The role of counselling psychology in the development of authentic transformational leaders within the context of a post-industrial society

dc.contributor.advisorMeyer, J. C.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDe Vos, H. M.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOelofsen, Dinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology .en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment seeks to demonstrate that transformational leadership development programs that focus on teaching leaders the various transformational behaviours, fall short of their goal of changing leadership practice. Given the post-industrial context and the challenges posed by various world crises, the timely development of effective leaders is of the essence. It is essential to recognise why current methods of leadership development are inefficient. Most development programs intervene to change behaviour. However, changed behaviour that does not reflect a leader's true motives and values will soon be identified by followers as manipulative efforts. The behaviour will be exposed as superficial and inauthentic. It is maintained that a more profound level of intervention is needed to bring about authentic leadership development. Leaders who need to change from an autocratic leadership style to the extreme opposite of transformational leadership style must change more than just their behaviour. They need to examine their view of life, the world, themselves and other people to identify their attitude and basic belief system. If this is not congruent to the values proposed by transformational leadership such as the empowerment of all people, it will be impossible to elicit authentic transformational leadership behaviour. Transformational leadership development programs will achieve greater success if they facilitate personal change within leaders. A change of view regarding themselves and other people will promote a true shift in values that encompass empowerment, support and advancement of all employees, will naturally yield behaviours consistent with these values. The person-centred approach of the well-known American psychologist Carl Rogers, proves to be an effective tool to provide leaders the opportunity to explore their beliefs, their experience and their attitudes. Various similarities between transformational leadership theory and person-centred psychotherapy principles exist. The conditions of personal growth echo the transformational leadership behaviour and the personal growth objective of Rogers resembles the transformational leadership objective of empowering all employees. It is maintained that leaders who gain self-knowledge and self-acceptance through the experience of a person-centred relationship can grow into a transformational leader. It will not only affect the organisation and its employees. Such a process can unlock human potential that can facilitate vision and meaning far beyond the organisation's linear objectives of increasing shareholder's value.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk probeer aantoon dat die huidige praktyk van transformasionele leierskapsontwikkeling nie in die doel slaag om leierskappraktyk beduidend te verander en te verbeter nie. Gegewe die post-industriele konteks en die uitdagings van 'n verskeidenheid weretdkrtsisse, is dit van groot belang om tydig sterk leiers te ontwikkel wat hierdie uitdagings die hoof kan bied. Dit is ook essensieel om redes te identifiseer waarom transformasionele leierskapsontwikkeling tot dusver nie effektief was nie. Die meeste ontwikkelingsprogramme fokus daarop om gedrag te verander. Veranderde gedrag wat egter nie 'n leier se ware motiewe en waardes weerspieel nie, sal gou uitgeken en geetiketteer word as manipulerende gedrag. Die gedrag sal as oneg en oppervlakkig ervaar word. Daar word aangevoer dat 'n dieper intervensievlak toegepas moet word om ware transformasionele gedrag te bewerkstellig. Leiers wat van 'n outokratiese na 'n transformasionele leierskapstyl moet oorskakel, sal meer as net hul gedrag rnoet aanpas. Hulle sal selfondersoek moet instel om helderheid en begrip in te win aangaande hul selfkonsep, lewensbeskouing en mensbeskouing om sodoende hul persoonlike houdings en waardes identifiseer. Indien hul persoonlike waardes nie kongruent is aan die waardes wat voorgestel word deur transformasionele leierskap nie, sal dit onmoontlik wees om outentieke transformasionele leierskap te ontwikkel. Transformasionele leierskapontwikkelingsprogramme sal groter sukses behaal indien dit ware persoonlike verandering in die leier meebring. 'n Verandering in 'n leier se selfkonsep en mensbeskourng wat 'n ware skuif meebring in die waardes wat die leier aanhang, sal 'n natuurlike verandering in 'n leier se gedrag ten opsigte van bemagtiging, ondersteuning en bevordering van aile werknemers teweeg bring en wat kongruent is aan die leier se persoonlike oortuiginge. Die persoonsgesentreerde benadering van die bekende Amerikaanse sielkundige, Carl Rogers, bied 'n werkbare alternatief vir die proses van leierskapsontwikkeling. 'n Rogeriaanse verhouding wat leiers 'n geleentheid bied om hulself te verken en te leer ken, fasiliteer die natuurlike groei na transformasionele leierskap. Die persoonsgesentreerde benadering van Rogers het 'n aantal raakpunte met die transformasionele leierskapsteorie. Die voorvereistes vir persoonlike groei uiteengesit deur Rogers refiekteer die gedrag voorgeskryf deur transformasionele teorie. Die verwagting van Rogers dat hierdie voorvereistes sal lei tot persoonlike groei stem ook ooreen met die vereiste gestel aan transformasionele leiers om al hul werknemers te bemagtig. 'n Leier wat blootgestel word aan 'n ontwikkelingsproses wat as basis 'n persoonsgesentreerde verhouding bied, ontwikkel verder as bloot tot voordeel van die individuele organisasie. Die proses sal ook meebring dat 'n leier se potensiaal ontsluit word om visie en betekenis te ontwikkel en te kommunikeer wat verder strek as die onmiddellike organisatoriese doel van verhoging in waarde van aandeelhouersbelang.af_ZA
dc.format.extent78 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectLeadership -- Psychological aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.titleThe role of counselling psychology in the development of authentic transformational leaders within the context of a post-industrial societyen_ZA
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