Die verkenning van die dinamiek rondom spirituele fiksheid en vroue met substansie-probleme in die herstelproses

dc.contributor.advisorNaidoo, Anthony V.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorCombrinck, Izanetteen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to explore the dynamics between spiritual fitness and women in recovery from substance-problems. The phenomenological method of enquiry, and within this context, the qualitative approach, was followed. Interviews with five women, four of whom received treatment at Stepping Stones Addiction Centre, constituted the empirical data on which this research was based. These interviews revealed remarkable experiences in the lives of these women. The findings of the research indicate that women in recovery with substanceproblems benefit tremendously from interaction with the dimension of spirituality. Spirituality was understood in terms of the experience of intervention or support by a power greater than themselves – an experience which gave meaning to the lives of these women, which is manifested in their way of being and way of acting. This includes a new sense of responsibility and self-respect which empower them to become co-creators of their lives, and to contribute compassionately to the well-being of others. The continuous and disciplined application of “spiritual tools”, practices and guidelines constitute a growing dynamics of spiritual fitness which forms part of a holistic approach to treatment and recovery.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die dinamiek tussen spirituele fiksheid en vroue met substansie-probleme in die herstelproses, te verken. Die fenomenologiese metode van ondersoek, en binne hierdie konteks die kwalitatiewe benadering, is gebruik. Onderhoude met vyf vroue, van wie vier behandeling ontvang het by Stepping Stones Addiction Centre, het die empiriese data waarop hierdie navorsing gebaseer is, gekonstitueer. Hierdie onderhoude het merkwaardige ondervindings in die lewens van die vroue blootgelê. Die bevindings van die navorsing toon dat vroue met substansie- probleme in die herstelproses geweldig by die interaksie met die spirituele dimensie gebaat het. Spiritualiteit is verstaan in terme van die belewenis van intervensie of ondersteuning deur ‘n mag groter as hulself – ‘n ervaring wat betekenis gegee het aan die lewens van hierdie vroue, wat gemanifesteer het in hul wyse van bestaan en wyse van handel. Dit sluit ‘n nuwe begrip van verantwoordelikheid en selfrespek in, wat hul bemagtig om mede-skeppers van hul lewens te word, en op ‘n deernisvolle en empatiese wyse tot die welsyn van ander by te dra. Die voortgaande en gedissiplineerde toepassing van spirituele toerusting, gebruike en riglyne lei tot ‘n toenemende dinamiek van spirituele fiksheid wat deel vorm van ‘n holistiese benadering tot behandeling en die herstelproses.af
dc.format.extentix, 182 leaves
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectWomen -- Substance use -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectWomen -- Religious lifeen_ZA
dc.subjectWomen -- Conduct of lifeen_ZA
dc.subjectAlcoholics -- Rehabilitationen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.titleDie verkenning van die dinamiek rondom spirituele fiksheid en vroue met substansie-probleme in die herstelprosesaf
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