The perception of wellness of undergraduate nursing students at a nursing education institution

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction and problem statement: Addressing the misalignment of wellness within the higher education environment is vital for student success. It has therefore been recommended to implement holistic wellness programmes as part of the curriculum. Society’s expectation that nursing professionals should be role models for wellness indicate the need to examine the effectiveness of the wellness approach within current nursing programmes and the wellness support provided to the students. Exploring undergraduate nursing students’ personal wellness practices and possible wellness barriers offers insight into the overall wellness perceptions among this population. The available wellness support within the undergraduate nursing programme at a nursing education institution in South Africa and the undergraduate students’ unique wellness needs and challenges were identified. Methods: A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, and contextual research design was applied in this study, focusing on the undergraduate nursing students’ unique perceptions. The study was conducted at a nursing education institution in the Western Cape province of South Africa. A purposive sampling method was applied, comprising a sample of twenty-six undergraduate nursing students, enrolled in a 4-year Bachelor of Nursing programme. One focus group interview was conducted for each academic year group. The first-year group consisted of four participants, the second-year group of five participants, the third-year group of ten participants, and the fourth-year group of seven participants selected from the target population. A semi structured interview guide was used to collect narrative data from the participants during focus group interviews. Qualitative reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyse the data collected. Ethical approval was obtained from the Health Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University, and institutional permission was obtained from the Division for Information Governance at the chosen nursing education institution. The study adhered to the principles of ensuring trustworthiness and ethical standards. Results: Four overarching themes and 13 sub-themes emerged through the data. The findings showed that the participants in this study were familiar with the concept of wellness and made conscious efforts to incorporate wellness practices within their own lives. The overall findings suggests that each individual’s perceptions of wellness are unique, and their wellness needs and goals depend on their wellness knowledge, personal experience, and unique circumstances. The participants were overall satisfied with their personal wellness choices across the wellness dimensions, but various wellness barriers were reported. The main wellness barriers linked to the academic programme were diverse teaching strategies, inconsistent academic schedules, and language barriers. Additional wellness barriers identified were inaccessible resources, time constraints, campus culture, financial constraints, and additional responsibilities. The findings revealed that the participants in the first academic year group particularly struggled with academic transition and the peer mentoring structure within the academic programme provided valuable support during this period of transition. The findings suggest that although wellness support structures and resources were available in the academic programme, challenges were reported with the accessibility of important resources. Conclusion: In conclusion, to incorporate wellness initiatives and support structures into an academic programme requires precision to address the variety of wellness needs, barriers, and the uniqueness of each individual within the specific population it serves.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding en probleem stelling: Die aanspreek van die wanbelyning van welstand binne die hoeronderwysomgewing is noodsaaklik vir studentesukses, daarom is dit aanbeveel om holistiese welstandsprogramme as deel van die kurrikulum te implementeer. Die samelewing se verwagting van professionele verpleegkundiges is om rolmodelle vir welstand te wees, dui die behoefte aan om die doeltreffendheid van die welstandsbenadering binne die huidige verpleegprogramme en die welstandsondersteuning wat aan die studente verskaf word, te ondersoek. Deur die persoonlike welstandspraktyke en moontlike welstandhindernisse vir die voorgraadse verpleegstudente te ondersoek, bied insig in die algehele welstandpersepsies van die populasie. Die beskikbare welstandsteun binne die voorgraadse verpleegprogram by 'n verpleegonderwysinstelling in Suid-Afrika en die unieke welstandbehoeftes en uitdagings van die voorgraadse student is geidentifiseer. Metode: ‘n Kontekstuele, verkennende, beskrywende en kontekstuele navorsingsontwerp is in hierdie studie toegepas wat fokus op die voorgraadse verpleegstudente se unieke gevoelens, gedagtes en emosies. Die studie is uitgevoer by 'n verpleegonderwysinstelling in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika. ‘n Doelgerigte steekproefmetode is toegepas, met die finale studiesteekproef bestaande uit ses en twintig voorgraadse verpleegstudente wat ingeskryf was vir ‘n 4-jaar Baccalaureus-verpleegprogram. Een fokusgroeponderhoud is vir elke akademiese jaargroep gevoer. Die eerstejaarsgroep het bestaan uit vier deelnemers, die tweedejaarsgroep uit vyf deelnemers, die derdejaarsgroep uit tien deelnemers en die vierdejaarsgroep uit sewe deelnemers wat uit die teikenpopulasie gekies is. ’n Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudsgids is gebruik om narratiewe data vanaf die deelnemers tydens fokus groep onderhoude in te samel. Kwalitatiewe, refleksiewe tematiese analise is gebruik om die data wat ingesamel is te ontleed. Etiese goedkeuring is verkry vanaf die Gesondheids Navorsingsetiek Komitee van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en institutionele toestemming van die Afdeling vir Inligtingsbestuur by die gekose verpleegonderwysinstelling. Die beginsels om die betroubaarheid en etiese norme te bevorder, is nagekom in hierdie studie. Resultate: Vier oorkoepelende temas en 13 sub-temas het deur die data na vore gekom. Die bevindinge het getoon dat die deelnemers in die studie vertroud is met die konsep van welstand en dat hulle doelbewuste pogings aangewend om een of ander vorm van welstandspraktyke in hul eie lewens te inkorporeer. Die algehele bevindinge dui daarop dat elke individu se persepsies van welstand uniek is en dat hul welstand behoeftes en doelwitte afhanklik is van hul welstand kennis, persoonlike ervaring en unieke omstandighede. Die deelnemers was oor die algemeen tevrede met hulle persoonlike welstandskeuses oor die welstandsdimensies heen, maar verskeie welstandshindernisse was gerapporteer. Die hoof welstandshindernisse gekoppel aan die akademiese program is diverse onderrigstrategiee, inkonsekwente akademiese skedules en taalhindernisse. Bykomende welstandshindernisse wat geidentifiseer is, sluit ontoeganklike hulpbronne, tydsbeperkings, kampuskultuur, finansiele beperkings en bykomende verantwoordelikhede in. Die bevindinge het aan die lig gebring dat die deelnemers in die eerste akademiese jaargroep veral gesukkel het met akademiese oorgang en die portuurmentorstruktuur binne die akademiese program het waardevolle ondersteuning gedurende hierdie oorgangstydperk gebied. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat hoewel welstandondersteuningstrukture en hulpbronne in die akademiese program beskikbaar was, is daar uitdagings met die toeganklikheid van belangrike hulpbronne gerapporteer. Gevolgtrekking: Ter slotte, om welstandsinisiatiewe en ondersteuningstrukture in ‘n akademiese program te inkorporeer, vereis presisie om die verskeidenheid welstandsbehoeftes, hindernisse en die uniekheid van elke individu binne die spesifieke bevolking wat dit bedien aan te spreek.
Thesis (MNur)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.
Wellness, Perceptions, Nursing, Undergraduate Student, Barriers, Healthy Lifestyle