The definition and development of open innovation models to assist the innovation process

dc.contributor.advisorSchutte, C. S. L.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMarais, Stephanen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Industrial Engineering.
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng (Industrial Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are continuously striving to attain and maintain a competitive advantage over their peers. The innovation process provides an excellent vehicle for driving this sustained quest for competitiveness, whether on product, process or strategic level. However, in reality the increased availability and adoption of technology force organisations to increase the speed and effectiveness of their innovation processes to match not only those of their competitors, but to deal with the ever-increasing power of the individual – the empowered, consuming, producing “prosumer”. The innovation process itself should therefore undergo dramatic alterations to cope with – and include – these empowered prosumers. It is for this reason that the evolution of the innovation process has undergone changes, and is now moving towards the notion of Open Innovation. Although Open Innovation has been adopted by various organisations, it was found that a wellformulated, standardised set of Open Innovation models is lacking from existing literature. This research bridges the gap between the previous innovation models and the notion of an open approach to internal innovation, to improve the speed and effectiveness of the innovation process. It does this by investigating two primary research fields: innovation and Open Innovation, and then merging the two fields to provide a standardised framework to incorporate Open Innovation in the standard innovation process. The fundamentals of innovation are investigated, whereafter the focus moves to understanding a specific, existing innovation process framework, the Fugle Innovation Process Model. The second field (Open Innovation) is introduced, whereafter various literature sources (real-life examples, case studies and interviews) are used to develop (categorise, define and describe) five standard Open Innovation models. The five developed Open Innovation models are then allocated to the investigated, standard innovation process, according to what is needed in that particular phase of the innovation process and the beneficial offerings of each Open Innovation model. The allocated models therefore provide a potential substitute for the existing internal activity associated with each of the specific phases. The result is an existing innovation process model, populated with implementable Open Innovation models to increase not only the value of the innovation process model, but also the value to organisations who wish to deploy Open Innovation.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Maatskappye is voortdurend besig om ’n mededingende voordeel bo hulle mededingers te probeer verkry en te handhaaf. Die innovasieproses bied ’n uitstekende metode om hierdie doel na te streef, hetsy op produk-, proses- of strategiese vlak. Die realiteit is egter dat die tempo waarmee tegnologie aangeneem en aanvaar word, en sodoende vrylik gebruik word, konstant toeneem. Dit dwing maatskappye om die spoed en effektiwiteit van hulle innovasieproses volhoubaar te verbeter, nie net om by te hou by hulle mededingers nie, maar ook om die maatskappy korrek te posisioneer ten opsigte van die moderne, bemagtigde verbruiker. Die innovasieproses moet dus self ’n gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan om ruimte te bied vir die insluiting van hierdie bemagtigde verbruikers. Daarom verander die evolusionêre progressie van die innovasieproses voortdurend en is dit besig om in die rigting van “Oop Innovasie” te beweeg. Alhoewel Oop Innovasie reeds deur verskeie maatskappye toegepas word, is daar gevind dat goed geformuleerde, standaard-, implementeerbare prosesse (of modelle) steeds in die literatuur ontbreek. Hierdie navorsings oorbrug dus die leemte tussen die meer konvensionele “geslote innovasie” en die nuwerwetse neiging na “Oop Innovasie”, om sodoende die spoed en effektiwiteit van die interne innovasieproses te verbeter. Dit word bereik deur die twee kernnavorsingsvelde te ondersoek: innovasie en Oop Innovasie, en dan die twee velde te kombineer om ’n gestandaardiseerde model te skep wat Oop Innovasie by die standaard-innovasieproses insluit. Die metodiek fokus eerstens op die kernaspekte van innovasie om ’n beter begrip van die veld te ontwikkel. Daarna verskuif die klem na die beskrywing van ’n reeds bestaande innovasieprosesmodel, die Fugle-innovasieprosesmodel. Hierna word Oop Innovasie bekend gestel, waarna vyf implementeerbare Oop Innovasie-modelle ontwikkel word aan die hand van verskeie werklike voorbeelde, gevallestudies en onderhoude, om sodoende die modelle te groepeer, te definieer en te beskryf (voordele, nadele en vereistes). Die vyf Oop Innovasie-modelle word hierna toegedeel aan die verskillende fases van die innovasieprosesmodel deur ’n vergelyking te tref tussen die behoeftes van elk van die fases en die proposisie wat elk van die Oop Innovasie-modelle bied. Die resultaat is dus ’n bestaande innovasieprosesmodel waarvan die waarde verhoog is deur die insluiting van implementeerbare Oop Innovasie-modelle. Dit voeg waarde toe vir organisasies wat graag ’n Oop Innovasieproses wil instel.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectOpen innovationen_ZA
dc.subjectInnovation frameworken_ZA
dc.subjectFugle Innovation Process Modelen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial engineeringen
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial engineeringen
dc.subject.lcshTechnological innovations -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshStrategic planningen_ZA
dc.subject.otherIndustrial Engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleThe definition and development of open innovation models to assist the innovation processen_ZA
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