The development of an instrument to determine the perceptions of Gauteng small business operators of their support systems

dc.contributor.advisorMouton, J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNetswera, Fulufhelo Godfreyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Sociology & Social Anthropology.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.Phil.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study has two main aims, first, the development and validation of a survey questionnaire in the field of small business support; second the determination of Gauteng small business operators' perceptions about their small business support. The importance of studying small businesses and small business support systems is realised through the background and literature of this study which suggests an enormous contribution of the small business industry towards the South African Gross Domestic Product (GOP) and towards the eradication of unemployment. The following research methodologies were used in achieving the above objectives: An exploratory descriptive survey was used. The purpose of the exploration was to gain new insight into the relatively unknown research area of instrument development in the areas of small business support. A probability sampling method, that is a systematic random sampling, was used in the selection of 60 participants who are small business operators. Sampling was done from a population frame presented in a directory of small businesses registered with the Gauteng Chamber of Businesses. Data collection was done through face-to-face interviews using the developed survey instrument. The developed instrument was intended to collect the following type of data: demographic data, data on small business activities and Likert scale data on small business support. The validation of the questionnaire items presented in the Likert scale format was done using factor analysis, a statistical procedure for synthesising large amounts of data. The results of the factor analysis scale revealed that finance and accessibility of information are the most important factors of small business support systems. Questionnaire validation through the use of factor analysis acknowledged the limitation of using a small sample, which renders factor analysis results not fully reliable. The determination of small business operators' perceptions on the importance of different support systems was done using Thurstone's Law of Comparative Judgement. The results of the Thurstone comparison are that access to information, training and skills development, are the most important support systems listed by the respondents. Findings on the majority of respondents about business activities are: • they sell their products in the local markets, were started before 1983, started their businesses with the intention of becoming their own bosses. • they operate within the inner cities and employ 1 to 49 employees. • they have not been trained on how to operate a small business but also do not think that training would enhance their managerial performance. The main Substantive findings of perceptions by the majority of operators about small business support are that: • they favour in-service/on hands training and business partnerships. • believe that finance is the biggest problem facing small businesses. • view most financial institutions as unsympathetic towards their needs. • consider independence as one of the most important activities within businesses. • view product marketing as beneficial, but consider advertising media costly.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het twee hoofdoelwiUe: die eerste is die ontwikkeling en validering van 'n opname-vraelys in die veld van kleinsake-ondersteuning; die tweede, die bepaling van Gauteng se kleinsakelui se persepsies omtrent hul kleinsakeondersteuning. Die belangrikheid van 'n studie van kleinsake-ondernemings en kleinsakeondersteuningstelsels word geillustreer deur die literatuurstudie van hierdie studie, wat dui op n geweldige bydrae deur die kleinsake-bedryf tot Suid-Afrika se Bruto Binnelandse Produk en tot die uitwissing van werkloosheid. Die studie het van die volgende navorsingsmetodes gebruik gemaak. 'n Verkennend-beskrywende opname is gebruik. Die doel van die verkenning was om nuwe insig te bekom in die relatief onbekende navorsingsarea van instrumentontwikkeling in die area van kleinsake-ondersteuning. 'n Waarskynlikheidssteekproefmetode, is gebruik in die seleksie van 60 deelnemers wat kleinsakelui is. Steekproefneming is uitgevoer op 'n populasieraam bestaande uit kleinsake-ondernemings wat geregistreer is by die Gauteng se Sakekamer. Data-insameling is gedoen deur persoonlike onderhoude. Die oraclys is bedoel om die volgende tipe data in te samet: demografiese data, data oor kleinsake-aktiwiteite en Likertskaaldata oor kleinsake-ondersteuning. Die geldigheid van die vraelysitems is getoets deur faktoranalise. Die resultate van die faktoranalise het getoon dat finansies en toeganklikheid van inligting die belangrikste faktore van kleinsake-ondersteuningstelsels is. Die bepaling van kleinsakelui se persepsies van die belangrikheid van verskilliende ondersteuningstelsels is gedoen deur die gebruik van Thurstone se Wet van Vergelykende Beoordeling. Die resultate van die Thursone vergelyking is dat toegang tot inligting, opleiding en vaardigheidsontwikkeling, die belangrikste ondersteuningstelsels is wat deur respondente genoem word. Die hoofbevindings van die studie is dat die meerderheid van respondente: • hul produkte verkoop op die plaaslike markte, opgerig is voor 1983, en hulle het hul eie sake-onderneming begin met die doel om hul eie baas te wees. • sake doen in die middestad en 1 tot 49 werknemers in diens het. • geen opleiding gehad het in die bedryf van 'n kleinsake-onderneming nie, maar ook nie dink dat opleiding hul bestuursprestasie sal verbeter nie. Die vernaamste substantiewe bevindings van persepsies oor kleinsakeondersteuning deur die meerderheid van persone in die bedryf is dat hulle: • ten gunste is van in-diens/praktiese opleiding en sake-vennootskappe. • glo dat finansies die grootste probleem is waarvoor kleinsake-ondernemings te staan kom. • die meeste finansiele instansies beskou as onsimpatiek teenoor hul behoeftes. • onafhanklikheid beskou as een van die belangrikste aktiwtieite binne sakeondernemings. • produkbemarking beskou as voordelig , maar reklame-media as duur.
dc.format.extent1 v. (various pagings) : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectSmall business -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness networks -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectResearch -- Methodologyen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial sciences -- Methodologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Sociologyen_ZA
dc.titleThe development of an instrument to determine the perceptions of Gauteng small business operators of their support systemsen_ZA
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