Designing a conceptual model for the management of in-Kind donations in NGOs

dc.contributor.advisorBam, Wouteren_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGoff, Robynen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Within recent years, the number of in-kind donations moving from donors to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) has increased, with corporate dona- tions accounting for the majority of these donations. Estimates have shown that in-kind donations make up 60%-70% of the total donations given by corpo- rations to NGOs. Many NGOs are primarily resourced and sustained through in-kind donations; therefore, these donations are valuable and needed. How- ever, in-kind donations are not nearly as versatile as cash and often result in specific operational challenges. One of the most common challenges NGOs encounter is the misalignment of the donation to the actual need of the NGO. NGOs thus face the decisions of either redistributing the donation, selling the donation for cash-in-hand, storing the donation or disposing of the donation. With the recent increase in attention on corporations’ need to improve their sustainability practices, many are using NGOs as alternative channels to distribute their surplus or unsaleable products instead of disposing of these products in landfills. These products tend to be either highly specialised prod- ucts that may not be appropriate for the needs of most NGOs or be donated in large quantities that may be more than sufficient for the needs of one NGO, resulting in the operational challenges previously stated. Many NGOs focus on enhancing the well-being of communities by provid- ing much-needed goods and services to the most vulnerable and thus directly impacting society’s social and economic development. By providing NGOs with the appropriate resources and donations needed to fulfil their missions, their impact on society can significantly increase. This study aims to contribute to the effective management of in-kind dona- tions by developing a conceptual model that focuses on increasing the visibility of the needs of an NGO to effectively solicit appropriate donations and, in turn, reduce the amount of waste in the donation process. A design science research process (DSRP) methodology was utilised in the study in order to develop a conceptual solution artefact that aligns with the research aim and objectives. The study consists of a detailed literature review that provided the context of the research problem. The literature review also identified challenges of the current process, relevant stakeholders in the process and existing artefacts that address the management of in-kind donations. The solution capabilities and objectives of the desired solution artefact were thus defined from the theoretical outputs of the literature review. A detailed analysis of 27 existing artefacts compared to the identified so- lution capabilities and objectives were conducted. Several limitations in the artefacts ability to address the solution objectives were identified. This analy- sis and identification of limitations provided the foundation for the design and development of the conceptual solution artefact. The research’s final phase employed a combination of verification and val- idation processes involving subject matter experts and stakeholders of the donation management process. The conceptual solution artefact was refined based on the input from the evaluation and is presented as an architecture model. The evaluation of the conceptual solution artefact deemed the model valuable and appropriate in solving the research problem.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die afgelope paar jaar het donateurs se skenkings in natura aan nie-regeringsorganisasies (NROs) toegeneem, en korporatiewe skenkings het die meeste van hierdie skenkings uitgemaak. Vooruitskattings het getoon dat skenkings in natura 60%-70% van die totale skenkings deur korporasies aan NROs uitmaak. Baie NROs verkry hul hulpbronne hoofsaaklik van skenings in natura en word daardeur in stand gehou. Hierdie skenkings is dus waardevol en nodig. Skenkings in natura is egter nie naastenby so veelsydig soos kontant nie en het dikwels spesifieke operasionele uitdagings tot gevolg. Een van die mees algemene uitdagings waarmee NROs te kampe het, is die wanbelyning van die skenking met die werklike behoefte van die NRO. NROs het dus dikwels te make met besluite oor die herverdeling van die skenking, die verkoop van die skenking vir onmiddellike kontant, die bewaring van die skenking of die vervreemding van die skenking. Met die onlangse groter fokus op korporasies se nodigheid om hul vol- houbaarheidspraktyke te verbeter, gebruik baie van hulle NROs as alternatiewe kanale vir die verspreiding van hul oorskot of onverkoopbare produkte in plaas van om van daardie produkte op vullisterreine ontslae te raak. Hierdie pro- dukte is geneig om óf hoogs gespesialiseerde produkte te wees wat nie vir die behoeftes van die meeste NGOs geskik is nie óf word in groot hoeveelhede geskenk wat meer as voldoende kan wees vir die behoeftes van een NRO, wat die operasionale uitdagings wat vroeër genoem is, tot gevolg het. Baie NROs spits hulle toe op die verbetering van die welsyn van gemeen- skappe deur broodnodige goedere en dienste aan die mees kwesbares te ver- skaf en het dus ’n regstreekse impak op die gemeenskap se maatskaplike en ekonomiese ontwikkeling. Deur NROs van die geskikte hulpbronne en skenk- ings te voorsien wat nodig is om hul missie te vervul, kan hul impak op die gemeenskap beduidend vergroot word. Hierdie studie is daarop gemik om by te dra tot die doeltreffende bestuur van skenkings in natura deur ’n konseptuele model te ontwikkel wat daarop fokus om die behoeftes van ’n NRO meer sigbaar te maak ten einde geskikte skenkings te werf en sodoende die hoeveelheid vermorsing in die skenkingsproses te verminder. ’n Wetenskaplike navorsingsmetode is in die studie gebruik om ’n konseptuele oplossingsartefak te ontwikkel wat in ooreenstemming met die doel en doelwitte van die navorsing is. Die studie bestaan uit ’n gedetailleerde literatuuroorsig wat die konteks van die navorsingsprobleem verskaf. Hierdie oorsig het ook uitdagings van die bestaande proses, relevante belanghebbendes in die proses en bestaande arte- fakte wat die bestuur van skenkings in natura aanspreek, geïdentifiseer. Die oplossingsvermoë en doelwitte van die verlangde oplossingsartefak is gevolglik met behulp van die teoretiese uitsette van die literatuuroorsig verfyn. ’n Gedetailleerde ontleding van 27 bestaande artefakte teenoor die geïden- tifiseerde oplossingsvermoë en -doelwitte is gedoen. Beduidende beperkings in die vermoë van die artefakte om die oplossingsdoelwitte aan te spreek, is geïdentifiseer. Hierdie ontleding en identifikasie van beperkings het die fun- dament vir die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van die konseptuele oplossingsartefak verskaf. ’n Kombinasie van verifikasie- en bevestigingsprosesse waarby vakkundi- ges en belanghebbendes van die skenkingsbestuursproses betrokke was, is in die finale navorsingsfase gebruik. Die konseptuele oplossingsartefak is na aan- leiding van die evalueringsinset verfyn en word as ’n argitektuurmodel aange- bied. Volgens die evaluering van die konseptuele oplossingsartefak is die model waardevol en geskik vir die oplossing van die navorsingsprobleemaf_ZA
dc.format.extent194 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectIn-kind donationsen_ZA
dc.subjectNongovernmental organisationsen_ZA
dc.subjectSupply chain managementen_ZA
dc.subjectInformation technologyen_ZA
dc.titleDesigning a conceptual model for the management of in-Kind donations in NGOsen_ZA
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