Towards developing retention strategies: A study on the professional and administrative ataff of the Namibian Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture

dc.contributor.advisorNdevu, Zwelinzimaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNdeipanda, Ellenen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to develop retention strategies for the professional and administrative staff of the Namibian Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (MoEAC). To fulfil this objective, the following process was undertaken:  A literature review was conducted on the theoretical explanation of the staff turnover and retention. Following this, the causes and consequences of staff turnover were explored. The overview of motivation theories was provided to understand factors surrounding employee motivation in the workplace. The literature review further covered factors determining retention and strategies used by organisations in retaining employees.  An overview of existing policies and regulatory frameworks related to deployment and management of human resources in the public service of Namibia was also conducted.  The empirical study was conducted to determine the factors influencing employees to leave Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and strategies that management can adopt to retain its valuable employees. The study adopted both a quantitative and qualitative research design through the use of a questionnaire administered to the officials with supervisory duties and interviews with members of the senior management of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture. The results obtained through the two data sources were consolidated. The study established that employees of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture leave their jobs due to factors such as a poor management style, a lack of training and professional development opportunities, a lack of opportunities for growth, a lack of motivation and support from supervisors/management, an unfavourable working environment, insufficient remuneration/fringe benefits, a lack of coaching and mentoring, poor communication, a lack of proper coordination of activities, and bureaucracy in the system. The study further established that the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and Government of Namibia are faced with challenges in addressing staff retention. These challenges include the impossibility of satisfying every employee’s needs, especially in a huge ministry such as the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture, difficulty in stopping people from seeking better opportunities and limited budget allocation to meet the high demand for salaries/benefits, including training programmes. The study also discovered that a desired change takes long to be realised due to bureaucratic government structure and this was believed to hinder efforts of addressing retention in the public service of Namibia. Based on the above findings, recommendations were made for retaining the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture employees at its head office. These recommendations include:  Providing adequate training and career advancement;  Providing coaching and mentoring;  Compensating employees adequately by providing competitive salaries and benefits;  Adopting appropriate management approaches;  Ensuring recognition and reward for performance;  Improving organisational structure; and  Creating a motivating organisational culture. In view of the above, this study strongly recommends that the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture adopt retention strategies for the efficient and effective service delivery in the basic education sector.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om strategieë te ontwikkel om die professionele en administratiewe personeel van die Namibiese Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur (MvOKK) te behou. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, is die volgende proses onderneem:  ’n Literatuurstudie oor die teoretiese beskouing van personeelomset en personeelbehoud is gedoen. Die oorsake en gevolge van personeelomset is vervolgens ondersoek. Die oorsig oor motiveringsteorieë is verskaf om faktore aangaande personeelmotivering in die werkplek te verstaan. Die literatuurstudie het verder faktore gedek wat behoud en strategieë wat deur organisasies gebruik word om personeel te behou, bepaal.  ’n Oorsig oor bestaande beleide en regulasieraamwerke met betrekking tot die ontplooiing en bestuur van menslike hulpbronne in die openbare diens van Namibië is verskaf.  Die empiriese studie is onderneem om die faktore wat werknemers beïnvloed om die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur te verlaat en die strategieë wat bestuur kan aanwend om sy waardevolle werknemers te behou, te bepaal. Die studie het ’n kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp aangewend deur van ’n vraelys wat onder amptenare met toesighoudende pligte geadministreer is en onderhoude met lede van die senior bestuur van die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur gebruik te maak. Die resultate wat deur die twee databronne verkry is, is gekonsolideer. Die studie het vasgestel dat werknemers van die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur hul poste verlaat weens faktore soos ’n swak bestuurstyl, ’n tekort aan opleiding en professionele ontwikkelingsgeleenthede, ’n tekort aan geleenthede vir groei, ’n tekort aan motivering en ondersteuning deur toesighouers/bestuur, ’n ongunstige werksomgewing, onvoldoende vergoeding/byvoordele, ’n tekort aan afrigting en mentorskap, swak kommunikasie, ’n tekort aan behoorlike koördinering van aktiwiteite, en burokrasie in die stelsel. Die studie het verder vasgestel dat die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur en die regering van Namibië in die gesig gestaar word deur uitdagings met betrekking tot die aanspreek van personeelbehoud. Hierdie uitdagings sluit in die onmoontlikheid om in elke werknemer se behoeftes te voorsien, veral in ’n groot ministerie soos die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur, moeilikheid om mense te keer om beter geleenthede te soek en ’n beperkte begrotingstoewysing om aan die hoë eise van salarisse/byvoordele, insluitende opleidingsprogramme, te voldoen. Hierdie studie het ook bevind dat die gewenste verandering lank neem om tot uiting te kom weens die burokratiese regeringstrukture en daar word geglo dat dit pogings om personeelbehoud in die openbare diens van Namibië aan te spreek, belemmer. Op grond van die bogenoemde bevindings is aanbevelings gemaak om die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur-werknemers by sy hoofkantoor te behou. Hierdie aanbevelings sluit in:  Voorsiening van voldoende opleiding en loopbaanbevordering;  Voorsiening van afrigting en mentorskap;  Genoegsame vergoeding vir werknemers deur kompeterende salarisse en byvoordele;  Aanneming van toepaslike bestuursbenaderings;  Versekering van erkenning en beloning vir prestatasie.  Verbetering van organisatoriese strukture; en  Skepping van ’n motiverende organisatoriese kultuur. In die lig van die bogenoemde beveel hierdie studie sterk aan dat die Ministerie van Onderwys, Kuns en Kultuur behoudstrategieë aanneem vir die doeltreffende en effektiewe dienslewering in die basiese onderwyssektor.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxvi, 99 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectNamibia. Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture -- Personnel managementen_ZA
dc.subjectEmployee retentionen_ZA
dc.subjectNamibia. Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture -- Officials and employees -- Turnoveren_ZA
dc.subjectGovernment employees -- Job satisfaction -- Namibiaen_ZA
dc.titleTowards developing retention strategies: A study on the professional and administrative ataff of the Namibian Ministry of Education, Arts and Cultureen_ZA
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