Belastingoorwegings om in gedagte te hou by samesmeltings en oornames van Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappye

dc.contributor.advisorVan Schalkwyk, C. J.
dc.contributor.authorDe Bruin, Magdalena Maria
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic & Management Sciences. Dept. of Economics.
dc.descriptionThesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: TAX CONSIDERATIONS OF MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS During the past few years the South African business environment experienced a considerable increase in corporate mergers and acquisitions. At a corporate tax rate of thirty per cent, the tax implications of mergers and acquisitions have an important impact on the financial success thereof. By way of background information, a short exposition of the characteristics, the various forms and the reasons for the increase, of mergers and acquisitions is provided. Essentially a merger or acquisition entails the acquisition of either the business of, or the shares in, the target company. A comparison is drawn between the tax consequences of the above two options for both parties to mergers and acquisitions. The composition of the purchase price payable by an acquiring company in respect of the acquisition of the target company's business or shares may have far reaching tax consequences. Consequently, the most commonly used arrangements relating to payment of the purchase price are scrutinized from a tax point of view. The bulk of the study consists of an analysis of particular aspects of mergers and acquisitions, which may, depending on how a particular transaction is structured, result in important tax benefits. The analysis is directed towards, firstly, establishing the tax consequences arising from mergers and acquisitions and, secondly, suggesting tax efficient structuring methods or alerting against structuring options that may have detrimental tax results. Some of the proposed tax structuring techniques have tax efficient results for one party to the merger or acquisition, but result in corresponding negative tax effects for the other. There are, however, opportunities to structure a tax efficient transaction in such a way to ensure that both parties share in the tax benefit. lt is even possible to, in respect of certain aspects of mergers and acquisitions, achieve a tax efficient result for both parties to the transaction without any commensurate disadvantage, or without them having to share the benefits thereof. lt is important to evaluate tax planning strategies against the general antiavoidance measures contained in the doctrine of substance over form and in tax legislation. Consequently, in the final analysis, the applicability of the antiavoidance measures to the tax planning strategies proposed in this study, is considered.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: BELASTINGOORWEGINGS OM IN GEDAGTE TE HOU BY SAMESMEL TINGS EN OORNAMES VAN SUID-AFRIKAANSE MAATSKAPPYE Korporatiewe samesmeltings en oornames is 'n dinamiese en immer groeiende area van die Suid-Afrikaanse besigheidsomgewing. Teen 'n korporatiewe belastingkoers van dertig persent is die belastinggevolge van 'n samesmelting of oorname 'n belangrike faktor in die finansiele sukses daarvan. Ter agtergrondinligting word daar in hierdie studie 'n kort uiteensetting van wat 'n samesmelting en oorname behels, die verskillende vorme wat dit kan aanneem en die redes waarom samesmeltings en oornames plaasvind, gegee. In wese kan 'n samesmelting of oorname geskied deur die verkryging van of die besigheid of die aandele van 'n teikenmaatskappy. 'n Vergelyking tussen die belastingimplikasies van genoemde twee opsies word uit die perspektief van beide die verkrygende maatskappy en die teikenmaatskappy, getref. Die samestelling van die koopprys wat ingevolge 'n oorname of 'n samesmelting betaalbaar is, kan verreikende belastingimplikasies inhou. Die mees algemene wyses van betaling, en die belastinggevolge wat daaruit voortvloei, word dus geanaliseer. Die studie behels hoofsaaklik 'n ontleding van spesifieke aspekte inherent aan samesmeltings en oornames wat, afhangend van die strukturering van die transaksie, verskillende belastinggevolge inhou. Die doel met die ontleding is tweeledig, naamlik om, eerstens, die belastinggevolge van samesmeltings en oornames vas te stel en om, tweedens, enersyds voorstelle te maak vir effektiewe belastingstrukturering, en andersins te waarsku teen struktureringsopsies wat negatiewe belastinggevolge mag inhou. Sommige struktureringstegnieke hou voordelige belastinggevolge vir een party tot 'n samesmelting of oorname in, maar lei tot korresponderende nadelige belastinggevolge vir die ander party. In sommige gevalle is dit egter moontlik om 'n middeweg tussen die voordeel en korresponderende nadeel te vind, sodat die partye in die voordeel kan deel. Daar word ook aangetoon dat sommige aspekte van samesmeltings en oornames, indien dit noukeurig beplan word, belastingvoordele sonder enige korresponderende nadele vir beide partye kan inhou. Belastingbeplanningstegnieke moet egter aan die algemene teenvermydingsmaatreels wat in die leerstuk van wese bo vorm, asook in belastingwetgewing, vervat word, gemeet word. Die studie word dus afgesluit met 'n bespreking van die toepaslikheid van die algemene teenvermydingsmaatreels op die voorstelle wat gemaak word ten opsigte van belastingstruktureringsopsies.af_ZA
dc.format.extent90 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectConsolidation and merger of corporations -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectConsolidation and merger of corporations -- Taxation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectCorporations -- Taxation -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Economicsen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Economicsen_ZA
dc.titleBelastingoorwegings om in gedagte te hou by samesmeltings en oornames van Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappyeaf_ZA
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