The role of civil society organisations/non-governmental organisations (CSOs/NGOs) in building human capability : the case of Africa Community Publishing Development Trust (Zimbabwe)

dc.contributor.advisorKhan, Firozen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorManyuchi, Raymond Freddyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study represents an analysis of the role of civil society organisations/non‐governmental organisations (CSOs/NGOs) in building human capabilities through knowledge construction. It assesses the effectiveness of community publishing in building human capabilities under challenges they face in the environment they are operating in. The complex environment CSOs/NGOs are operating in is dealt with. It will be demonstrated that CSOs/NGOs give marginalised communities, especially women, children and the disabled, a platform where they can organise themselves and give them an opportunity to influence policy and development of their community. Community development has many interpretations. This study focuses on communities as central agents responsible for their own development. When communities participate in their own development, they are engaging in an educational process which is both formal and informal in nature. The education process helps them to understand their situations better. This type of education called ‘popular education’, is based on the belief that people involved in the process have important knowledge that they have acquired from their experiences in life and the education they receive mainly consists of dialogue between different knowledge sets that they possess. In the process, when people participate actively in the development of their communities, a sense of ownership is developed. For the purpose of designing the study, observation of the direct involvement of staff from local government, Africa Community Publishing Development Trust and partner organisations as well as working with communities from Shamva, Umzingwane and Buhera provided the basis. It is noted that party politics affects the development of a CSO/NGO sector that is capable of building human capabilities. It is, therefore, clear that government should create an enabling environment that is free from violence and rule of law should be respected as this helps CSOs/ NGOs to implement capability building programmes conducive for all communities to participate in the development of their areas.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ontleed die rol van burgerlike organisasies/nie‐regeringsorganisasies (BOs/NRO's) in die bou van menslike vermoëns deur middel van kennis konstruksie. Die studie beoordeel die effektiwiteit van die gemeenskap uitgewery in die bou van die menslike vermoëns en die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar in die omgewing waar hulle hul bevind. Die komplekse omgewing waarin BOs / NRO’s hul bevind word inmiddels behandel. BOs/NRO's gee gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe veral vroue, kinders en gestremdes 'n platform waar hulle hul self kan organiseer en gee hulle ' n geleentheid om beleid te beïnvloed en hul gemeenskap te ontwikkel. Ontwikkeling van die gemeenskap het baie interpretasies. Die studie fokus op die gemeenskappe as sentrale agente wat verantwoordelik is vir hul eie ontwikkeling. Wanneer gemeenskappe betrokke is in hul eie ontwikkelings proses, neem hulled deel aan ’ n opvoedkundige proses wat van nature beide formeel en informeel is. Die opvoedkundige proses help hulle om hul situasies beter te verstaan. Hierdie tipe van Onderwys genaamd "gewilde onderwys", is gebaseer op die oortuiging dat mense wat betrokke is in ‘n proses belangrike kennis besit as gevolg van persoonlike lewenservaringe, die opvoeding wat hulle ontvang bestaan hoofsaaklik uit dialoog tussen die verskillende kennis stel dat hulle besit. Wanneer mense aktief deelneem in die ontwikkeling van hul gemeenskappe, word 'n gevoel van eienaarskap ontwikkel. In terme van die ontwikkeling van die studie het die direkte betrokkenheid van die personeel van plaaslike regering, ACPDT en vennoot organisasies asook die werk met die gemeenskappe van Shamva, Umzingwane en Buhera die basis gevorm van die studie. Politieke partye beinvloed die ontwikkeling van die BO/NRO‐sektor en dit stel hulle in staat om menslike vermoëns op te bou. Die regering moet 'n instaatstellende omgewing skep wat vry is van geweld en waar die oppergesag van die reg gerespekteer word. Dit sal BO’s/NRO's help om vermoëns bouende programme te implementeer wat gemeenskappe die geleentheid sal gee om deel te hê aan die ontwikkeling van hul gemeenskap.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectCommunity development -- Citizen participation -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectAfrica Community Publishing Development Trusten_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity development -- Zimbabwe --Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectCommunity organization -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectSocial participation -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Public management and planningen_ZA
dc.subject.otherSchool of Public Leadershipen_ZA
dc.titleThe role of civil society organisations/non-governmental organisations (CSOs/NGOs) in building human capability : the case of Africa Community Publishing Development Trust (Zimbabwe)en_ZA
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