Tygerberg Children's Choir: history and identity

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the history and identity of the Tygerberg Children’s Choir (TCC) in South Africa, rooted in Afrikaner culture, and its transition to and continuation as a multicultural children’s choir. Founded in 1972, the choir and its long-time conductor, Hendrik Loock, have achieved numerous national and international accolades. Together with his wife Theresa, an accompanist, music teacher and arranger of music, Loock has been instrumental in raising the standard of school, regional, university and related choirs in the Western Cape and nationally. The dissertation uses a qualitative, holistic, single, intrinsic case study methodology to better understand TCC choir identity in the context of a drastically changed political dispensation. Drawing on archival data, non-participant observations and qualitative face to face semi-structured interviews, a reconstruction of the TCC’s identity is offered spanning 1972-2019. Identity Process Theory (IPT), as framed by Glynis Breakwell and Rusi Jaspal, provides a lens to investigate TCC group identity whilst considering social and historical contexts. As indicated for qualitative IPT work, data was analysed according to Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke’s Thematic Analysis (TA), by applying a constructionist reflexive orientation. Conceptual preferences are informed by an idealist ontology and an integrated social constructionist/constructivist epistemology within an interpretivist worldview. This account of TCC history shows interrelated influences on processes of choir identity construction, such as cultural, geographic, socio-political and religious contexts as well as racial, language and demographic representation in the TCC, choir composition, role players and purpose intricately interwoven with the TCC’s unique choir sound, repertoire, performance style and associated artefacts. Four themes and eight sub-themes were generated from the TCC collection in the DOMUS archive holdings, ninety eight hours of non-participant observation of choir rehearsals and a transcription dataset of twenty nine interviews. The interconnected main themes indicate the influence of the conductor, adult volunteers, choristers and transformative change on TCC identity construction. The TCC has been viewed as a place of belonging for music loving children and adults and with a mutual determination for choral excellence. Success and continuity as main motivators for change and sameness and linked to the conductor’s views and personality have been suggested. Continuous financial challenges due to limited funding and of unceasing parental support and volunteerism through community service in sustaining a choral music educational cause are explored. Musically gifted choristers and their exceptional contributions in providing the choral product whilst gaining musical, educational, personal and social life skills are described. The most significant change in TCC identity is specified as becoming more representative of the country’s overall racial dispensation. Embracing diversity and multicultural enrichment and continuing social bridging whilst sustaining a dominant Afrikaner leadership core are confirmed as part of TCC identity. Accessibility is complicated by socio-economic, cultural and demographic factors which enhance exclusivity. Acceptance of challenges, acting in solving these from within their extended TCC management team and subsequently finding new meaning therein are indicated as significant coping processes in fostering this internationally rated children’s choir under one conductor for almost fifty years.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie verken die geskiedenis en identiteit van die Tygerberg Kinderkoor (TKK), gewortel in Afrikanerkultuur, en hul oorgang na en voortsetting as ‘n multikulturele kinderkoor. Sedert totstandkoming in 1972 is die koor en die dirigent, Hendrik Loock, met talle nasionale en internasionale prestasies verbind. Saam met sy vrou Theresa, begeleiedster, musiekonderwyseres en verwerker van koormusiek, word Loock geassosieer met die opheffing van die standaard van skool-, streeks-, universiteits- en verwante kore in die Wes-Kaap en dwarsoor Suid-Afrika. ‘n Kwalitatiewe, holistiese, enkel-, intrinsieke gevallestudiemetodologie is toegepas om verandering en konstantes ten opsigte van TKK-identiteit binne die konteks van ‘n ingrypend veranderde bedeling beter te verstaan. Met behulp van argiefmateriaal, nie-deelnemende observasies en kwalitatiewe individuele semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude word ‘n rekonstruksie van TKK-identiteit vanaf 1972 tot 2019 aangebied. Identiteitsprosesteorie, voorgestel deur Glynis Breakwell en Rusi Jaspal, verskaf ‘n lens om TKK-groepsidentiteit te bestudeer met inagneming van sosiale en geskiedkundige agtergronde. ‘n Konstruktionistiese weergawe van Tematiese Analise, uiteengesit deur Virginia Braun en Victoria Clarke, is vir die ontleding van data aangewend. Konseptuele voorkeure word deur ‘n idealistiese ontologie, ‘n geintegreerde konstruktionistiese/konstruktivistiese epistemologie en ‘n interpretatiewe wereldbeskouing onderskryf. Hierdie weergawe van TKK-geskiedenis dui verweefde invloede ten opsigte van prosesse van kooridentiteitsvorming aan, onder meer kulturele, geografiese, sosio-politiese en godsdienstige kontekste asook ras-, taal- en demografiese verteenwoordiging in die TKK, koorsamestelling, rolspelers en oogmerke wat nou verbind is met die TKK se unieke koorklank, repertoriumkeuse, optreestyl en kenmerkende artefakte. Vier temas en agt onderliggende temas is ontwikkel uit materiaal in die TKK-versameling in die DOMUS-argief, agt en negentig ure se nie-deelnemende observasies van kooroefeninge en nege en twintig transkripsies van deelnemers se onderhoude. Die vier verbonde hooftemas dui die invloed van die Stellenbosch University langstaande koorleier, volwasse vrywilligers, koorlede en transformerende verandering op TKK-identiteitsvorming aan. Hiervolgens word die TKK beskou as ‘n plek waar kinders en volwassenes met ‘n gedeelde belangstelling in musiek en ‘n gemeenskaplike vasberadenheid tot uitnemende koorsang tuishoort. Sukses en voortsetting is uitgewys as die grootste aandrywers vir verandering en eendersheid en wat verbandhou met die koorleier se bekouings en persoonlikheid. Deurlopende finansiële uitdagings as gevolg van beperkte korporatiewe en owerheidsbefondsing, asook ondersteuning van ouers en vrywilligers in die vorm van gemeenskapsdiens, is ondersoek. Daar word beskryf hoe musikaal begaafde koorlede se buitengewone bydraes die koorproduk daargestel het en terselfdertyd ontwikkeling van musikale, opvoedkundige, persoonlike en lewensvaardighede verskaf het. Die verbintenis om meer verteenwoordigend te raak van die rassesamestelling van die Suid-Afrikaanse bevolking wat amptelike demokratisering voorafgegaan het, is aangedui as die beduidendste verandering in die TKK se identiteit. Omarming van diversiteit en multi-kulturele verryking, asook voortgesette sosiale oorbrugging, is vanuit ‘n dominante Afrikanerleierskapskern as deel van TKK-identiteitsvorming toegepas. Toeganklikheid word gekompliseer deur sosio-ekonomiese, kulturele en demografiese faktore wat eksklusiwiteit verstewig. Aanvaarding van uitdagings, die aanspreek daarvan deur stappe te neem om dit op te los vanuit die uitgebreide TKK-bestuurspan asook die vind van nuwe betekenis daarin, is aangedui as betekenisvolle hanteringsprosesse ter instandhouding van hierdie internasionaal erkende kinderkoor onder die leiding van een dirigent vir amper vyftig jaar.
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.