The chemical controls on native gold within the mineralised regions of the flat structure, Sheba mine

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Heyden, Bjornen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorStevens, Garyen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSchultz, Tanisha Graceen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Science. Dept. of Earth Sciences.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Petrographic and geochemical data from the Flat Structure within the Sheba mine indicate phase separation and subsequent pH decrease related to pressure decreasing as the principal factors controlling mineralisation, and is in agreement with the observation made by de Ronde et al. (1992). Analysis of the green Cr muscovite - quartz - carbonate schists recorded these changes in conditions. Cr muscovite is a common mineral phase found within the reef and proximal wall-rock alteration assemblages, as well as within the rock that is host to the Flat Structure, but not affected by the gold-bearing fluids responsible for mineralisation. The Flat Structure is a highly silicified, low, flat-lying thrust that yields visible gold averages of over 40 g/t. These highly mineralised structures are difficult to locate, therefore requiring new ways to understand the mineralogy and new methods to assist in locating similar types of high-gold- grade structures. The chemical analysis obtained from the Flat Structure indicates that multiple parameters may induce gold precipitation. The data underwent multivariant statistical processes using a Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis to simplify the data trends and provide a more robust exploration tool. Chromium muscovite is able to host a number of different cations within its Y-site, thus making it a useful proxy to understand any chemical changes occurring within the system. The PCA and cluster analysis performed on the Y-site of the Cr muscovite successfully identified data trends within the sample set and subdivided the samples in to their proximal and distal clusters respectively. Results indicate a decrease in K⁺ and Cr²⁺ and an increase in Al³⁺ towards the reef provides a suitable proxy to tracer chemistry in exploration.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Petrografiese en geochemiese data van die Flat Structure binne die Sheba-myn dui op faseskeiding en daaropvolgende pH-daling wat verband hou met die afname van druk, is die belangrikste faktor wat mineralisering beheer. Die veranderinge in toestande is deur die ontleding van die groen Cr muskoviet-kwarts-karbonaatskiste aangeteken. Cr muskoviet is 'n algemene mineraalfase wat gevind word in die rif- en proksimale muur-rots- veranderingsamestellings, sowel as in die rots wat die gasheer is vir die plat struktuur, maar nie be'invloed word deur die gouddraende vloeistowwe wat verantwoordelik is vir mineralisering nie. Die plat struktuur is 'n hoogs gesilifiseerde, lae, platliggende strekking wat sigbare goudgemiddeldes van meer as 40 g/t lewer. Hierdie hoogs gemineraliseerde strukture is moeilik opspoorbaar, en daarom is daar nuwe maniere nodig om die mineralogie te verstaan en nuwe metodes om soortgelyke soorte strukture van hoe goudgraad op te spoor. Die chemiese ontleding verkry uit die plat struktuur dui aan dat verskeie parameters goudneerslag kan veroorsaak. Die multivariante statistiese prosesse van die data ondergaan met behulp van 'n hoofkomponentontleding en klusteranalise om die datatendense te vereenvoudig en 'n meer robuuste verkenningsinstrument te bied. Chromium muskoviet is in staat om 'n aantal verskillende katioene op sy Y-terrein aan te bied, wat dit 'n nuttige instaanbediener maak om enige chemiese veranderinge binne die stelsel te verstaan. Die PCA- en clusteranalise wat op die Y-terrein van die Cr muskoviet uitgevoer is, het datatendense suksesvol ge'identifiseer binne die monsterstel en die monsters onderverdeel in onderskeidelik hul proksimale en distale trosse. Resultate dui op 'n afname in K⁺ en Cr²⁺ en 'n toename in Al³⁺ teenoor die rif bied 'n geskikte proxy aan die naspeurchemie in eksplorasie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent107 pages : illustrations (some color)en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSheba mineen_ZA
dc.subjectFlat Structureen_ZA
dc.subjectPetrographical dataen_ZA
dc.subjectGeochemical dataen_ZA
dc.titleThe chemical controls on native gold within the mineralised regions of the flat structure, Sheba mineen_ZA
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