Collaborative governance : a holistic approach to creating safer communities in the Western Cape

dc.contributor.advisorUys, Frederik, 1957-en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorFennell, Juanitaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT : The need for safer communities is on the rise in South Africa. This is evident through sporadic spates of local community lockdowns whereby key roads were closed for incoming and outgoing traffic as a means of raising awareness of their social and security plight and seek government’s attention. Public servants in South Africa are increasingly required to respond effectively to the safety of communities in order to achieve a positive state of well-being amongst people within their social and physical environment. Creating safer communities has therefore become a priority for the Western Cape Provincial Government. The study highlights the serious insufficiencies in the overall public sector management approach of various departments, stakeholders and role players at all three spheres of government in relation to addressing community safety issues. The continuous challenges of uncoordinated government planning, silo approach to community safety and duplication of services by public institutions have in the main mostly resulted in either a non-responsive or reactive, unsuccessful and fruitless approach towards resolving community issues. Public institutions are not adequately geared towards handling complex challenges of creating safer communities, and more so when implementing transversal programmes for which solutions are not readily and easily found. Instead, the complexity of the problems require public servants in various government institutions to work in an integrated manner in order to address multifaceted societal problems such as crime, crime prevention and community safety, which are influenced by transversal factors and challenges that cannot be solved by a single institution or sphere of government. This study therefore focusses on collaborative governance within a specific focus on following a holistic and integrated approach to create safer communities in the Western Cape Province. To this end this study was conducted to determine if an integrated and collaborative approach were followed by all relevant stakeholders and role players at a Western Cape Provincial and Local Government level. The study endeavored to determine if the proper elements and principles of collaborative governance can result in public value within the context of following an integrated management and holistic approach to creating safer communities in the Western Cape Province. From an international perspective there seems to be a consensus that it is important to understand the interconnected systems within a complex system, especially if an outcome of safety governance is to be achieved. The importance of a collaborative governance framework is highlighted to create a common and uniform understanding amongst all stakeholders, especially on the concepts and definition of Holism and the added public value that can be created from a holistic and systemic approach. The concept of Holism is explored and explained in terms of the public sector and taking into consideration the expectation of the public sector to cope with increasingly complex, changing, and diverse circumstances. The study concludes and recommends that a dimensional and multi-sectoral approach towards community safety be followed. A proposed model and strategy to implement a holistic integrated management approach is recommended to ensure collaborative governance, which is believed to be an ideal approach to effectively create safer communities in the Western Cape Province.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Die behoefte aan veiliger gemeenskappe is aan die toeneem in Suid-Afrika. Die sporadiese insidente waar plaaslike gemeenskappe toegangspaaie sluit vir inkomende en uitgaande verkeer om die regering bewus te maak van hul maatskaplike en veiligheidsituasie. Daar word toenemend van staatsamptenare in Suid-Afrika verwag om doeltreffend op die veiligheid van gemeenskappe te fokus om die welstand tussen mense binne hul sosiale en fisiese omgewing te bewerkstellig. Die skepping van veiliger gemeenskappe het dus 'n prioriteit vir die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering geword. Hierdie studie fokus op die ernstige tekortkominge van die bestuursbenadering van verskeie openbare sektor departemente, sowel as die van belanghebbendes en rolspelers op al drie regeringsvlakke met betrekking tot die hantering van gemeenskapsveiligheidskwessies. Die voortdurende uitdagings van ongekoördineerde regeringsbeplanning, ‘n silo-benadering tot gemeenskapsveiligheid en duplisering van dienste deur regeringsintansies het hoofsaaklik gelei tot óf geen reaksie óf ‘n reaktiewe, onsuksesvolle en vrugtelose benadering tot die oplossing van gemeenskapskwessies. Openbare instellings fokus nie voldoende op die hantering van komplekse uitdagings om veiliger gemeenskappe te skep nie, en meer nog wanneer transversale programme, waarvoor oplossings nie geredelik en maklik gevind kan word nie, geïmplementeer word. In tenstelling, die kompleksiteit van die probleme wat staatsamptenare in verskeie staatsinstellings moet aanspreek vereis ‘n geintegreerde benadering sodate die uitdagings in gemeenskappe op all vlakke aangespreek kan word; dit sluit misdaad, misdaadvoorkoming en gemeenskapsveiligheid in. Genoemde uitdagings, wat beinvloed word deur tranversale faktore, kan nie deur ‘n enkele instelling of regeringsvlak opgelos word nie. Hierdie studie fokus dus op samewerkende bestuur met 'n spesifieke fokus op 'n holistiese en geïntegreerde benadering om veiliger gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie te skep. Die studie is uitgevoer om te bepaal of 'n geïntegreerde en samewerkende benadering deur alle relevante belanghebbendes en rolspelers op 'n Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale en Plaaslike Regeringsvlak gevolg is. Die studie het gepoog om te bepaal of die elemente en beginsels van samewerkende regering tot openbare waarde kan lei binne die konteks van geïntegreerde bestuur en ‘n holistiese benadering tot die skeping van veiliger gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie. Die behoefte aan veiliger gemeenskappe is aan die toeneem in Suid-Afrika. Die sporadiese insidente waar plaaslike gemeenskappe toegangspaaie sluit vir inkomende en uitgaande verkeer om die regering bewus te maak van hul maatskaplike en veiligheidsituasie. Daar word toenemend van staatsamptenare in Suid-Afrika verwag om doeltreffend op die veiligheid van gemeenskappe te fokus om die welstand tussen mense binne hul sosiale en fisiese omgewing te bewerkstellig. Die skepping van veiliger gemeenskappe het dus 'n prioriteit vir die Wes-Kaapse Provinsiale Regering geword. Vanuit ‘n internasionale oogpunt blyk dit belangrik om die onderling gekoppelde stelsels binne 'n komplekse stelsel te verstaan, veral as die doelwitte van veiligheidsbestuur bereik wil word. Die belangrikheid van 'n samewerkende bestuursraamwerk om 'n gemeenskaplike en eenvormige begrip onder alle belanghebbendes te skep word uitgelig, veral ten opsige van die konsepte en definisie van holisme en die toegevoegde publieke waarde wat 'n holistiese en sistemiese benadering kan meebring. Die konsep van holisme word ondersoek en verduidelik in terme van die openbare sektor en neem die verwagting van die openbare sektor om toenemend komplekse, veranderende, en diverse omstandighede te hanteer in ag. Die studie sluit af en beveel aan dat 'n multidimensionele en multisektorale benadering tot gemeenskapsveiligheid gevolg word. ’n Voorgestelde model en strategie om ’n holistiese geïntegreerde bestuursbenadering te implementeer word aanbeveel om samewerkende bestuur te verseker; hierdie benadering is ideaal om veiliger gemeenskappe in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie te bewerkstellig.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 299 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCollaborative governance -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectCommunities -- Safety measures -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleCollaborative governance : a holistic approach to creating safer communities in the Western Capeen_ZA
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