Widespread superficial thrombophlebitis as a manifestation of secondary syphilis - a new sign. A report of 2 cases

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Health & Medical Publishing Group
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two patients with serologically proven secondary syphilis also showed multifocal superficial thrombophlebitis. All manifestations cleared when appropriate antisyphilitic treatment was instituted. Although Treponema pallidum could not be demonstrated in the thrombophlebitic veins, the organism was considered responsible, either directly or indirectly. Multifocal superficial thrombophlebitis should be regarded as a new sign of secondary syphilis.
CITATION: Jordaan, H. F. 1986. Widespread superficial thrombophlebitis as a manifestation of secondary syphilis - a new sign. A report of 2 cases. South African Medical Journal, 70(10), 493-494.
The original publication is available at http://www.samj.org.za
Thrombophlebitis, Syphilis -- Diagnosis, Syphilis -- Treatment
Jordaan, H.F. 1986. Widespread superficial thrombophlebitis as a manifestation of secondary syphilis - a new sign. A report of 2 cases. South African Medical Journal, 70(10), 493-494.