Exploring the potential of participatory games as an experiential learning approach for responding to SDG challenges in Namibia

dc.contributor.advisorPreiser, Rikaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMangundu, Reinholden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionSchool of Public Leadershipen_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: This thesis explores participatory games as an experiential approach for responding to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) challenges in Namibia. The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of goals under the Global Agenda 2030. Their well-defined targets call for radical transformation of business as usual. The backdrop of the study is provided by the Games for the SDGs Project. This project was established to support the realisation of capacity and knowledge enhancement for Agenda 2030 by engaging young Namibians in games, offering a platform to freely and openly discuss the SDGs. We have entered a new epoch of emerging complex and interwoven challenges. As these problems emerge, they are subsequently leading to great uncertainty over the future of the planet. In developing countries like Namibia in particular we face critically intricate and interconnected problems. As an attempt to address our current global challenges, Namibia has committed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is in this respect that this thesis seeks to explore the potential of participatory games as novel and innovative approaches for responding to complex and emerging challenges affecting sustainability. Through an exploratory research approach, this research captures the reflections of five (5) participants who have been part of such participatory games and the reflections of six (6) different experts, sharing their insights on the role of games in promoting transformative spaces for learning and how they can best prepare us to engage with complexity. The reflections are captured through semi-structured interviews and the results were interpreted by means of thematic analysis. What emerges are opportunities offered by the games, that allow us to promote transformation, by learning to engage and better deal with complex adaptive systems. The form of critical thinking and collaborative skills often dictated by the games could significantly shape sustainable decisions in anticipation of our common future.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek deelnemende speletjies as ‘n eksperimentele benadering tot die reaksie vir die Volhoubare Omgewingsdoelwitte (VOD) uitdagings van Namibië. Die agtergrond vir die studie is verskaf deur die Speletjies vir VOD Projek (Games for Sustainable Development Goals Project). Hierdie projek is gestig met die doel om kapasiteit en verbeterde kennis te skep en ondersteun vir Agenda 2030, deur jong Namibiers te betrek deur speletjies, en sodoende vir hulle ‘n platform te skep om vrylik en openlik VOD te bespreek. Ons het ‘n nuwe epog betree van ontluikende komplekse en verweefde uitdagings. Soos wat hierdie probleme na vore tree, lei dit tot toenemende onsekerheid rakende die toekoms van ons planeet. In ontwikkelende lande, en in besonder Namibië, ontstaan kritiese ingewikkelde en onderling gekonnekteerde probleme. In ‘n poging om ons huidige globale uitdagings aan te spreek, het Namibië hom verbind tot ‘n stel omgewingsdoelwitte opgestel deur die Globale Agenda 2030, naamlik die VOD. Die Volhoubare Omgewingsdoelwitte en hulle goed gedefinieerde teikens vereis die radikale transformasie van die huidige bestel. Dit is tot hierdie belang dat hierdie tesis poog om die potensiaal van deelnemende speletjies as nuwe en innoverende benadering te ondersoek, in reaksie op komplekse ontluikende uitdagings wat volhoubaarheid beïnvloed. Deur ‘n ondersoekende navorsings benadering, bevat hierdie navorsing die nadenke van vyf (5) deelnemers wat deel was van sulke speletjies en die insette van ses (6) verskillende kundiges, wat hulle insigte deel oor die rol van deelnemende speletjies in die bevordering van leer geleenthede en hoe ons ten beste kan voorberei om betrek te word by transformerende kompleksiteite. Die nadenke en insette is bekom deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude en die resultate is geïnterpreteer deur middel van tematiese analise. Die uitkomste toon dat geleenthede geskep deur speletjies transformasie bevorder, deurdat dit ons beter toerus om komplekse sisteme te kan verstaan en hanteer. Die mate van kritiese denke en deelnemende vaardighede wat dikwels deur die speletjies vereis word, kan volhoubaarheidsbesluite betekenisvol modelleer in afwagting van ons gedeelde toekoms.af_ZA
dc.format.extentx, 93 pages : includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Economic aspects -- Namibia
dc.titleExploring the potential of participatory games as an experiential learning approach for responding to SDG challenges in Namibiaen_ZA
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