Effect of human male patient diagnosis on syngamy timing and blastulation using time-lapse technology

dc.contributor.advisorWindt De Beer, Marie-Lenaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorEls-Smit, Lydiaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSteyn, Cheyenneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractBACKGROUND: Improving embryo selection for embryo transfer is essential in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), especially in single embryo transfer settings to reduce multiple birth rate. Current selection methods are largely based on assessment of morphological characteristics. Morphological blastocyst parameters have been shown in literature to correlate with implantation and live birth success rates, while female age is well established to affect overall assisted reproductive technology outcomes. More recently, kinetic parameters from time lapse (TL) technology have also emerged as additional selection characteristics during embryo development. As of yet, the effect of certain patient factors on kinetic parameters is to be elucidated. Syngamy is the merging event of maternal and paternal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) during fertilization and can be accurately determined / visualized using TL. The functional centrosome within the spermatozoa contributes to chromosome alignment and combination, therefore possibly impacting syngamy. The paternal genome from the spermatozoon also possibly contributes to blastulation on day 5 of embryo development by playing a role in the embryo genome activation, which drives advanced embryo development. The kinetic time points generated by TL technology during embryo development, can be used to examine the potential effect of male fertility diagnosis on syngamy and blastulation. This may elucidate whether syngamy timing is a relevant kinetic parameter that can allow more accurate selection and prediction of good quality embryos. AIMS: Primary aim: To investigate the possible measurable direct effect of male fertility prognosis using TL, on the time duration to the syngamy fertilization event. Secondary aim: To investigate the subsequent effect of male fertility prognosis using TL, on syngamy timing and the resulting advanced embryo development and blastocyst quality. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study that was conducted from 2017 to 2018 at Wijnland Fertility clinic on de-identified, aggregated TL patient embryo data from 2013 to 2016. Data was filtered according to inclusion and exclusion criteria and categorized according to defined male prognosis groups (good prognosis (GP), poor prognosis (PP), and very poor prognosis (VP)). Data was submitted for statistical analysis (statistical significance: P < 0.05). Female age was compensated for during statistical analysis. RESULTS: Results indicated that all three male prognosis groups (GP, PP, VP) had similar rates of normal fertilization (60.12%, 58.84%, and 54.29%, P = 0.19) and subsequent blastulation (64.75%, 69.61%, and 63.28%, P = 0.25). The GP group showed significantly shorter syngamy timing compared to the VP group (19.73 ± 3.69 hours vs 20.80 ± 4.71 hours, P = 0.02). Shorter syngamy timing significantly correlated with increased blastocyst expansion on day 5 of embryo development in all groups (P < 0.01). A shorter syngamy timing significantly correlated with A-grade trophectoderm epithelium (TE) quality compared to B-grade (P = 0.02). A-grade TE in the GP group (P = 0.05) and VP group showed significantly shorter syngamy timing compared to B-grade in the VP group (P =0.04). Syngamy timing did not show any significant correlation with inner cell mass (ICM) quality (P = 0.36) or between male prognosis groups (P = 0.13). CONCLUSION: Results indicated that although fertilization and blastulation rate amongst the male prognosis groups were similar, poorer male prognosis may lead to extended syngamy timing and poorer blastocysts, impacting expansion and trophectoderm epithelium quality specifically. Since these two blastocyst parameters are the most important indicators of embryo implantation potential, syngamy can therefore be an early predictive marker for blastocyst quality, irrespective of initial sperm prognosis.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAGTERGROND: In die veld van reproduktiewe biologie en in vitro bevrugtingmetodes is enkel embrioterugplasing belangrik vir die vermindering van meervoudige geboortesyfers. Dit is dus essensiëel om embrioseleksie te optimeer. Huidige seleksiemetodes is grootliks gebasseer op morfologiese evaluering. Kinetiese parameters is onlangs ontwikkel, met behulp van tydsverloop-tegnologie (TL), wat addisionele embrioseleksie hulpmiddels bied. Die effek van spesifieke pasiëntfaktore op kinetiese parameters is tans nog eksperimenteel en nie ten volle ondersoek, bewys of beskryf nie. Vroulike ouderdom is wel reeds bewys as een van die hoof rolspelers in algehele reproduktiewe in vitro behandelingsuitkomste. Singamie is die samesmelting van vroulike en manlike deoksiribonukleïensuur (DNS) tydens die proses van bevrugting en kan duidelik gevisualiseer word met TL. Die funksionele sentrosoom binne die spermatosoön is verantwoordelik vir chromosoom belyning en samesmelting. Spermatosoa speel dus ‘n belangrike rol tydens die proses van singamie. Die manlike genoom, afkomstig van die spermatosoön, dra by tot blastosering op dag 5 van embrio-ontwikkeling en die aktivering van die embriogenoom gedurende gevorderde embrio-ontwikkeling. Kinetiese tydspunte gedurende embrio-ontwikkeling, met behulp van TL, kan gebruik word om die potensiële effek van manlike fertiliteitsdiagnose op singamie en blastosering te ondersoek. Bevindinge kan moontlik lei tot meer akkurate evaluering van embriokwaliteit en dus meer akkurate embrioseleksie vir embrioterugplasing. DOELWITTE: Primêre doelwit: Ondersoek die moontlike meetbare effek van manlike fertilliteitsprognose op die tydsverloop tot singamie, waartydens die spermatosoön noodsaaklike sentrosome voorsien. Sekondêre doelwit: Ondersoek die effek van manlike fertiliteitsprognose op die gevolglike gevorderde embrio-ontwikkeling, waartydens die manlike genoom ‘n aktiewe rol speel in blastosistontwikkeling en kwaliteit. MATERIALE EN METODES: Hierdie was ‘n retrospektiewe studie vanaf 2017 tot 2018 by Wijnland Fertiliteitskliniek op ‘n onïdentifiseerbare, saamgevoegde TL databasis van in vitro bevrugtingsgevalle se embrio-ontwikkeling op data vanaf 2013 tot 2016. Data was volgens die insluit- en uitsluitingskriteria gefiltreer en gekategoriseer volgens bepaalde manlike prognosegroepe (goeie prognose (GP); swak prognose (PP); baie swak prognose (VP)). Die data was daarna ingehandig vir statistiese analise (statistiese beduidenheid: P < 0.05). Die moontlike verwagte effek van vroulike ouderdom was in berekening gebring tydens statistiese ontleding. RESULTATE: Resultate dui aan dat al drie manlike prognosegroepe (GP, PP, VP) soortgelyke normale bevrugting- (60.12%, 58.84%, en 54.29%, P = 0.19) en blastoseringwaardes getoon het (64.75%, 69.61%, en 63.28%, P = 0.25). Die GP groep het ‘n korter singamie tyd getoon in vergelyking met die VP groep (19.73 ± 3.69 ure teenoor 20.80 ± 4.71 ure, P = 0.02). Korter tydsverloop tot singamie in alle groepe het beduidend gekorreleer met verder gevorderde blastosistvergroting op dag 5 van embrio-ontwikkeling (P < 0.01). Korter tydsverloop tot singamie het ook gekorreleer met trofektoderm kwaliteitsgradering, spesifiek tussen A- en B-graad trofektoderm (P = 0.02). Tydsverloop tot singamie was beduidend korter vir A-graad trofektoderm in die GP groep (P = 0.05) en VP groep in vergelyking met B-graad trofektoderm in die VP (P = 0.04). Tydsverloop tot singamie het geen beduidende korrelasie getoon met binneselmassa kwaliteit oorhoofs (P = 0.36), asook nie tussen die manlike prognosegroepe (P = 0.13) nie. GEVOLGTREKKING: Resultate dui daarop dat alhoewel bevrugting- en blastoseringwaardes van die manlike prognosegroepe soortgelyk was, het swakker manlike prognose gelei tot verlengde tydsverloop tot singamie en gevolglik ook tot swakker blastosist kwaliteit. Die effek van verlengde singamie was veral op blastosist vergroting en trofektoderm kwaliteit waargeneem. Aangesien singamie spesifiek met hierdie twee belangrike blastosist parameters korreleer, wat goeie indikators van implantasie potensiaal is, kan singamie moontlik ’n vroeë indikator wees van blastosist kwaliteit, ongeag die sperm prognose.af_ZA
dc.format.extent173 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTime-lapse Technologyen_ZA
dc.subjectEmbryo transferen_ZA
dc.subjectAssisted reproductionen_ZA
dc.titleEffect of human male patient diagnosis on syngamy timing and blastulation using time-lapse technologyen_ZA
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