'n Ondersoek na die verband tussen die Groot Vyf-persoonlikheidsfaktore en opleidingsprestasie by volwasse basiese opvoeding en opleiding leerders

Dercksen, Sarita
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of the relationship between the Big Five personality factors and practical and theoretical training performance in adult Basic education and training (ABET). The existing literature on the subject was surveyed; this is followed by a report on the results of the empirical investigation. The experimental group consisted of 82 learners who followed an ABET level-4 course. Personality was determined by means of the Five-Factor Non-Verbal Personality Questionnaire (FF-NPQ), while cognitive skills were measured with Raven's Standard Progressive Matrix. By using the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis and factor analysis, it was established that, apart from IQ, there was a significant positive correlation between agreeableness and practical training performance. Although there was also a significant, but small, positive correlation between neuroticism and practical training performance, the influence of the former factor on practical training performance could not be confirmed by a regression analysis. Only IQ and to a lesser extent neuroticism, conscientiousness and extroversion showed a relation with theoretical training performance. Once again, the influence of the latter three factors on theoretical training performance could not be confirmed by a regression analysis. The conclusion is thus drawn in this study that only IQ has a significant influence on theoretical training performance. Results also indicate that characteristics such as trust, helpful behaviour and co-operative behaviour, which indicate agreeableness, help to promote receptiveness in training in practical work, especially with respect to skills training. It appears that the role of personality factors with respect to training performance depends on: a) the nature of the training programme being followed, b) the degree of difficulty of the training programme, and c) the work or task objectives for which the training is being undertaken. The conclusion was drawn that the findings of studies on the relationship between training performance and personality should be interpreted with circumspection and that a great deal of research is required in this area.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die aard van die verband tussen die Groot Vyf-persoonlikheidsfaktore en praktiese en teoretiese opleidingsprestasie by volwasse basiese opvoeding en opleiding-leerders. 'n Oorsig van die bestaande literatuur oor die onderwerp is gelewer, gevolg deur die rapportering van die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek. Die eksperimentele groep het bestaan uit 82 leerders wat 'n VBOO-vlak 4 kursus gevolg het. Persoonlikheid is deur middel van die Vyf Faktor - Nieverbale-Persoonlikheidsvraelys (FF-NPQ) bepaal en kognitiewe vaardighede is met behulp van Raven se Standaard-Progressiewe Matriks gemeet. Met behulp van die Pearson-produkmoment-korrelasiekoëffisiënt, meervoudige regressieontleding asook faktor-ontleding, is vasgestel dat, benewens IK, daar ook 'n beduidend positiewe verband tussen welgevalligheid en praktiese opleidingsprestasie voorgekom het. Hoewel 'n beduidende, maar klein, positiewe korrelasie ook tussen neorotisisme en praktiese opleidingsprestasie voorgekom het, kon die invloed van die laasgenoemde faktor op praktiese opleidingsprestasie nie deur die regressieontleding ondersteun word nie. Slegs IK en tot 'n mindere mate neorotisisme, konsensieusheid en ekstroversie het 'n verband met teoretiese opleidingsprestasie getoon. Weereens kon die invloed van laasgenoemde drie faktore op teoretiese opleidingsprestasie nie bevestig word deur die regressieontleding nie. Ten opsigte van die huidige ondersoek, word die gevolgrekking dus gemaak dat slegs IK 'n beduidende invloed op teoretiese opleidingsprestasie het. Resultate dui daarop dat eienskappe soos vertroue, hulpverlende gedrag en samewerkende gedrag, wat dui op welgevalligheid, bevorderlik is vir opleiding in praktiese verband veral ten opsigte van vaardigheidsopleiding. Dit blyk ook asof die rol van persoonlikheidsfaktore ten opsigte van opleidingsprestasie, afhang van die a) aard van die opleidingsprogram wat gevolg word, b) die moeilikheidsgraad van die opleidingsprogram, asook c) vir watter werks- oftaakdoeleindes die opleiding plaasgevind het. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die bevindinge van studies rakende die verband tussen opleidingsprestasie en persoonlikheid met omsigtigheid geïnterpreteer moet word en dat heelwat navorsing op hierdie gebied nodig is.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Personality, Learning, Psychology of, Adult education -- Psychological aspects, Occupational training -- Psychological aspects, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology