A geography of self-identifying business parks in Cape Town

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The built environment of a city plays a significant role in the ordering of urban life. The urban environment of the City of Cape Town has been the site of deconstruction and reconstitution in recent times and it is this phenomenon that beckons the call for deeper investigation. The continual integration of Cape Town into the global economic sphere has created a development trend of service sector dominance in the built environment of the city. Self-identifying business parks have been identified as a sub-component of the concept commercial parks and have been selected to conceptualise what is happening in Cape Town’s commercial spaces. Through a mixed methods approach both quantitative and qualitative data was collected to aid in exploring and understanding the changes occurring in Cape Town’s commercial built environment. The study looks to examine the temporal distribution and spatial organisation of commercial and a sub-component self-identifying business parks in Cape Town. Four objectives were outlined in the research: a review of relevant literature, the creation of a database of commercial parks in Cape Town, investigations into the physical characteristics of self-identifying business parks, and the categorising of business activities discovered in selfidentifying business parks. A spatial-temporal analysis into commercial parks revealed clear concentrations of parks in high-income developed areas, high-income suburban nodes, decentralised economic areas on the urban periphery, as well as in traditional industrial locations. In terms of the establishment of commercial parks the most growth intensive period was between 2004 and 2010 with decentralised suburban areas experiencing the highest growth in terms of location. Investigations into the physical environments of self-identifying business parks highlighted the varying range in sizes and structure of the parks, and also solidified the presence of the private security sector in the commercial landscape of the city. In relation to the business activities within self-identifying business parks, the wholesale and retail sectors, and the finance, insurance and real-estate sectors were the most dominant activities encountered in the selfidentifying business park landscape. Recommendations for future enquiries include the impacts of private security practises on business activities within commercial parks and investigations into the property developers of these commercial spaces in the city. The spatiality of Cape Town’s commercial park development provided a deeper understanding of the configurations of urban spaces, and uncovered where concentrations of these spaces can be found in the city today. This evidence can be linked to the changing urban environment encountered in Cape Town over time and provides an insight into contemporary commercial spaces in a developing country context.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beboude omgewing van ’n stad speel ’n beduidende rol in die ordening van stadslewe. Die stedelike omgewing van die Stad Kaapstad was in die onlangse verlede ’n terrein van dekonstruksie en hersamestelling, en dit is hierdie fenomeen wat verder ondersoek moet word. Die deurlopende integrasie van Kaapstad in die globale ekonomiese sfeer het ’n ontwikkelingstendens van dienssektordominansie geskep wat ’n impak het op die bouomgewing van die stad. Self-identifiserende sakeparke is gekies om te konseptualiseer wat in Kaapstad se kommersiële ruimtes gebeur. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is in ’n gemengde metode benadering gebruik om die veranderinge in Kaapstad se beboude omgewing te ondersoek en te verstaan. Die studie is daarop gerig om die temporale en ruimtelike verspreiding van kommersiële en selfidentifiserende sakeparke in Kaapstad te ondersoek. Vier doelwitte is in die navorsing gestel, naamlik ’n oorsig oor relevante literatuur, die skep van ’n databasis van sakeparke in Kaapstad, ondersoeke na die fisiese eienskappe van self-identifiserende sakeparke, en laastens die kategorisering van sakeaktiwiteite wat in self-identifiserende sakeparke gevind is. 'n Tydruimtelike analise van sakeparke het ’n duidelike konsentrasie van parke in hoëinkomste ontwikkelde gebiede, hoë-inkomste voorstedelike nodes, gedesentraliseerde ekonomiese gebiede op die stedelike periferie en ook in tradisionele industriële gebiede getoon. In terme van die vestiging van sakeparke het die tydperk tussen 2004 en 2010 die meeste groei getoon, met gedesentraliseerde voorstedelike gebiede wat die meeste groei ten opsigte van ligging getoon het. Ondersoeke na die fisiese omgewing van self-identifiserende sakeparke het die variasie in grootte en struktuur van die parke uitgelig, en het ook die teenwoordigheid van die private veiligheidssektor in die kommersiële landskap bevestig. Ten opsigte van die sakeaktiwiteite binne self-identifiserende sakeparke was die groot- en kleinhandelsektor, en die finansiering-, versekering- en eiendomsektore die mees dominante aktiwiteite. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige studies sluit in die impak van private sekuriteitspraktyke op die sakeaktiwiteite binne die sakeparke, en ondersoeke na die onwikkelaars van hierdie kommersiële ruimtes in die stad. Die ruimtelikheid van Kaapstad se sakeparkontwikkeling het ’n dieper begrip van die konfigurasie van stedelike ruimtes gegee, en het openbaar waar konsentrasies van hierdie ruimtes vandag in stede gevind kan word. Hierdie bewyse kan gekoppel word aan die veranderende stedelike omgewing in Kaapstad met die verloop van tyd en verskaf insig oor kontemporêre sakeruimtes in die konteks van ’n ontwikkelende land.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.