Die benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk met dwelmafhanklikes

dc.contributor.advisorKruger, S. P.
dc.contributor.authorPieterse, Luna
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MSocialWork)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: An exploratory study was conducted to determine the nature and extent of the emotions and emotional experiences of alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The study was also conducted to explore the theoretical field of music therapy and determine how music can be utilized to social group work with alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The exploratory study was also conducted to determine how many knowledge social workers have about music therapy, and to what extent they believe it can practically be used in social group work with alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The researchers' interest in group work and the importance of the use of creative aids during group work is the motivation for this study. The aim of the study is thus to establish guidelines for the use of music in social group work in order to provide effective intervention for alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. The most general personality traits, emotions, defence mechanisms, communication and motivational problems of alcoholics and chemically dependent adults, have been enclosed in the literature study. The corresponding principles, goals and intervention processes of group work and music therapy was also highlighted. Focus was especially placed on the corresponding functions of group work and music namely the handling of defence mechanisms, the exploration and expression of emotions, the improvement of communication, the development of a positive self-esteem, socialisation and the facilitation of personal motivation. The value of group work and music in the addressing of alcoholics' and chemically dependent adults' problems and needs, has been investigated because of the specific corresponding functions of group work and music. The umversum IS social workers at institutions that make use of group work interventions in their treatment programmes for alcoholics and chemically dependent adults. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used, namely structured interviews as well as structured questionnaires. The results of this study generally confirmed the findings of the literature study. The recommendations can be divided into three areas namely recommendations concerning policy, programmes and training of social workers, recommendations concerning the corresponding functions of group work and music, and recommendations concerning future research. The importance of further research in the testing of the value of music in group work for specific client groups was especially recommended.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Verkennende studie is in hierdie ondersoek geïmplimenteer ten einde die aard en omvang van volwasse dwelmafhanklikes se emosies en emosionele belewenisse te beskryf, 'n teoretiese verkenning van musiekterapie te doen en dit in verband te bring met maatskaplike groepwerk, en te bepaal in watter mate musiek tydens groepwerk met volwasse dwelmafhanklikes toegepas kan word. Die verkennende studie is ook geïmplimenteer om te bepaal in watter mate maatskaplike werkers kennis oor bogenoemde vorm van intervensie het en in watter mate hulle van mening is dat die benutting van musiek in groepwerkprogramme vir dwelmafhanklikes in inrigtings uitvoerbaar is. Die motivering vir hierdie studie het na vore gekom weens die navorser se belangstelling in kreatiwiteit in die uitvoer van maatskaplike groepwerk. Die doel van hierdie studie is dus om riglyne daar te stel vir die benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk ten einde effektiewe intervensie aan dwelmafhanklikes in inrigtingsverband te lewer. Die literatuurstudie het die algemene persoonlikheidstrekke, emosies, verdedigingsmeganismes, kommunikatiewe en motiveringsprobleme van dwelmafhanklikes ingesluit. Die gemeenskaplike beginsels, doelstellings en intervensieproses van groepwerk en musiekterapie is ook in die literatuurstudie uitgelig. Daar is veral gefokus op die gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek naamlik die hantering van verdedigingsmeganismes, die eksplorering en uitdrukking van emosies, die bevordering van kommunikasie, die ontwikkeling van 'n positiewe selfbeeld, sosialisering en die fasilitering van persoonlike motivering. Weens die spesifieke gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek, is daar besluit om die waarde van groepwerk en musiek in die aanspreek van dwelmafhanklikes se probleme, te ondersoek. Die universum is maatskaplike werkers by inrigtings wat intervensie aan dwelmafhanklikes deur middel van groepwerk, bied. Die ondersoek is deur 'n kombinasie van gestruktureerde onderhoude sowel as gestruktureerde vraelyste, gerig. Kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe inligting is dus ingesamel. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het tot 'n groot mate die bevindinge van die literatuurstudie bevestig naamlik dat dwelmafhanklikes met sekere persoonlikheidseienskappe, emosies, verdedigingsmeganismes en kommunikatiewe probleme presenteer; dat groepwerk 'n gewenste metode om bogenoemde behoeftes en probleme aan te spreek en te hanteer, is; en dat die benutting van musiek in groepsituasies waardevol in die fasilitering van die uitdrukking van emosies, die afbreek van verdedigingsmeganismes en die fasilitering van onder andere ontspanning, kan wees. Die aanbevelings het op drie areas gefokus naamlik algemene aanbevelings rakende inrigtingsbeleid, programme en skoling van maatskaplike werkers, aanbevelings ten opsigte van die gemeenskaplike funksies van groepwerk en musiek, en aanbevelings ten opsigte van verdere navorsing. Daar word aanbeveel dat die benuttingswaarde van musiek in groepwerk met 'n spesifieke kliëntegroep, getoets moet word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent114 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectAlcoholics -- Patients -- Counseling of. -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectMusic therapyen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial group work -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial work with alcoholics -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Social worken_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Social worken_ZA
dc.titleDie benutting van musiek in maatskaplike groepwerk met dwelmafhanklikesaf_ZA
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