Leaf-level physiological response and carbon allocation in two eucalypt hybrids with contrasting water use strategies under drought

dc.contributor.advisorMidgley, Guy F.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDrew, Daviden_ZA
dc.contributor.authorTonkin, Christopheren_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Botany and Zoology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2023. en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Eucalypts are among the fastest growing trees on earth, with high production rates. However, the high species diversity of eucalypts has allowed this taxon to be successful across a broad climatic range, and allowed the forestry industry to match species with diverse sites around the world that may demand resilience to adverse conditions in addition to productivity. The creation of hybrids has further facilitated the selection of traits which can optimize productivity and resilience under adverse conditions. Stomatal regulation is thought to underpin this optimization, but a coherent predictive theory remains elusive, with a gain:risk framing now shaping new advances. Solutions to this challenge could help position eucalypts as a vital element of nature-based solutions to anthropogenic climatic change, addressing mitigation needs while considering optimal resource use, especially of water. This study explored drought responses of two eucalypt hybrids (Eucalyptus grandis x longirostrata (E.gl) and Corymbia henryi x torelliana (C.ht)) with contrasting water use strategies, to identify how key leaf-level functional traits (stomatal and light harvesting behaviour) influence the trade-off between growth rate and drought tolerance traits. Experimental plants were grown from rooted cuttings of each clone, and subjected to a 12-week drought period. Repeated harvesting quantified growth effect using biomass, stem height and stem diameter measures. Photosynthetic response analysis determined the differential effect of drought on the photosynthetic apparatus of the two varietals. Stomatal conductance and soil water potential were measured repeatedly while varietals were subjected to soil dry-down, and used to parameterize an optimization model to estimate hydraulic parameters for both varietals. The data showed distinct water-use strategies in the two varietals, resulting in a differential fit between responses predicted by a gain:risk approach in the two varietals. Model predictions more closely matched measurements in E.gl, which showed a more isohydric response to drought (i.e. more rapid stomatal closure) and less closely in C.ht which showed a more anisohydric response (i.e. lower but less drought- responsive stomatal conductance). Both varietals showed no damage to photosynthetic apparatus under drought conditions, revealing the resilience of light harvesting in both water use strategies. This suggests that stomatal optimization modelling approaches need to better incorporate longer term adaptive responses that affect the gain:risk trade-off. Varietal differences in growth measures reflected these leaf level functional traits, with C.ht showing a significantly higher relative increase in biomass than E.gl by the end of the experiment, regardless of water treatment. Prioritisation of stem diameter growth in C.ht may support xylem development that is more tolerant of cavitation, while the E.gl varietal prioritised apical stem growth which would likely support greater productivity under sustained ideal water supply conditions, but this accumulative effect would require more time to emerge than permitted by this experiment.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Eucalyptus spesies (bloekombome) is van die vinnigste groeiende boom spesies op aarde, met ’n hoë produksie tempo. Die hoë diversiteit van bloekombome het tot gevolg dat hierdie takson suksesvol groei in ’n breë verskeidenheid van klimaatsgebiede. Dit het toegelaat dat die bosbou industrie ’n verskeidenheid van spesies suksesvol kon verbou in verskillende toestande regoor die wêreld, waar daar aanvraag bestaan vir aanpasbaarheid ter ondersteuning van produktiwiteit. Die hibriedisering van Eucalyptus spp. dra by tot die seleksie van sekere eienskappe wat produktiwiteit en veerkragtigheid onder ongunstige toestande kan bevorder. Die huidige opinie is dat die regulering van stomata hierdie optimaliseering ondersteun, maar ’n samehangende en voorspellende hipotese ontwyk navorsers, alhoewel die ontwikkeling van ’n wins:risiko raamwerk bied tans ’n potentiele oplossing. Sulke oplossings kan help om Eucalyptus spp. te posisioneer as ’n noodsaaklike element van natuuur-gebaseerde oplossings vir klimaatsverandering wat saam klimaatversagting asook die optimale gebruik van hulpbronne kan adresseer, veral ten opsigte van waterverbruik. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die droogte-reaksies van twee Eucalyptus-hibriede (Eucalyptus grandis x longirostrata (E.gl) en Corymbia henryi x torelliana (C.ht)) wat teenoorgestelde watergebruikstrategieë aantoon, om te identifiseer hoe die sleutelkenmerke van funksionele blaar eienskappe (stomatale en lig-verbruikings gedrag) die wisselwerking tussen groeitempo en droogte toleransie beïnvloed. Eksperimentele plante is van bewortelde steggies van elke kloon gekweek, en onderwerp aan ’n 12-week-lang droogteperiode. Groei is gekwantifiseer deur van herhaalde oes gebruik te maak, en die ontleding van biomassa, stamgroei en stamomtrek. Die effek van droogte op die fotosintetiese vermoëns van die twee variëteite is bepaal deur fotosintetiese reaksie analises. Stomatale geleidingsvermoë en grondwater potensiaal is herhaaldelik gemeet terwyl die twee variëteite onderwerp is aan gronduitdroging en ’n numeriese model is geskep om die geskatte parameters vir optimale hidroliese funksie van beide variëteite te bepaal. Die data het duidelike verskille in waterverbruik strategië vir die twee variëteite uitgewys, wat differensiële korrelasie reaksie resultate van ’n wins:risiko veroorsaak het tussen die variëteite. Model voorspellings was beter gekorreleer met die metings van E.gl, wat ’n meer isohidriese reaksie (dus vinniger stomata sluiting) getoon het, en swakker korrelasie met C.ht, wat ’n meer anisohidriese (dus laer, maar minder droogte-reagerende stomatale gedrag) vertoon het. Beide variëteite het geen benadeling van fotosintetiese apparaat getoon nie, wat wys op die veerkragtigheid van ligonderskepping en –verbruik onder droogte toestande. Hierdie resultate wys daarop dat die benadering vir stomatale optimisering modellering die langtermyn aanpassings reaksies wat ’n effek het op wins:risiko beter moet insluit. Verskille tussen die twee variëteite wat betref groei bepalings het die blaar funksionele kenmerke gereflekteer, met C.ht wat ’n beduidende hoër relatiewe toename in biomassa getoon het, in vergelyking met E.gl teen die einde van die eksperiment, ongeag die water behandelings. Prioritisering van stam diktegroei van C.ht mag die ontwikkeling van xileem bevorder wat meer verdraagsaam is teen kavitasie, terwyl E.gl apikale stamgroei geprioritiseer het, wat waarskynlik meer produktief sal wees onder langdurige ideale water toevoering, maar die kumulatiewe effek daarvan verg verdere navorsing.af_ZA
dc.format.extent82 pages : illustrations (some color)en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEucalyptus -- Breedingen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEucalyptus -- Effect of drought onen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshEucalyptus -- Effect of water levels onen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshTrees -- Physiological effecten_ZA
dc.titleLeaf-level physiological response and carbon allocation in two eucalypt hybrids with contrasting water use strategies under droughten_ZA
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