Developing a monitoring and evaluation system in supply chain management at Overstrand Municipality

dc.contributor.advisorRabie, Babetteen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorOppelt, Carl Andrewen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Most municipalities base their performance on the type of audit opinion they receive from the Auditor-General of South Africa. It is even understood that compliance and adherence to legislative and regulatory frameworks indicate good performance. If one especially focusses on supply chain management (SCM) in the South African local government sector, this becomes more evident. Bent (2014:15) argues that public entities, especially municipalities, are remaining at the implementation phase of SCM, focusing on legislative compliance only and not fully exploring the performance phase. Ambe and Badenhorst-Weiss (2012: 249) state that inadequate monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of SCM is identified as a key challenge in local government in South Africa. Clarity is provided on how important it is for a municipality to indicate its performance to a community and to reveal how its decisions and actions have added value and fulfilled the community’s true needs. The indication of value-added decisions and actions will enhance good governance, with specific reference to accountability and transparency. The objectives of this research entails discussing the importance of M&E, the requirements of an M&E system and how it applies to SCM, reviewing the policy framework for M&E and SCM within the South African local government sector. Also describing Overstrand Municipality’s organizational performance management system, supply chain unit setup and current processes for SCM contract management. In the pursuit of a pragmatic system, Kusek and Rist’s ten-step proposed system is identified as the most suitable for the purpose of this study. The Local Government Management Improvement Model (LGMIM) indicates how such a system can be coordinated, standardized and integrated between the different spheres of government. The above stated are done through existing literature review and relevant document analysis of Overstrand Municipality. Semi-structured interviews are then conducted by engaging with relevant internal stakeholders at Overstrand Municipality in order to review existing practices, expectations, challenges, and possible solutions to their existing and possible future challenges. Findings of this study revealed that Overstrand Municipality has a performance management framework, established internal control functions and the distinction of functions and segregation of duties within its SCM unit. Overstrand Municipality’s organizational performance management system indicators only illustrate whether output targets have been met or not. The Municipality’s supplier performance management system illustrates that the Municipality views performance as “good”, “satisfactory” or “under-performed”. In terms of the empirical research conducted, it has been indicated that factors for the performance of a municipality, which transcends the limited compliance mindset often adopted, is needed. Respondents emphasized the importance of good governance, well defined KPIs and objectives, a good performance management framework, a performance culture (“buy in”) in the Municipality, and the driving out of “non-value outputs”. Respondents believed that being compliant by adhering to legislation does not automatically indicate an overall indicator of good performance, as it is only a component of it. These factors are addressed through an effective results-based M&E system. Further recommendations are made which will assist in indicating value added performances.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die meeste munisipaliteite baseer hul prestasie op die tipe ouditmening wat hulle van die Ouditeur-Generaal van Suid-Afrika ontvang. Daar word selfs aanvaar dat die nakoming van en voldoening aan wetgewende en regulatoriese raamwerke goeie prestasie aandui. Indien daar veral op Verkrygingskanaal Bestuur (VKB) in die Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike owerheidsektor gefokus word, word dit meer opletbaar. Bent (2014: 15) voer aan dat publieke entiteite, veral munisipaliteite, stil staan by die implementeringsfase van VKB, met die fokus op wetgewende nakoming en nie die prestasiefase ten volle verken nie. Volgens Ambe en Badenhorst-Weiss (2012: 249) word onvoldoende monitering en evaluering (M & E) van VKB geïdentifiseer as 'n belangrike uitdaging in plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika. Duidelikheid word verskaf oor hoe belangrik dit vir 'n munisipaliteit is om sy prestasie aan 'n gemeenskap aan te dui en te openbaar hoe sy besluite en optrede waarde toegevoeg het en aan die gemeenskap se ware behoeftes voldoen het. Die aanduiding van waardetoevoegingsbesluite en aksies sal goeie bestuur bevorder, met spesifieke verwysing na aanspreeklikheid en deursigtigheid. Die doelwitte van hierdie navorsing behels die bespreking van die belangrikheid van M & E, die vereistes van 'n M & E-stelsel en hoe dit van toepassing is op VKB, die hersiening van die beleidsraamwerk vir M & E en VKB binne die Suid-Afrikaanse plaaslike owerheidsektor. Vervolgens ook ‘n beskrywing van Overstrand Munisipaliteit se organisatoriese prestasiebestuurstelsel, die samestelling van die Verkrygingskanaal eenheid en die huidige prosesse vir VKB-kontrakbestuur. In die nastrewing van 'n pragmatiese stelsel word Kusek en Rist se tien-stap voorgestelde stelsel geïdentifiseer as die mees geskikte vir die doel van hierdie studie. Die Plaaslike Owerheid Bestuur Verbeteringsmodel (LGMIM) dui aan hoe so 'n stelsel gekoördineer, gestandaardiseer en geïntegreer kan word tussen die verskillende regeringsvlakke. Bogenoemde word gedoen aan die hand van ‘n oorsig van bestaande literatuur en ‘n ontleding van die relevante dokumente van Overstrand Munisipaliteit. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude word dan gevoer deur interaksie met die relevante interne belanghebbendes by Munisipaliteit Overstrand ten einde bestaande praktyke, verwagtinge, uitdagings en moontlike oplossings vir hul bestaande en moontlike toekomstige uitdagings te hersien. Bevindinge van hierdie studie het geopenbaar dat Overstrand Munisipaliteit 'n prestasiebestuursraamwerk, gevestigde interne beheerfunksies en die onderskeiding van funksies en verdeling van pligte binne sy VKB-eenheid het. Overstrand Munisipaliteit se organisatoriese prestasiebestuurstelsel-aanwysers toon slegs aan of uitset doelwitte bereik is of nie. Die Munisipaliteit se prestasiebestuurstelsel vir verskaffers dui aan dat die Munisipaliteit prestasie as "goed", "bevredigend" of "onder-presteer" beskou. Na gelang van die empiriese navorsing wat gedoen is, is daar aangedui dat faktore vir die prestasie van 'n munisipaliteit, wat die beperking van die blote nakoming ingesteldheid wat dikwels aangeneem word oorskry, benodig word. Respondente beklemtoon die belangrikheid van goeie bestuur, goed gedefinieerde Sleutel Prestasie Aanwysers en doelwitte, 'n goeie prestasiebestuursraamwerk, 'n prestasiekultuur ("koop in") in die Munisipaliteit en die uitskakeling van uitsette wat nie waarde toevoeg nie. Respondente het geglo dat voldoening deur die blote nakoming van wetgewing nie outomaties goeie prestasie aandui nie, dit is slegs 'n komponent daarvan is. Hierdie faktore word aangespreek deur middel van 'n effektiewe uitslae-gebaseerde M & E-stelsel. Verdere aanbevelings word gemaak wat sal help met die aanduiding van prestasies wat waarde toevoeg.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 106 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.subjectOverstrand Municipality -- Hermanus (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectMonitoring and evaluation system -- Hermanus (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness logistics -- Hermanus (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectLocal government -- Quality control -- Hermanus (Cape of Good Hope, South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleDeveloping a monitoring and evaluation system in supply chain management at Overstrand Municipalityen_ZA
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