Exploring the value of mentorship programmes as a preventative strategy for prenatal alcohol use for at risk women in the South Africa

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : Introduction: The high prevalence rate of FASD is well-known in South Africa, especially in certain areas in the rural Western Cape with an estimation of about 180-260 children in 1000 being affected. Literature confirms that there is poor recognition and response to the epidemic of FASD, and that a response from public health, which could include occupational therapy, could benefit many. Occupational therapy could be a valuable contributor to maternal health during the prenatal stages considering their holistic, client-centered approach. There have been many preventative strategies implemented to lower the prevalence of FASD, and one of them is by the means of mentorship programmes for at-risk mothers in high-risk communities. At-risk women face many barriers in accessing adequate healthcare services and mentorship programmes could potentially provide the necessary care and support at-risk mothers need to improve their maternal health. There is a need for exploring the value of these mentorship programmes to further assist with the development of successful prevention strategies for FASD. Methodology: A qualitative, explorative case study has been done on community-based mentorship programmes for at-risk mothers in South Africa, with a focus on the Western Cape. The study population has been field experts within the mentorship programmes, as well as mentors and mentees. Data has been collected by the means of an online focus group discussion of field experts (n=4), and SMS-journaling of mentors and mentees over a period of three weeks (n=6). An inductive analysis approach was used. The data was analysed according to themes, sub-themes and codes using content analysis. Ethical clearance has been obtained. Credibility has been ensured by member checking and peer examination. Data triangulation was ensured by using multiple data collection methods. Transferability has been ensured by thick description. Findings: There were four main themes that emerged from the collected data. These themes were (1) “It’s not just a generic programme”, (2) “Our pregnant women are struggling out there”, (3) “It has been a wonderful challenge to be a mentor” and (4) “What I will say that does not work”. Discussion: The most valuable components of a mentorship programme as studied is the client-centered, holistic approach while building empathetic, trustworthy relationships and supporting and empowering the at-risk mothers. This relationship between the above-mentioned components is transactional in nature, and one cannot function without the other. It is also important to consider the contextual challenges that at-risk mothers face in their daily lives, including unemployment, poverty, crime, violence, gangsterism and household abuse which often leads to poor coping mechanisms such alcohol and substance abuse. It is also important for the mentors themselves to feel supported and empowered throughout the mentorship programme to add to the success of a mentorship programme. It also became evident that prevention of FASD should not only start with at-risk mothers, but preventative strategies, such as education for primary school learners, should be implemented. The accessibility of mentorship programmes should also improve to reach more at-risk mothers. Conclusion: In conclusion, mentorship programmes should include a client-centered, holistic approach while building strong relationships between the mentor and the at-risk mother. It is also important to support and empower the at-risk mother as she experiences a range of adversities and challenges and focus should be given to her mental well-being. This requires a shift from the problems within the person, but rather to that of the environment. Occupational therapy can play a vital role in the fields of maternal health and can assist at-risk mothers to achieve client-centered goals and create supportive environments. This could assist in the success of these programmes, and success of these programme could benefit the public health system in decreasing the prevalence of FASD in those communities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Inleiding: Die hoë voorkoms van FASV (Fetale Alkohol Spektrum Versteuring) is wel bekend in Suid Afrika, veral in sekere landelike gebiede in die Wes-Kaap met ‘n skatting van omtrent 180-260 kinders in 1000 kinders wat geaffekteer word. Literatuur bevestig dat daar swak erkenning en daarom reaksie is tot hierdie epidemie van FASV, and dat ‘n reaksie daarop van publieke gesondheid, wat arbeidstreapie kan insluit, baie mense kan baat. Arbeidsterapie kan waardevolle bydraes maak tot die veld van moedergesondheid gedurende die voorgeboortelike stadia aangesien hul ‘n holistiese, kliënt-gesentreerde benadering volg. Daar is reeds vele voorkomingsstrategieë geïmplementeer om die voorkoming van FASV te verminder en een daarvan is die gebruik van mentorskapprogramme vir kwesbare ma’s in hoë-risiko gemeenskappe. Kwesbare ma’s staar vele hindernisse in die gesig om toegang tot voldoende gesondheidsorg te bekom en mentorskapprogramme kan potensiëel die nodige sorg en ondersteuning bied vir die kwesbare ma’s om hul moedergesondheid te verbeter. Daar is dus ‘n behoefte om die waarde van die mentorskapprogramme verder te ondersoek om te help met die ontwikkeling van suksesvolle voorkoming strategieë van FASV. Metodologie: ‘n Kwalitatiewe, ondersoekende gevallestudie was gedoen op gemeenskaps-gebaseerde mentorskapprogramme vir kwesbare ma’s in Suid Afrika, met ‘n fokus op die Wes-Kaap. Die studie populasie was kenners in die veld van die mentorskapprogramme, asook mentors en mentees. Data was ingesamel deur middel van ‘n aanlyn fokusgroepbespreking van kenners van die veld (n=4) en SMS-joernaalinskrywings van die mentors en mentees (n=6) oor ‘n periode van drie weke. ‘n Induktiewe-analise benadering was gebruik. Die data was ge-analiseer volgens tema’s, sub-tema’s en kodes met die gebruik van inhoudsanalise. Etiese goedkeuring was gekry. Geloofwaardigheid was bekom deur deelnemer bekragtiging en portuurondersoek. Datatriangulasie was verseker deur verskeie data-insamelings metodes te gebruik. Oordraagbaarheid is verkry deur ryke beskrywing. Bevindinge: Daar her vier hoof tema’s aan die lig gekom van die ingesamelde data. Hierdie tema’s was (1) “Dit is nie net ‘n generiese program nie”, (2) “Ons swanger vrouens sukkel daar buite”, (3) “Dit is ‘n wonderlike uitdaging om ‘n mentor te wees” en (4) “Wat ek sal sê wat nie werk nie”. Bespreking: Die mees waardevolle komponente van ‘n mentorskapprogram soos gestudeer is die kliënt-gesentreerde, holistiese benadering wat gevolg word, tesame met die empatiese, betroubare verhoudings wat gebou word en die ondersteuning en bemagting van die kwesbare ma’s. Hierdie verhouding tussen die bogenoemde komponenete is transaksioneel van aard, en die een kan nie sonder die ander een funskioneer nie. Dit is ook belangrik om die kontekstuele uitdagings wat kwesbare ma’s in hul daaglikse lewens teëkom in ag te neem. Hierdie uitdagings sluit in werkloosheid, armoede, misdaad, geweld, bendegeweld en huishoudelike mishandeling wat meestal lei tot die gebruik swak verdedigingsmeganismes soos alkohol- en dwelmmisbruik. Dit is ook belangrik vir die mentors om te voel hulle word ondersteun en bemagtig ten einde tot die sukses van die mentorskapprogram by te dra. Dit het ook duidelik geword dat die voorkoming van FASV nie by die kwesbare ma’s moet begin nie, maar dat voorkomingstrategieë soos opvoeding van laerskool leerlinge, ook geïmplementeer moet word. Die toegangklikheid van die mentorskapprogamme moet ook verbeter om sodoende meer kwesbare ma’s te bereik. Gevolgtrekking: Ter gevolgtrekking moet mentorskapprogramme ‘n kliënt-gesentreerde, holistiese benadering volg wat sterk verhoudings bou tussen die mentor en kwesbare ma. Dit is ook belangrik vir die kwesbare ma om te voel sy word ondersteun en bemagtig aangesien sy ‘n verskeidenheid van uitdagings en hindernisse ervaar, en daar moet ‘n fokus wees op ‘n geestelike gesondheid. Dit vereis wel ‘n skuif weg van die probleme van die persoon na dié van die omgewing. Arbeidsterapie kan ‘n belangrike rol speel in die veld van moedergesondheid en kan kwesbare ma’s help om hul kliënt-gesentreerde doelwitte te bereik en ondersteunende omgewings te skep. Dit kan help met die sukses van die programme, en daarom die publieke gesondheidsisteem baat deur die vermindering van die voorkoms van FASV in sekere gemeenskappe.
Thesis (MOccTher)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders -- Prevention -- Western Cape (South Africa), Mentoring in medicine -- Effectiveness -- Western Cape (South Africa), Women alcoholics -- Services for -- Western Cape (South Africa), UCTD