Die komposisies vir klarinet van Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste

dc.contributor.advisorLoeb van Zuilenburg, P. E. O. F.
dc.contributor.authorHartshorne, Leon Andre
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis(MMus.) -- Stellenbosch University, 1989.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the past, clarinet students and lecturers experienced problems in obtaining works of South African composers. They also did not always know how to ascertain what is in existence. Practical experience is obviously the ideal way for a clarinet student to get to know composers and their styles. Therefore, it is desirable that a literature study of South African composers be at their disposal. The main purpose of this thesis is thus to acquaint clarinettists with all the available works composed in South Africa for clarinet which up to the present have been inaccessible. The purpose of this thesis is not to make a critical style analysis of the works. This thesis is a presentation of works which have been unknown up to the present, and could therefore be viewed as an annotated catalogue. The discussion of the works has been structured in such a way that the intending student will be guided to a better insight in the works. Ample use has been made of examples to highlight those factors pertaining to the performance and tuition of these compositions. Before discussing each work, a short biography of each composer is given to date and identify the composer. At the end of each discussion, reference is made to the suitability for performance and/or examination of each composition. Finally, a summary (Chapter 3) indicates which works are best suited for examination purposes, and which ones better suited for concert programmes.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Klarinetstudente en -dosente het in die verlede gesukkel om beskikbare werke wat in Suid-Afrika geskryf is te vind. Hulle het ook nie geweet hoe om vas te stel wat wel beskikbaar is nie. Praktiese ervaring is uiteraard die ideale manier waarop enige klarinetstudent komponiste en hulle stylkenmerke kan leer ken. Daarom is dit wenslik dat n literatuurstudie van Suid-Afrikaanse komponiste tot hulle bekikking is. Die belangrikste doelwit van hierdie tesis is dus om die meeste beskikbare werke wat in Suid-Afrika vir die klarinet gekomponeer is en tot dusver vir baie klarinettiste ontoeganklik was, bekend te stel. Die tesis se doel is nie om stylkritiese-analise van die werke te doen nie. Dit is eerder n bekendstelling van werke wat tot dusver onbekend was en kan as 'n geannoteerde katalogus beskou word. Die bespreking van die werke is so saamgestel dat die voornemende student gelei word tot groter insig daarin. Daar is van heelwat voorbeelde gebruik gemaak om die faktore wat op die voordrag en onderrig van die werke betrekking het, uit te lig. Voor die bespreking van elke werk word n kort biografie van elke komponis gegee om die komponis in n tydperk te plaas en te identifiseer. Na elke bespreking word daar verwys na die geskiktheid van die betrokke komposisie(s) ten opsigte van konsertuivoering en/of eksamens. Ten slotte is daar n opsomming wat aandui watter werke die geskikste vir eksamendoeleindes is en watter eerder geskik is vir konsertprogram.af_ZA
dc.format.extent156 p.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.subjectClarinet musicen_ZA
dc.subjectComposers -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musicen_ZA
dc.titleDie komposisies vir klarinet van Suid-Afrikaanse komponisteaf_ZA
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