The relationship between training load and perceived sleep quality and quantity in professional Rugby Sevens players during an international competitive season

dc.contributor.advisorVenter, Ranelen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorKolling, Sarahen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOpperman, Simonen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Sport Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sleep is an essential component in the performance of athletes. Exercise performed during the day might influence subsequent sleep and disrupt the quality and quantity (duration) thereof. How an athlete perceived the quality and quantity of sleep is important in monitoring their well-being. By knowing the effects of exercise on subsequent sleep as well as how sleep is affected during a competitive season, should assist coaches in the planning and scheduling of training sessions to allow adequate recovery for athletes. Athletes should also be educated on the value of good quality and quantity of sleep to enhance their performance. The primary aim of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between variation in daily training load (dTL) and the subsequent night’s perceived sleep quality (pSQ) and perceived sleep quantity as perceived sleep duration (pSD) of Rugby Sevens players. The secondary aim of this study was to determine if there is a relationship between pSQ and pSD in Rugby Sevens players as it was hypothesised by the researcher that there is a relationship between better sleep quality and longer sleep duration perceived by players. The third aim of this study was to determine if there was a change in training load during the 31-week season while the fourth aims were to determine if there was a change for pSQ and pSD for the same 31-week period. During an international, 16 elite professional Rugby Sevens players from the South African National Rugby Sevens squad were observed for 31 weeks during a competitive season. Training load consists of two components: intensity, measured as the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) and the duration of the exercise sessions which was termed session training load (sTL) for the purpose of this study. For multiple training sessions or matches on a day, all sTL for the day were summed in order to provide the daily training load (dTL). This was measured for all training sessions, captain’s runs and matches. Each player’s dTL was correlated with pSQ and pSD for the subsequent night’s sleep. The duration of training sessions or matches were also summed to provide the total training or match time for the day called the daily duration (dD). The highest intensity the player was exposed to for any of the exercise sessions on the day was termed the maximum RPE (mRPE) by using the highest RPE score provided for any of the sessions, should there have been more than one training session on a day or more than one match. For training sessions, captain’s runs and matches mRPE and the dD were also correlated with the subsequent night’s pSQ and pSD. Self-reported perceived sleep scores have been shown to be reliable in a team set-up. After training sessions pSD were negatively impacted by the daily duration (DD) (r = -0.16) (p < 0.01), the intensity (mRPE) (-0.12) (p < 0.01) and the daily training load (dTL) (-0.17) (p < 0.01) of the training session. After matches pSQ was negatively impacted by the DD (r = -0.4) (p < 0.01) and dTL (-0.37) (p < 0.01) of the playing time in the matches. Neither pSQ nor pSD was significantly affected after captain’s runs (p > 0.05). Furthermore, it seems that sleep quality and duration are coupled as A moderate positive correlation (r = 0.32, p < 0.01) was found between pSQ and pSD during the season. There was a significant difference in pSQ for each additional hour of pSD from more than five hours of sleep to more than eight hours of sleep (p > 0.05). These findings indicated that there might be a relationship between sleep duration and training load, intensity and the duration of training sessions after training sessions. Sleep quality might have a relationship with the training load and duration of playing time in matches. Also, sleep quality and sleep duration seem to have a positive relationship with each other. Lastly, no significant changes (p > 0.05) could be found between the start of the season and the end of the season for training load, pSQ and pSD. Notwithstanding the results of this study that showed exercise might have an impact on subsequent sleep quality and quantity, other circumstances could also contribute to the findings. Body soreness, early morning training session and circadian desynchronization, for instance, are possible confounding variables which may hinder sleep quality and quantity of elite athletes. Acquiring a better understanding of how exercise and sleep influence each other can assist in planning to optimise performance. In the current study, only the effects of exercise on sleep were assessed. It might be relevant to examine the effects of the previous night’s sleep on subsequent training in future studies. In conclusion, findings from this study indicate the need for elite athletes to increase sleep duration in order to enhance sleep quality which is closely coupled with performance benefits.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Slaap is ’n noodsaaklike komponent wat ’n invloed het op atlete se prestasie. Oefening wat deur die dag gedoen word, kan die daaropvolgende nag se slaap beïnvloed en die slaapkwaliteit en slaapkwantiteit (duur) daarvan versteur. Atlete se ervaring ten opsigte van slaapkwaliteit en -kwantiteit is belangrik tydens die monitering van hul welstand. Begrip rakende die impak van daaglikse oefening op slaap sowel as hoe slaap geaffekteer word gedurende ’n kompetisieseisoen, kan afrigters help met die beplanning en skedulering van oefensessies om voorsiening te maak dat die atleet voldoende herstel. Sportlui kan ook baat vind by inligting oor die waarde van goeie slaapkwaliteit en -kwantiteit om prestasie te bevorder. Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of daar ’n verwantskap is tussen variasie in daaglikse oefenlading (dTL) en die daaropvolgende nag se waargenome-slaapkwaliteit (pSQ) en -slaapkwantiteit as waargenome slaapduur (pSD) van rugbysewesspelers. . Die tweede doel van die studie was om te bepaal of daar ’n verwantskap tussen pSQ en pSD by rugbysewesspelers. Dit was die navorser se hipotese dat daar ‘n verwantskap is tussen beter slaapkwaliteit en langer slaapduur soos waargeneem deur spelers. Gedurende ’n internasionale toernooi, 16 elite professionele rugbysewesspelers van die Suid-Afrikaanse Rugbysewesgroep is waargeneem vir 31 weke in ‘n seisoen waar daar gekompeteer is. Al die spelers wat deel was van die studie se ouderdom het gewissel tussen 19 en 29 jaar. Oefenlading bestaan uit twee komponente, naamlik, intensiteit, gemeet as die waargenome oefenlading (RPE) en die daaglikse lengte van oefensessies. Die produk hiervan was sessie-oefenlading (sTL) genoem. Vir meer as een oefensessie of wedstryd per dag was sTL by mekaar getel vir die dag om die daaglikse oefenlading (dTL) te gee. Daaglikse oefenlading (dTL) was tydens al die oefensessies, kapteinsoefeninge en wedstryde gemeet. Dit is dan gekorreleer met pSQ en pSD tydens die daaropvolgende nag. Die lengte van oefensessies of wedtryde vir ‘n dag is ook saam getel om die daaglikse lengte van ‘n sessie te gee. Dit was daaglikse durasie genoem (DD). Vir meer as een oefensessie of wedstryd op ‘n dag was die sessie met die hoogste RPE waaraan ‘n speler blootgestel was die maksimum RPE telling (mRPE) vir die dag genoem. mRPE and DD was ook gekorreleer met pSQ en pSD soos ervaar tydens die daaropvolgende nag se slaap na oefensessies, wedstryde en kapteinsoefeninge. Elke aand se pSD is gemeet in minute en pSQ is gemeet op ’n skaal van 1 tot 10 in arbitrêre eenhede waar 1 die swakste ervaring en 10 die beste ervaring van slaapkwaliteit was. Self-gerapporteerde waargenome-slaaptellings binne die opset van ’n sportspan het getoon dat dit betroubaar is. Resultate het getoon dat pSD na oefensessies negatief beïnvloed is deur die lengte van die oefensessie (DD) (r = -0.16) (p < 0.01), die intensiteit (mRPE) (-0.12) (p < 0.01) en die daaglikse oefenlading (dTL) (-0.17) (p < 0.01). Na wedstryde is pSQ negatief beïnvloed deur die lengte van wedstryde (DD) (r = -0.4) (p < 0.01) en die oefenlading (dTL) van wedstryde (-0.37) (p < 0.01). Nòg pSQ nòg pSD is beïnvloed na ’n kapteinsoefening. Verder is daar ’n redelike positiewe korrelasie tussen pSQ en pSD gedurende die seisoen gevind. Daar was ‘n beduidende toename in pSQ vir elke bykomende uur van pSD. Hierdie bevindinge wys daarop dat slaapkwantiteit meer geneig was om na oefensessie beïnvloed te word deur oefenlading, intensiteit en die lengte van oefensessies. Slaapkwaliteit was weer meer geneig om beïnvloed te word deur wedstryde se oefenlading en intesiteit. Slaapkwaliteit en -kwanteit het ‘n positiewe verwantskap met mekaar getoon. Laastens kon daar geen beduidende verskille gekry word tussen die beign en einde van ‘n seisoen vir oefenlading, pSQ en pSD nie. Nieteenstaande die resultate in hierdie studie wat toon dat oefening ’n impak het op slaapkwaliteit en -kwantiteit, mag daar ook bykomende faktore wees wat kan bydra tot die uitkoms van die studie. Lyfseer, vroeë-oggendoefensessies en desinkronisering van die liggaamlike sirkadiese ritme is voorbeelde van bydraende faktore wat spelers se slaapkwaliteit en -kwantiteit kan versteur. Om ’n beter begrip te hê van die invloed wat oefening en slaap op mekaar het, kan afrigters bemagtig om oefensessies en slaap so uit te werk dat spelers optimaal kan presteer. In die huidige studie is net die effek van oefening op slaap ondersoek, maar die impak van die vorige nag se slaap op oefen en prestasie mag nuttig wees vir toekomstigge studies. Verder beklemtoon die bevindings in hierdie studie die noodsaaklikheid van verlengde slaaptyd vir topspelers om slaapkwaliteit te verhoog wat kan bydra tot beter prestasie.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxx, 195 leaves : illustrations (some color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSleep -- Qualityen_ZA
dc.subjectSleep -- Physiological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football players -- Health and hygieneen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby Sevens (Game)en_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football -- Trainingen_ZA
dc.subjectRugby football players -- Physiological aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleThe relationship between training load and perceived sleep quality and quantity in professional Rugby Sevens players during an international competitive seasonen_ZA
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