Die lewe van goewerneur-generaal Gideon Brand van Zyl, 1873-1956

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Gideon Brand van Zyl, the first South African born Governor-General, was born in Cape Town on 3 June 1873. His name suggests an earlier alliance between the Van Zyl family in the Cape Province and the Brand family in the Orange Free State. Gideon's father, Casper van Zyl, who brought his son up as a single parent had a strong influence on his son's life and career. As a young boy, Gideon came to know the horsecarts, trams and dirt roads of metropolitan Cape Town very well. He had an innate love of nature and thus spent most of his free time outdoors on the Cape Flats, in the mountains or near the sea. His school career commenced in Sea Point. He completed his Matriculation Examination at the Normal College in Cape Town in 1890. He was a student at the South African College from 1891 - 1894 where he shone, particularly on the sports field. Gideon married Marie Elizabeth Caroline Frazer of Bloemfontein on 11 December 1900. In 1898 he became an attorney and in 1918 a senior partner in his father's law practice. During the First World War he served in Cape Town as Deputy Director of Recruiting and in Pretoria as Deputy Commissioner for Returned Soldiers. He entered the political arena with his election as a member of the Executive Committee of the Unionist Party in 1910. In 1915 he was elected to the Cape Provincial Council and in 1918 he became a member of Parliament for the constituency of Cape Town Harbour. The underlying principle of his political philosophy was unity amongst South Africans and allowance for a strong British involvement. Gideon was Deputy Chairman of Committees of the House of Assembly during 1921 -1924, and Chairman of Committees and Deputy Speaker from 1934 - 1942. He held important positions in both the South African Party and the United Party. Gideon was a staunch supporter of Smuts. In his constituency, Sea Point, he made his mark with his valuable contribution to the conservation of the Grand Parade in Cape Town and the Sea Point Beach Front. Gideon was appointed to the position of Administrator of the Cape Province on 14 October 1942. In this capacity he made lasting contributions to the teaching, health and library services in the province. His appointment as seventh Governor-General of the Union in 1945 came as a surprise. As the British Monarch's representative in the Union he held a position which was highly respected, but in reality had very little political influence. A highlight during his official term of office was the visit of King George VI to South Africa in 1947. After his retirement in 1951, 'Gideon spent most of his last years in seclusion. He died in 1956. Since childhood his life was epitomized by a strong set of religious principles, good interpersonal relationships and an extraordinary motivation and desire to be involved in the growth around him. Consequently he not only had a dynamic involvement in politics but he was also extremely active on all social levels.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gideon Brand van Zyl, die eerste Suid-Afrikaans gebore Goewerneur-Generaal, is op 3 Junie 1873 in Kaapstad gebore. Sy naam suggereer die vroee verwantskap tussen die Van Zyls van die Kaapprovinsie en die Brand-familie van die Oranje-Vrystaat. Casper van Zyl, Gideon se vader, het as alleenouer 'n leidende invloed op sy seun se lewe en loopbaan gehad. As jeugdige het Gideon die Kaapse metropolitaanse gebied met sy perdekarre, trems en stofstrate leer ken. Hy het 'n diep aanvoeling vir die natuur gehad en daarom het hy sy vrye tyd op die oop Kaapse vlaktes, in die berge of by die see deurgebring. Sy skoolloopbaan bet in Seepunt begin en in 1890 het hy sy matriekeksamen aan die Normal College in Kaapstad suksesvol afgele. Vanaf 1891 tot 1894 washy 'n student aan die South African College waar hy veral uitgeblink het in sport. Op 11 Desember 1900 is Gideon met Marie Elizabeth Caroline Frazer van Bloemfontein getroud. In 1898 het hy sy prokureurskap verwerf en in 1918 senior vennoot van sy vader se praktyk geword. Gedurende die Eerste Wereldoorlog het hy diens gedoen as AssistentDirekteur Werwing in Kaapstad en Assistent-Kommissaris van Terugkerende Soldate in Pretoria. Hy het sy toetrede tot die politiek gemaak met sy verkiesing as lid van die Uitvoerende Komitee van die Unioniste Party in 1910. In 1915 is hy tot lid van die Kaapse Provinsiale Raad en in 1918 tot Lid van die Volksraad verkies. Sy politieke filosofie het as uitgangspunt, die eenheid onder Suid-Afrikaners met 'n sterk Britse betrokkenheid, gehad. Gideon was van 1921 tot 1924 Adjunk-Voorsitter van Komitees van die Volksraad en vanaf 1934 tot 1942 Voorsitter van Komitees en Adjunk-Speaker. Hy het prominente posisies in die Suid-Afrikaanse Party en die Verenigde Party beklee. Gideon was 'n vurige Smutsondersteuner. In sy kiesafdeling Seepunt het hy horn onderskei deur waardevolle bydraes te lewer soos die bewaring van die Kaapse Parade en die behoud van die Seepunt-strandgebied. Gideon is op 14 Oktober 1942 as Administrateur van Kaapland aangestel. In hierdie hoedanigheid het hy blywende bydraes aan die provinsie se onderwys, gesondheids-en biblioteekdienste gelewer. Sy aanstelling as die sewende Goewerneur-Generaal van die Unie in 1945 het onverwags gekom. As die koning in Brittanje se verteenwoordiger in die Unie het hy 'n posisie van aansien beklee, maar die politieke betekenis van die amp het byna net in naam bestaan. 'n Hoogtepunt tydens sy ampstermyn was die besoek van Koning George VI aan Suid-Afrika in 1947. Na sy aftrede in 1951 het Gideon sy laaste jare tot 1956 in byna afsondering gesluit. Sy lewe is gekenmerk deur hoe geestelike waardes, 'n sterk mensgeorienteerdheid, 'n ongekende dryfkrag en 'n wil om betrokke te wees. Gevolglik washy nie net op dinamiese wyse by die politiek betrokke nie, maar ook op talle terreine op sosiale gebied.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1992.
Van Zyl, Gideon Brand, 1873-1956, Generals -- South Africa -- Biography