An exploratory study into understanding behavioural change in respect of HIV/AIDS : a pre-test and post-test evaluation

dc.contributor.authorGovender, Pavlin Jayasceelanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDu Toit, J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. African Centre for HIV/AIDS Management
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : HIV/AIDS is regarded as a global disease that knows no colour, language or age barrier, for this reason, industry must regard the containment and management as a strategic priority in respect of its human resource development. The objectives of the study were to assess the obstacles on an implementation strategy as well as the impact thereof with regard to knowledge, intentions and behaviour. A pretest and posttest was conducted in order assess the changes in knowledge, intentions and behaviour. The study constituted 75 subjects that were randomly selected from a Depot. Majority of staff were blue-collar workers. The researcher used two models (i.e. Theory of Reasoned Action and Modified AIDS Risk Reduction Model) as guidelines to understanding behavioural change in respect of HIV/AIDS. Information derived, supports the researcher's hypotheses, that implementation strategies increase knowledge of HIV, change sexual behaviour and attempt to reduce unsafe sexual practices. However, the researcher found no change in intentions Despite the apparent positive spin-offs in the current study, the situation must be carefully monitored to aid the downward spiral in new HIV infection rates.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : MIV/Vigs word tans gesien as 'n wêreld wye epidemie, wat geen kleur, taal of ouderdoms grense ken nie, daarom moet werkgewers die beperking en bestuur daarvan, as 'n strategiese prioriteit sien met betrekking tot hul menslike hulpbron ontwikkeling. Die doelwitte van die studie was om die struikelblokke in 'n implementering strategie te bepaal, sowel as om die impak daarvan op kennis, intensies en optrede na te vors. Die studie het 75 deelnemers ingesluit wat lukraak gekies was by 'n werkswinkel (depot) in die organisasie. Meerderheid van die werkers was bloukraag werknemers. Die navorser het van twee modelle gebruik gemaak (nl. Theory of Reasoned Action en Modified AIDS Risk Reduction Modelle) as riglyne om die verandering in optrede met betrekking tot MIVNIGS te verstaan. Inligting wat bekom is uit die navorsing, ondersteun die navorser se hipotiese stelling dat implementerings strategië, kennis ten opsigte van MIV/VIGS verbeter, verandering in seksuele optrede teweegbring sowel as om onveilige seksuele aktiwiteit te verminder. Die navorser het egter geen verandering in intensies waargeneem nie. Ten spyte van die positiewe aspekte wat uit die huidige studie waargeneem is, moet die situasie deeglik gemonitor word ten einde die afwaartse neiging in MIV/VIGS verwante infeksie vol te hou.af_ZA
dc.format.extentii, [121] pages ; illustrations, includes annexure
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectAIDS (Disease) -- South Africa -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infections -- South Africa -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectHealth behavior -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectHIV infections -- Testingen_ZA
dc.titleAn exploratory study into understanding behavioural change in respect of HIV/AIDS : a pre-test and post-test evaluation
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