Theory and practice of governance collaboration : institutional assessment in collaborative natural resource governance

dc.contributor.advisorMuller, Kobusen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorYeboah-Assiamah, Emmanuelen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Complexities of the post-New Public Management (NPM) era have resulted in a new governance regime that hinges on ‘collaboration’, a network-based model that links various stakeholders (state and non-state actors) to promote sustainable governance. This study sets out to examine the theory and practice of collaborative natural resource governance (CNRG) with a special focus on the triggers of collaboration and institutional evolution using the experience of Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary in Ghana. The study’s first two objectives are conceptual in nature to advance knowledge in the field of CNRG which culminated in publishing two peer-reviewed articles (Chapters Five and Six). The first article “Rising to the challenge: A framework for optimising value in collaborative natural resource governance” provides pointers to enhance the process of natural resource collaboration (Chapter Five). A second article “Institutional assessment in natural resource governance” conceptualises the interplay of formal and informal institutions in natural resource governance (Chapter Six). Empirically, the study adapts the philosophy of transdisciplinary research approach (published as peer-reviewed article in Chapter Four), interspersed with ethnography, to advance three key objectives. The first empirical objective was to identify the trajectory of institutional evolution as well as the triggers. Results and conclusions are published as a third article “Complex Crisis’ and the rise of Collaborative Natural Resource Governance: Institutional Trajectory of a Wildlife Governance Experience in Ghana” in Environment, Development and Sustainability Journal (Chapter Seven). A second empirical objective was to examine the interplay of formal and informal institutions in the governance of wildlife in the Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (BFMS). This is to be published as a fourth article “Two sides of the same coin: Synergy between formal and informal institutions in natural resource governance” (Chapter Eight). A final phase of the study discussed a “bottom-up” approach to natural resource governance collaboration to foster sustainable governance of resources. This was also published as “Comparative Conservation Studies: A “Bottom-up” Natural Resource Collaborative Governance” (Chapter Nine). A general conclusion derived from the study is that the ability of a natural resource governance system to adjust or readjust its institutional underpinnings and governance regime in the face of threat, of whatever form or intensity, contributes immensely to the viability of the particular ecosystem. Institutions must necessarily evolve to adapt when there is sufficient evidence that the existing regime has become weakened in the face of the changing internal and external conditions of social-ecological systems.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die kompleksiteit van die post-Nuwe Openbare Bestuur (NPM)-era het gelei tot ’n nuwe regeer- en bestuurstelsels met betrekking tot ‘samewerking,’ ’n netwerkgebaseerde model wat verskeie belanghebbendes (staats- en nie-staatsdeelhouers) verbind om volhoubare beheer en bestuur te bevorder. Hierdie studie ondersoek die teorie en praktyk van samewerkende of kollaboratiewe natuurlike hulpbronbestuur (CNRG) met ’n spesiale fokus op die snellers wat samewerking en institusionele evolusie van stapel laat loop deur die ondervinding wat by die Boabeng-Fiema aapvlugsoord in Ghana opgedoen is. Die studie se eerste twee doelwitte is van nature konseptueel om kennis op die gebied van CNRG te bevorder. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot die publikasie van twee portuur-beoordeelde artikels (hoofstukke 5 en 6). Die eerste artikel, “Rising to the challenge: A framework for optimising value in collaborative natural resource governance,” bied aanduidings vir die bevordering van die proses van natuurlike hulpbron-samewerking (hoofstuk 5). ’n Tweede artikel, “Institutional assessment in natural resource governance,” konseptualiseer die wisselwerking tussen formele en informele instellings in natuurlike hulpbronbestuur (hoofstuk 6). Empiries-gesproke pas dié studie die filosofie van die transdissiplinêre benadering toe (as portuur-beoordeelde publikasie in hoofstuk 4 gepubliseer), afgewissel met etnografie om sodoende drie belangrike doelwitte te bevorder. Die eerste empiriese doelwit was om die trajek van institusionele evolusie te identifiseer, sowel as die snellers wat dit aan die gang sit. Resultate en bevindinge is in ’n derde artikel, “Complex Crisis’ and the rise of Collaborative Natural Resource Governance: Institutional Trajectory of a Wildlife Governance Experience in Ghana” in Environment, Development and Sustainability Journal (hoofstuk 7) gepubliseer. ’n Tweede empiriese doelwit was om die wisselwerking tussen formele en informele instellings in die bestuur van wild in die Boabeng-Fiema Bobbejaantoevlugsoord (BFMS) te ondersoek. Dié sal as ’n vierde artikel, “Two sides of the same coin: Synergy between formal and informal institutions in natural resource governance“(hoofstuk 8) gepubliseer word. ’n Slotfase van die studie het ’n “onder-na-bo” benadering tot natuurlike hulpbronbestuur bespreek met die oog op die bevordering van volhoubare hulpbronbestuur. Dié is ook gepubliseer as “Comparative Conservation Studies: A “Bottom-up” Natural Resource Collaborative Governance” (hoofstuk 9). ’n Algemene afleiding wat uit die studie gemaak is, is dat die vermoë van ’n natuurlike hulpbronbestuurstelsel om sy institusionele onderstutte en regeerstelsel in die aangesig van ’n bedreiging, in watter vorm of intensiteit ookal, aan te pas, of her aan te pas, oneindig veel bydra tot die lewensvatbaarheid van die spesifieke ekostelsel. Dit is nodig dat instellings moet ontwikkel om aan te pas waar daar voldoende bewys is dat die bestuur- en regeerstelsel in die lig van veranderde interne en eksterne toestande van sosiaal-eklogiese stelsels verswak het.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxvii, 309 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCollaborative Governanceen_ZA
dc.subjectNatural resources -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectAdaptive capacityen_ZA
dc.titleTheory and practice of governance collaboration : institutional assessment in collaborative natural resource governanceen_ZA
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