A conceptual analysis of visionary leadership and its implications for educational transformation in schools

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are many new developments in education taking place specifically in the field of schooling. Some of these developments - school based management, OBE curriculum developments and the devolution of control to the school level have brought with it many significant policy changes. Many educational leaders are struggling to keep abreast with these transformational changes that are confronting them with regard to leadership and management of education, and educational structures within the school. Therefore, visionary leadership is an essential ingredient in understanding the democratic changes and restructuring taking place at present. Many principals at schools are struggling with the changes, while possibly not fully understanding the political, social and economic dynamics of these changes. This assignment seeks to establish the need for visionary leadership in order to meet the challenges and constraints educational leaders face in their attempts to effect transformation in South Africa. I strongly identify with the democratic principles used to overcome the challenges and constraints to redress education in South African schools. Interviews were conducted and data was constructed with principals of six different schools in the East London area. The educational leaders interviewed, ranged from primary to high school principals giving a vast expanse of expertise as leaders within a specific school community. This assignment is based on the assumption that there is scope for educational leaders to bring about greater change and transformation in schools. There are many ways to visualise an effective school landscape based on a combination of personal, organisational and professional strategies. This assignment can be considered a contribution in this regard. KEY WORDS: Educational leaders, transformation and visionary leadership
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is baie nuwe verwikkelinge wat plaasvind in die onderwys veralop die gebied van skole. Baie van hierdie verwikkelinge, onder andere, skoolgebaseerde bestuur, kurrikulumontwikkeling en die oordrag van gesag op skoolvlak het baie nuwe, aanpasbare opvoedkundige beleide en veranderings verwesenlik. Baie opvoedkundige leiers worstelom aan te pas by hierdie veranderinge. Hierdie veranderinge vereis dat leiers en bestuurders in die onderwysomgewing en strukture binne skoolverband om meer responsief op te tree. Visionêre leierskap is 'n belangrike vereiste om die demokratiese veranderinge en herstrukturering van skole te bevorder. Baie skoolhoofde worstel met hierdie veranderinge, omdat hulle nie heeltemal besef wat van die politieke, sosiale en ekonomiese uitdagings wat verandering bied, verwag word nie. Hierdie taak poog om die noodsaaklikheid vir visionêre leierskap en die vereistes en beperkinge wat onderwysleiers konfronteer in hulle benadering om transformasie in Suid-Afrikaanse skole te bewerkstellig, te ondersoek. Onderhoude was onderneem en data was gekonstrueer met skoolhoofde van ses verskillende skole in die Oos-London-omgewing. Die onderhoude met die onderwysleiers het plaasgevind by primêre- sowel as hoërskole. 'n Omvattende uitbreiding van wysheid en vaardigheid as leiers binne 'n spesifike skool omgewing was geopenbaar. Hierdie taak is gebaseer op die aaname dat daar ruimte is vir onderwysleiers om beter transformasie in skole aan te bring. Daar is baie maniere om visuele, effektiewe skole se terrein, gebaseer op 'n kombinasie van persoonlike, organisitoriese en professionele strategieë, te verwesenlik. Hierdie taak kan beskou word as 'n definitiewe bydrae in hierdie verband. KERNBEGRIPPE: Onderwysleiers, transformasie en visionêre leierskap.
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Educational change -- South Africa -- East London, Educational leadership -- South Africa -- East London, School principals -- South Africa -- East London, Dissertations -- Education, Transformation in education, Visionary leadership