The preservation of neonate Hermetia illucens larvae for the purpose of long-distance transportation

dc.contributor.advisorPieterse, Elsjeen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorVan der Vyver, Yolandien_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Animal Sciences.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Good quality protein sources, which are economically and ecologically sustainable are scarce. Insects are proposed as a sustainable, high-quality protein alternative. Hermetia illucens larvae have attracted much attention due to their ability to convert organic waste matter into high-quality protein. The availability and production of this high-quality protein may be increased by improving the H. illucens industry through segregation. It is proposed that the industry segregates into separate sectors, imitating the poultry industry that consists of pre-mix suppliers, feed suppliers, primary breeders, fertilized egg producers, table egg producers, hatcheries, grow-out farms, abattoirs, product processing plants and packers. This reduces the required investment to enter the market, allowing smaller companies to enter into the field. The establishment of such a production chain requires the transport of H. illucens, at different live stages, between the sectors. The question then arises: what are the optimal environmental conditions in which neonate H. illucens larvae can be successfully preserved, for long-distance transportation? Published data regarding the preservation of neonate H. illucens larvae were limited, as the focus of many appeared to be on the preservation of post-harvest insects. This study emphasized the effect that different environmental factors, and the combination thereof, had on the survival of neonate H. illucens larvae. The preservation mixture used provided the neonate larvae with the essential components required for survival. Two trials were conducted to establish neonate larval survival at different preservation durations, as well the optimal combination of preservation container size, preservation mixture weight, preservation mixture moisture, larval density and environmental temperature. The focus of the first trial was the determination of the optimal preservation duration and optimal preservation mixture moisture. Neonate H. illucens larvae were dispersed in groups of fifty and placed in 20 mL polytops, containing 5.017±0.012 g (wet basis) preservation mixture, and sealed for their respective preservation durations (zero to four-days). Subsequently, the larvae were transferred onto their respective 50.023±0.013 g (wet basis) nursery substrates in 100 mL polytops (altered to ensure ventilation) for four-days before being harvested. Harvested larvae were counted and weighed to determine survival and the effect of preservation on the weight of four-day old larvae (4DOL). Based on the results, it was concluded that preserved neonate larvae subjected to 40% and 50% preservation mixture moisture, had a significant increase in survival and 4DOL weight, regardless of the preservation duration. The second trial was a five-factor central composite design, with a regression profile for predicted values, to establish the optimal combination of environmental factor levels for neonate survival. The procedure, as well as substrate formulations were repeated from the previous trial. The four-day preservation phase was followed by a four-day nursery phase. Samples were taken from each run at harvest, and the larvae counted and weighed. A significant interaction between environmental temperature and preservation mixture moisture was observed. The optimal larval survival was achieved using a preservation mixture moisture level of 44%, confirming the findings of the previous trial. It was theorised that neonate H. illucens larvae enter a state of “diapause” with minimal growth, when exposed to lower levels of moisture. Extreme environmental temperatures and increased larval density negatively influenced survival. The transportation of 0.1 g of neonate H. illucens larvae in a 30 mL polytop with 15.04 g of preservation mixture at 44% moisture in 14.4 °C, allowed for the successful transport of approximately 61% of the neonate larvae, and was the optimal combination of the factor levels tested. To summarise the thesis; the preservation of neonate H. illucens larvae was possible with regard to survival when the correct environmental conditions were applied. Lower larval densities combined with larger quantities of preservation mixture resulted in higher neonate survival. Higher neonate survival was also achieved with shorter preservation durations. To conclude, the survival of neonate H. illucens during long- distance transportation indicated that it was indeed possible to segregate the H. illucens industry, providing a potential for smaller companies to engage, thereby increasing the availability of this high-quality protein.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bekostigbare proteïen bronne van goeie gehalte, wat ook volhoubaar is, is skaars. Insekte is ‘n alternatiewe, kwaliteit proteïen wat volhoubaar is. Hermetia illucens larwes is beroemd vir hul vermoë om organiese afval in hoë kwaliteit proteïene te omskep. Die segregasie van die H. illucens-bedryf mag die beskikbaarheid en produksie van hierdie hoë gehalte proteïenbron bevorder. Hierdie segregasie sal die bedryf, dus die produksieketting, in afsonderlike sektore verdeel. Die verdeling sal die pluimveebedryf naboots wat uit, byvoerverskaffers, voerverskaffers, primêre telers, tafel- eierprodusente, broeiplase, uitgroeiplase, slagpale en produkverwerkingsaanlegte en -verpakkers bestaan. Dit stel kleiner maatskappye in staat om die bedryf te betree, omdat die vereiste belegging kleiner is per sektor, as vir die produksieketting as ‘n geheel. Hierdie segregasie vereis die vervoer van H. illucens (op verskillende lewensstadiums) tussen die afsonderlike sektore. Dit lei tot die vraag: Wat is die optimale omgewingstoestande waarin pas uitgebroeide H. illucens larwes suksesvol bewaar kan word vir langafstandvervoer? Gepubliseerde data rakende die bewaring van pas uitgebroeide H. illucens-larwes is beperk, aangesien die bewaring van na-oes insekte die fokus van baie was. Hierdie studie het die effek wat verskillende omgewingsfaktore, en die kombinasie daarvan, op die oorlewing van pas uitgebroeide H. illucens larwes ondersoek. Die preserveringsmengsel het al die nodige oorlewingskomponente aan die pas uitgebroeide larwes voorsien. Larwe-oorlewing by verskillende bewaringstydperke, asook die optimale kombinasie van houergrootte, mengselgewig, larwepopulasie, omgewingstemperatuur en voginhoud van die bewaringsmengsel was bepaal deur twee proewe. Die fokus van die eerste proef was die bepaling van die optimale bewaringsduur en die voginhoud van die bewaringsmengsel. Pas uitgebroeide H. illucens larwes was in groepe van vyftig in 20 mL pilhouertjies verdeel, wat 5.017±0.012 g (nat basis) preserveringsmengsel bevat het. Die verseëlde houertjies was dan vir hul onderskeidelike tydperke geberg. Daarna is die larwes vir vier dae op 50.023±0.013 g (nat basis) substraat in 100 mL pilhouertjies gestoor vir hul eerste groeifase en daarna geoes. Geoesde larwes is getel en geweeg om die oorlewing en die effek van preservering op die gewig van die vier-dagoue larwes (4DOL) te bepaal. Ongeag die bewaringsduur, het die resultate daarop gedui dat die gepreserveerde pas uitgebroeide larwes wat aan ‘n preserveringsmengsel met ‘n voginhoud van 40% en 50% blootgestel was, 'n beduidende verhoogde oorlewingstempo gehad het, asook die gewig van vier-dagoue larwes. Die tweede proef was ‘n saamgestelde vyf-faktor ontwerp, met 'n regressie profiel om die optimale kombinasie van omgewingsfaktore vir pas uitgebroeide larwes te voorspel. Die prosedure, sowel as substraatformulerings was herhaal vanaf die vorige proef. Die bewaringsfase het vir vier dae geduur, asook die uitgroeifase. Monsters was uit elke omgewingsfaktor kombinasie geneem en die larwes was getel en geweeg. 'n Beduidende interaksie tussen omgewingstemperatuur en preserveringsmengselvog, was waargeneem. Die optimale larwe oorlewing was by ‘n preserveringsmengsel voginhoud van 44% bereik en bevestig die resultate van die vorige proef. Dit word voorgestel dat pas uitgebroeide H. illucens larwes, wat blootgestel was aan lae voginhoudvlakke, deur ‘n stagnante fase gaan met minimale groei. Oorlewing word negatief beïnvloed deur uiterste omgewingstemperature en verhoogde larwedigtheid. Die optimale kombinasie van faktorvlakke getoets was: 0.1 g pas uitgebroeide H. illucens larwes, in 'n 30 mL pilhouertjie met 15.04 g preserveringsmengsel en met ‘n voginhoud van 44% teen 14.4 °C. Die bewaring van pas uitgebroeide H. illucens larwes was moontlik onder die korrekte omgewingstoestande. Die hoogste oorlewing was gevind wanneer lae larwedigthede en groter hoeveelhede preserveringsmengsel gebruik is. Hoër oorlewing was ook behaal met korter bewaringsduur. Die studie het aangedui dat die oorlewing van pas uitgebroeide H. illucens tydens langafstandvervoer wel moontlik is sodat die H. illucens industrie verdeel kan word, wat 'n potensiaal bied vir kleiner maatskappye om betrokke te raak en sodoende die beskikbaarheid van hierdie hoë gehalte proteïen te verhoog.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 56 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectLarvae -- Ecologyen_ZA
dc.subjectLong distance shippingen_ZA
dc.subjectNeonate Hermetia illucens -- Preservationen_ZA
dc.subjectTemperature -- Seasonal variationsen_ZA
dc.subjectHermetia illucens larvae -- Effect of environment onen_ZA
dc.subjectLarvae -- Effect of temperature onen_ZA
dc.subjectProtein -- Qualityen_ZA
dc.titleThe preservation of neonate Hermetia illucens larvae for the purpose of long-distance transportationen_ZA
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