV-positief gediagnoseer is

dc.contributor.advisorGreeff, A. P.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan Zyl, Nicolaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficit syndrome (AIDS) have a severe effect on society but more specifically families, because when one member of a household is sick or eventually dies, everyone in the household suffers. The HIV epidemic disturbs and often disrupts the family structure in an irreparable or disturbing way (Belsey, 2005). For the purpose of this study, 12 Xhosa households in the Boland were identified where an HIV-positive person was part of the household. The person with HIV was either a child or an adult, but the participants with whom the interviews were conducted were not HIV-positive and had to be 18 years and older. Qualitative data were collected during the study and analysed to answer the research question, namely Which forms of social support are used and which needs are there in terms of social support in these households with an HIV-positive family member? The specific objectives of this study were to describe the use of social support by these HIV households from their perspective; to determine the needs related to social support within these households; and to make recommendations regarding the promotion of social support for HIV households. Following the results, the households involved in the study mainly used psychologists, counselors, social workers, community residents, friends and especially friends who are HIV positive, their family groups and particularly spouses, former spouses, the household itself, support groups or their neighbors as emotional support. For financial support the maintenance paid by the former husband, their family and welfare services were mainly used as support. Practical support in the form of clinics and medication, support from the school, foster care, work colleagues and part-time studies and information relating to the disease were used. Lastly spiritual / religious support was in the form of religious institutions such as the church and prayer groups. The family's needs in terms of social support that were identified during the current research study included: Jobs, support groups and social workers or counselors, HIV grants, healthy food, help with sustaining medication, better housing, more information and education regarding HIV, support from their churches and support by their children's schools. Guidelines are therefore needed to empower these families regarding available social support.. My recommendation is that a program of social support should be developed with the necessary guidance on how to follow it.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV) en verworwe immuniteitsgebreksindroom (VIGS) het ʼn ernstige uitwerking op die samelewing maar meer spesifiek op gesinne, want wanneer ʼn lid van die huishouding siek word of uiteindelik sterf, ly almal in die gesin daaronder. Die MIV-epidemie versteur en ontwrig dikwels die gesinstruktuur op ʼn onherstelbare of ontstellende manier (Belsey, 2005). Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie is 12 Xhosa-huishoudings in die Boland geïdentifiseer waar ’n MIV-positiewe persoon deel van die huishouding was. Die persoon met MIV kon óf ’n kind óf ’n volwassene wees, maar die deelnemers met wie die onderhoude gevoer is, kon nie MIV-positief wees nie en moes ouer as 18 jaar wees. Kwalitatiewe data is tydens die navorsingstudie ingesamel en geanaliseer om sodoende die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord naamlik: Watter vorme van sosiale ondersteuning word gebruik en watter behoeftes aan sosiale ondersteuning bestaan daar by huishoudings met ’n lid wat as MIV-positief gediagnoseer is? Die spesifieke doelwitte van hierdie studie was om die gebruik van sosiale ondersteuning onder gesinne met ’n MIV-positiewe lid vanuit hulle perspektief te beskryf; om die behoeftes ten opsigte van sosiale ondersteuning onder gesinne met ’n MIV-positiewe lid te bepaal; en om aanbevelings ten opsigte van die bevordering van ondersteuning vir gesinne met ’n MIV-positiewe lid te maak. Wat die vorme van sosiale ondersteuning betref, het die bevindinge getoon dat hulle sielkundiges, beraders, maatskaplike werkers, inwoners van die gemeenskap, vriende en veral vriende wat ook MIV-positief is, hulle familiegroepe en in die besonder lewensmaats, gewese lewensmaats, die huishouding self, ondersteuningsgroepe of hulle bure as emosionele ondersteuning gebruik. As finansiële ondersteuning is onderhoud betaal deur die gewese man, hulle familie, toelae en welsynsdienste hoofsaaklik gebruik as ondersteuning. Praktiese ondersteuning was in die vorm van klinieke en medikasie, ondersteuning van die skole, pleegsorg, werk en kollegas en deeltydse studies en inligting met betrekking tot die siekte. Laastens was spirituele/geestelike ondersteuning in die vorm van Godsdienstige instansies soos die kerk en Gebedsgroepe. Die gesinne se behoeftes in terme van sosiale ondersteuning wat identifiseer is tydens die huidige navorsingstudie sluit in: Werksgeleenthede, ondersteuningsgroepe en maatskaplike werkers of beraders, MIV-toelae, gesonde kos, hulp met die volhouding van medikasie, beter behuising, meer inligting en opvoeding rakende MIV, ondersteuning deur hulle kerke en ondersteuning van hulle kinders se skole. Riglyne is dus nodig om hierdie gesinne te bemagtig met betrekking tot beskikbare sosiale ondersteuning. My aanbeveling is dat ʼn program rakende sosiale ondersteuning ontwikkel moet word met die nodige riglyne oor hoe om dit te volg.af_ZA
dc.format.extent196 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV (Viruses)en_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infections -- Patientsen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV-positive persons -- Careen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV-positive persons -- Family caregiversen_ZA
dc.titleDie gebruik van en behoefte aan sosiale ondersteuning onder huishoudings met gesinslede wat as MIV-positief gediagnoseer isaf_ZA
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