Paul’s spirituality in Phil 3:1-11 : the role of the Bible in Christian spirituality

dc.contributor.advisorPunt, Jeremyen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorFourie, Wynanden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Old and New Testament.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation I argue the importance of the biblical text as the privileged text of Christian spirituality. Whenever the biblical text is used as the privileged text in the assessment of religious experience, the biblical text can provide Christian spirituality with rootedness and direction. The limited and irresponsible use of the biblical text as the privileged text of Christian spirituality can be considered problematic for several reasons. A limited and irresponsible use of the biblical text when assessing any type of religious experience can inevitably lead to neurosis and selfishness, can become pretentious, and can even turn violent. Confusion, error, imbalance, idolatry, and a lack of spiritual discernment can be some of the characteristics of a Christian spirituality which neglects the Bible as a spiritual resource. Phil 3:1-11 will function as a case study in order to highlight the valuable contribution that the biblical text can make when it is given a preferential role in the assessment of religious experience. It is my assumption that the exegetical insights gained from 3:1-11 can function as a counterweight to the shortcomings present in many modern approaches to, and definitions of, Christian spirituality. I am of the opinion that the traditional theological categories of justification, adoption, and sanctification could serve as useful and valuable categories for the investigation of the implications of 3:1-11 for Christian spirituality. I suggest that the results of Paul’s careful consideration of his experience of the resurrected Jesus in light of scripture - as presented in Phil 3:1-11 - can function as an antidote to the current internal pressure which Christianity faces to adopt new theological interpretation in line with continual cultural change. I also suggest that the insights gained from 3:1- 11 regarding the effects of the Christ-event can serve as an antidote to the external pressure Christianity currently experiences in the form of having to provide solutions to the needs of the world by means of biblical conscience-formation. I will make use of two overarching methodological approaches to provide a clear structural framework for my research. The first methodological approach aims to provide accountable and responsible hermeneutics and exegesis when the biblical text is used as the privileged text of Christian spirituality. My exegetical method of choice is the socio-rhetorical criticism of Vernon K. Robbins. The second and broader, or overarching methodological approach is a literature study of spirituality in its current form in order to highlight the fluidity involved in attempts to define spirituality and Christian spirituality. My study is comprised of five chapters. In the first chapter I present the motivation and aim, the problem statement, the hypothesis, the methodology, and a chapter layout. In chapters two and three I present a socio-rhetorical reading of Phil 3:1-11. In chapter four I attempt to sort through the very dense and currently popular academic fields of spirituality and Christian spirituality in order to better grasp what Christian spirituality entails. I will discuss suggestions regarding the ways in which the findings from the exegetical study of 3:1-11 can contribute to the study of Christian spirituality. In chapter five I present a concluding summary of the findings of my research.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie proefskrif argumenteer ek vir die belang van die Bybel as die bevoordeelde teks van Christelike spiritualiteit. As die Bybel gebruik word as die bevoordeelde teks in die assesering van godsdienstige ervaring, kan die Bybel Christelike spiritualiteit voorsien van ‘n soliede basis en direksie. Die beperkte en onverantwoordelike gebruik van die bybelse teks as die bevoordeelde teks van Christelike spiritualiteit kan om verskeie redes as problematies beskou word. ‘n Beperkte en ‘n onverantwoordelike gebruik van die bybelse teks in die assesering van godsdienstige ervarings kan onvermydelik lei tot neurose en selfsugtigheid, dit kan aanmatigend word, en dit kan selfs geweldadig raak. Verwarring, dwaling, wanbalans, afgodery, en ‘n gebrek aan geestelike onderskeiding is van die moontlike kenmerke van ‘n Christelike spiritualiteit wat die Bybel as ‘n geestelike hulpbron afskeep. Fil 3:1-11 sal funksioneer as ‘n gevalle studie om aan te toon watter waardevolle bydrae die bybelse teks kan maak wanneer dit ‘n voorkeur-rol vervul in die assesering van godsdienstige ervarings. Dit is my veronderstelling dat die eksegetiese insigte vanuit 3:1-11 kan funksioneer as ‘n teenbalans vir die tekortkominge wat aanwesig is in verskeie moderne benaderings tot, en definisies van, Christelike spiritualiteit. Ek is van mening dat die tradisionele teologiese kategorieё van regverdiging, aanneming, en heiligmaking kan dien as bruikbare en waardevolle kategorieё vir die ondersoek na die implikasies van 3:1-11 vir Christelike spiritualiteit. Ek stel voor dat Paulus se spiritualiteit in 3:1-11 kan funksioneer as ‘n teenmiddel vir die interne druk wat die Christendom tans beleef om nuwe teologiese interpretasie toe te pas in lyn met deurlopende kulturele verandering. Ek stel verder voor dat die insigte vanuit 3:1-11 met betrekking tot die effek van die Christus-gebeure kan dien as ‘n teenmiddel vir die eksterne druk wat die Christendom tans beleef om oplossings te bied vir die behoeftes van die wêreld deur middel van Bybelse gewete-vorming. Ek maak van twee oorkoepelende metodologiese benaderings gebruik om ‘n duidelike strukturele raamwerk te voorsien vir my navorsing. Die eerste metodologiese benadering beoog om ‘n verantwoordelike hermeneutiek en eksegese te bied wanneer die bybelse teks funksioneer as die bevoordeelde teks van Christelike spiritualiteit. My eksegetiese metode van voorkeur is die sosioretoriese metode van Vernon K. Robbins. Die tweede en breёre metodologiese benadering is ‘n literatuur studie van spiritualiteit in die huidige formaat daarvan om die vloeibaarheid aan te dui van pogings om spiritualiteit en Christelike spiritualiteit te probeer definieёr. Hierdie proefskrif bestaan uit vyf hoofstukke. In hoofstuk een bied ek die motivering en doel, die probleemstelling, die hipotese, die metodologie, en die hoofstuk-indeling. In hoofstukke twee en drie bied ek ‘n sosio-retoriese lees van Fil 3:1-11. In hoofstuk vier bied ek ‘n oorsig oor die digte en populêre akademiese veld van spiritualiteit en Christelike spiritualiteit om sodoende ’n beter insig te kry in wat Christelike spiritualiteit behels. Ek sal ook voorstelle aanbied oor die maniere waarop die bevindinge van die eksegetiese studie van 3:1-11 kan bydra tot die bestudering van Christelike spiritualiteit. In hoofstuk vyf bied ek ‘n opsomming en gevolgtrekking van die bevindinge van my navorsing.af_ZA
dc.format.extent[10], 250 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Philippians, 3:1-11 -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.en_ZA
dc.subjectBible. Philippians -- Socio-rhetorical criticismen_ZA
dc.subjectSpirituality -- Biblical teachingen_ZA
dc.titlePaul’s spirituality in Phil 3:1-11 : the role of the Bible in Christian spiritualityen_ZA
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