The views of social service providers on the use of parenting plans for adolescents of divorced parents

dc.contributor.advisorGreen, Sulinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMundalamo, Ntodiseni Anastatiaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Like in other countries, divorce has also become a common trend in South Africa and many children are exposed to the distress related to it. When parents separate or divorce, decisions have to be made that will have a huge impact on their child (ren). Finding ways to rear children both during and post-divorce is a daunting task for professionals. As part of a broader discussion designed to address the rearing of children in the separation and /or divorce process, the purpose of this study is to focus on a relatively new concept of the Children’s’ Act 38 of 2005, namely; parenting plans. Parenting plan is a new concept for social work service providers in South Africa working in the area of divorce. Emphasis has been placed in terms of section 33 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 to act in the best interest of the child (ren) and to assist the family with its functioning post-divorce. The aim of this study is to gain insight from social work service providers who facilitate parenting plans for divorcing families with adolescents. A qualitative research approach was used in the study. The study further assumed an exploratory and descriptive research design due to the limited information available regarding the views of social workers on the use of parenting plans for adolescents of divorce. A purposive sampling method was used to select 20 participants. Data was gathered by means of a semi structured interview schedule which was administered during individual interviews. This method allowed for a holistic view to be gained of participants’ opinions about and insights into the topic. The most vital recommendations resulting from the study indicate that social work service providers should become more equipped to facilitate parenting plans as this will help both the child and divorcing parents post-divorce. The use of parenting plan will ensure efficient implementation of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005. Lastly it is suggested that more research be done about parenting plans nationally and internationally to increase knowledge regarding effective implementation of parenting plans as an intervention strategy for a divorcing families with adolescents.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Soos in ander lande het egskeiding in Suid-Afrika ‘n algemene tendens geword en baie kinders word blootgestel aan die bekommernisse wat daarmee verband hou. Wanneer ouers verwyder raak of skei, moet besluite geneem word wat ‘n groot impak op hulle kind(ers ) sal hê. Om maniere the vind waarop kinders groot gemaak kan word, beide gedurende en na egskeiding, is ‘n oorweldigende taak vir professionele persone. Ouerplanne is ‘n nuwe konsep vir maatskaplike diensverskaffers in Suid-Afrika wat dienste lewer in die veld van egskeiding. Die opstel van ouerplanne is ‘n vereiste in terme van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 om te verseker dat in die beste belang van die kind(ers) opgetree word en om die gesin by te staan met hulle funksionering na ‘n egskeiding. Die doel van die studie is om insig te ontwikkel in die sienings van maatskaplike diensverskaffers oor die gebruik van ouerplanne vir adolessente van geskeide ouers. ‘n Kwalitatewe navorsingsbenadering is gebruik in die studie. Verder is ‘n verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp gebruik as gevolg van die beperkte inligting wat beskikbaar is oor die sienings van maatskaplike diensverskaffers oor die gebruik van ouerplanne vir adolessente van geskeide ouers. ‘n Doelbewuste steekproef is gebruik om 20 deelnemers te selekteer. Data is ingesamel met behulp van ‘n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoudskedule wat geadministreer is tydens individuele onderhoude. Hierdie metode het dit moontlik gemaak om ‘n holistiese siening te verkry van die deelnemers se opinies oor en insig in die navorsingsonderwerp. Die vernaamste aanbeveling voortspruitend uit die studie dui aan dat maatskaplike diensverskaffers beter toegerus moet word om ouerplanne te gebruik om beide die kind(ers) en ouers na egskeiding sal ondersteun. Die gebruik van ouerplanne sal die effektiewe implementering van die Kinderwet 38 van 2005 verseker. Laastens word voorgestel dat meer navorsing nasionaal gedoen sal word om kennis uit te brei oor die effektiewe implementering van ouerplanne as intervensie strategie vir gesinne met adolessente wat betrokke is by egskeiding.af_ZA
dc.format.extentv, 192 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial case work with youth social workersen_ZA
dc.subjectDivorced parents-- Family relationshipsen_ZA
dc.subjectCustody of children--Law and legislationen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren of divorced parents--Family relationshipsen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial work with teenagersen_ZA
dc.subjectParent and teenageren_ZA
dc.titleThe views of social service providers on the use of parenting plans for adolescents of divorced parentsen_ZA
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