An analysis of eco-labelled honey practices employed in the South African beekeeping industry : implications for agricultural sustainability

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY : This thesis presents a novel area of research for agricultural sustainability in South Africa, within the field of Geography and Environmental Studies. Previous studies on eco-labels in South Africa focussed on the commercial aspects such as the consumer understanding and perceptions (Stausebach, 2016; Struwig and Adendorff, 2018) and its application in ecotourism (Pieterse, 2004), rather than the primary sector activities associated with it such as beekeeping. The application of eco-labels in viticulture for biodiversity (Bridgman, 2009) was among the only other sampled literature in the agricultural sector of South Africa, highlighting a gap for further research. Eco-labels serve as a marketing tool to consumers, based on the environmental considerations and performance of a product. For this study they were employed as a measure to determine its efficacy for agricultural sustainability in the beekeeping industry (apiculture) in South Africa. Beekeepers across the country participated in this study to share insight on their harvesting techniques. Their responses provided in the interviews and survey conducted, assisted with understanding how eco-labelled honey is implemented in the beekeeping industry in South Africa. These eco-labels included “Badger- Friendly”, “Fairtrade”, “Pure”, “Organic”, “Raw”, “Monofloral”, “Wild Honey” as well as the “Mobius Loop”. Based on a comparative analysis of the eco-label requirements as per the literature review in contrast to the results of the study, it indicated that there are some misconceptions and subsequent misuse of the eco-labels by industry role-players. The ecolabels were either not fully understood or adhered to accordingly. This highlights that further studies are warranted to raise the level of awareness for agricultural sustainability, in the hope of instituting environmental policy changes and reform to this sector.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie tesis bied 'n nuwe navorsings area vir volhoubaarheid binne die landbou sektor van Suid -Afrika op die gebiede van beide aardrykskunde asook omgewingstudies. Vorige studies oor eko-etikette in Suid-Afrika het gefokus op die kommersiële aspekte soos die verbruikers begrip en persepsies (Stausebach, 2016; Struwig and Adendorff, 2018) sowel as die toepassing daarvan in ekotoerisme (Pieterse, 2004), eerder as die aktiwiteite van die primêre sektor wat verband hou daarmee soos byeboerdery. Die toepassing van eko-etikette in wingerdbou vir biodiversiteit (Bridgman, 2009) was een van die enigste ander literatuur in die landbousektor van Suid-Afrika, wat 'n leemte vir verdere navorsing bewerkstellig het. Ekoetikette dien as 'n bemarkings instrument vir verbruikers, gebaseer op die omgewingsoorwegings en prestasie van 'n produk. Vir hierdie studie is hulle gebruik as 'n maatstaf om die doeltreffendheid daarvan vir landbouvolhoubaarheid in die byeboerdery (byeboerdery) in Suid-Afrika te bepaal. Byeboere regoor die land het aan hierdie studie deelgeneem om insig oor hul oestegnieke te deel. Hul antwoorde verskaf in die onderhoude en opname wat gedoen is, het gehelp om te verstaan hoe eko-gemerkte heuning in die byeboerderybedryf in Suid-Afrika geïmplementeer word. Hierdie eko-etikette sluit in "Badger-Friendly", "Organic", "Fairtrade", "Raw", "Pure", "Monofloral", "Wild" heuning sowel as die "Mobius loop". Gebaseer op 'n vergelykende analise van die literatuuroorsig en die resultate van die studie, het aangedui dat daar 'n paar wanopvattings en daaropvolgende misbruik van die eko-etikette deur rolspelers in die bedryf is. Die eko-etikette is óf nie ten volle verstaan nie, óf daarvolgens nagekom. Dit beklemtoon dat verdere studies nodig is om die bewustheid van landbou volhoubaarheid te verhoog, in die hoop om omgewingsbeleid veranderinge en hervorming van hierdie sektor in te stel.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Eco-labeling -- South Africa, Honey trade -- South Africa, Sustainability -- South Africa, Bee culture -- South Africa, UCTD