An exploratory study on the need for an employee assistance programme (E.A.P) : the case of Cape Winelands District Municipality

dc.contributor.advisorKetel, Belinda
dc.contributor.authorSeptember, Angela Lilianen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Management and Planning.
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Employees, whether in the public or private sector, are the most valuable asset of an organisation. The human resource component of the organisation contributes toward the creation of a positive advantage for that organisation. Any organisation with high performance goals will treat people as their most valuable asset and the top priority within the organisation. Too many organisations still do not invest in the human side of the equation, but emphasise the technical efficiency which reaps financial investment. Organisations that want to remain competitive and at the leading edge must invest more in the human side of the equation. Today more and more organisations are aware of their social responsibility towards their employees. Employees experience a multitude of personal and work-related problems such as marital, family and financial difficulties, substance abuse, the impact of HIV/AIDS, job stress, job burnout and other. These problems influence work performance detrimentally, which in turn causes financial losses to the organisation. Further pressure is placed on the work community with government legislation on employment equity and affirmative action, which also leads to diversity problems within the workplace. In this milieu, work organisations are challenged to take up their social responsibility towards their employees and take better care of them. One way in which organisations can take care of their employees is through an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). An EAP is a service provided by organisations to their employees to deal with health, personal, marital and substance abuse problems and other. It is a short-term, confidential counselling service for employees who are experiencing personal problems that affect their work performance and which can therefore improve the employees‟ general wellness. Cape Winelands District Municipality (CWDM) does not have a formal structure such as an EAP to render support to a troubled employee. This research focused on the question: “Is there a need for an EAP at CWDM?” The data gathered in this study reveal that there is a great need for an EAP. On the basis of the outcome of the study, ten practical guidelines for implementation of an EAP are provided to the organisation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Werkernemers, hetsy in die privaat of publieke sektor, is die waardevolste bate van die organisasie. Die menslike hulpbron komponent dra by tot die skepping van ʼn positiewe voorsprong vir daardie organisasie. Enige organisasie met hoë prestasiedoelwitte sal hul werknemers as hul waardevolste bate en die hoogste prioriteit behandel. Te veel organisasies belê steeds nie in die menslike sy van die organisasie nie, maar eerder in die tegniese sy wat meer finansiële beleggings oplewer. „n Organisasie wat kompeterend en toonaangewend wil bly, moet meer belê in die menslike sy. Deesdae besef al hoe meer organisasies dat hulle ʼn sosiale verantwoordelikheid teenoor hul werknemers het. Werkrnemers ervaar ʼn magdom persoonlike en werkverwante probleme soos byvoorbeeld huweliks-, gesins- en finansiële probleme, middelmisbruik sowel as die impak van HIV/VIGS, werkstres, uitbranding en ander. Hierdie probleme beiinvloed werksproduktiwiteit aansienlik, wat direk lei tot finansiële verliese vir die organisasie. Voorts word verdere druk op die werksgemeenskap geplaas deur regeringsbeleid te wete werksgelykheid en regstellende aksie wat ook aanleiding gee tot diversiteitsprobleme binne die werksplek. Teen hierdie agtergrond word werksorganisasies uitgedaag om sosiale verantwoordelikheid vir sy werknemers te aanvaar en om beter sorg te dra vir sy werknemers. Een manier waarop organisasies na hul werknemers kan omsien, is deur „n werknemerhulpprogram. ʼn Werknemerhulpprogram is ʼn diens wat verskaf word deur werkgewers aan werknemers wat probleme ondervind met byvoorbeeld gesondheid, huwelik, gesin, middelmisbruik en ander.. Dit is ʼn korttermyn, konfidensiële beradingsdiens vir werknemers wie se werkvermoë negatief beïnvloed word. ʼn Werknemerhulpprogram het ten doel om ʼn werknemer se totale welstand te verbeter. Kaapse Wynland Distriksmunisipaliteit (KWDM) het tans, nie ʼn formele struktuur soos „n werrknemerhulpprogram wat bystand aan die geaffekteerde werker kan bied nie. Hierdie navorsingstudie fokus op die vraag:”Is daar ʼn behoefte aan ʼn werknemerhulpprogram by KWDM”? Die data wat tydens die studie ingesamel is, toon dat daar wel ʼn behoefte aan ʼn Werknemerhulpprogram is. Gegrond op die uitkoms van die studie, word tien praktiese riglyne vir die implementering van 'n Werknemerhulpprogram aan die organisasie voorgestel.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectEmployee assistance programsen_ZA
dc.subjectEmployees -- Counseling ofen_ZA
dc.subjectCape Winelands District Municipality -- Personnel managementen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subject.otherSchool of Public Management and Planningen_ZA
dc.titleAn exploratory study on the need for an employee assistance programme (E.A.P) : the case of Cape Winelands District Municipalityen_ZA
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