Sexual attitudes and behavioural patterns of adolescents in an urban area in the Western Cape

Enfield, Leon Charles
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Internationally there is concern about the reproductive health of adolescents. In South Africa a growing concern is the rampant sexual activity of underage learners. This study seeks to explore the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of a group of adolescents with regard to their psycho-sexual development. A qualitative study was conducted, with data being collected by using semistructured interviews, which were subsequently analysed thematically. The data was analysed and five themes emerged from the three categories (knowledge, attitudes and behaviour). The five themes that emerged were knowledge about HIV/AIDS and venereal diseases, where participants received their knowledge about sexual issues, knowledge about conception and pregnancy, attitudes about sexuality and sexual behaviours. The study found a disparity between participants' knowledge, attitudes and sexual behaviour. Many participants have not developed a healthy sexual identity because of many factors that has contributed to this development. Some of these factors were social, parental, emotional, socio-economic, lack of appropriate knowledge, media and attitudinal influences. The findings indicated that the majority of the participants had a fairly good knowledge about HIV/AIDS but were less knowledgeable about other venereal diseases. It appeared that many of the participants did not have reliable sources to furnish them adequate answers to sexuality questions. This lack of information had a direct bearing on the formation of their sexual attitudes and behaviours. There was a marked difference between the sexual practices reported by the male and female participants. More of the male participants reported that they engaged in sexual activity as compared to the female participants. The study also highlighted the interrelatedness between knowledge, attitudes and behaviour.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionaal bestaan daar groot kommer aangaande die reproduktiewe gesondheid van adolessente. In Suid Afrika is die toenemende seksuele aktiwiteit van minderjarige leerders 'n toenemende bron van kommer. Hierdie studie het ten doelom die kennis, houdings en gedrag van 'n groep adolessente ten opsigte van hulle psigo-seksuele ontwikkeling te eksploreer. 'n Kwalitatiewe studie is uitgevoer. Data is ingesamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, wat tematies geanaliseer is. Vyf temas vanuit drie kategorieë (kennis, houdings en gedrag) het na vore gekom. Die vyf temas sluit in kennis aangaande HIVNIGS en veneriese siektes, waar adolessente hulle kennis aangaande seksuele sake ontvang het, kennis aangaande konsepsie en swangerskap, houdings aangaande seksualiteit en seksuele gedragsvorme. Die studie het 'n dispariteit gevind tussen deelnemers se kennis, houdings en seksuele gedrag. Baie van die deelnemers het nie seksuele identiteit ontwikkel nie, as gevolg van verskeie faktore wat hierdie ontwikkeling beïnvloed het. Sosiale, ouerlike, emosionele en sosio-ekonomiese veranderlikes, onkunde, sowel as die invloed van die media, is faktore wat bydra tot die swak ontwikkelde seksuele identiteit van deelnemers. Die bevindinge het aangetoon dat die oorgrote meerderheid van die respondente 'n redelik goeie kennis aangaande HIVNIGS het, maar nie so goed ingelig is aangaande veneriese siektes nie. Dit wil voorkom asof 'n aansienlike hoeveelheid van die deelnemers nie oor betroubare bronne beskik om hulle van die nodige antwoorde op seksuele vrae te voorsien nie. Hierdie gebrek aan informasie het 'n direkte invloed op die vorming van hul houdings aangaande seksualiteit en hul seksuele gedrag. 'n Betekenisvolle verskil is tussen die seksuele praktyke van manlike en vroulike deelnemers gevind. Meer manlike deelnemers was betrokke in seksuele bedrywighede in vergelyking met vroulike deelnemers. Die onderlinge verwantskap tussen kennis, houdings en gedrag is ook deur die studie na vore gebring.
Thesis (MEd(Psych))--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.
Sex (Psychology), Teenagers -- Sexual behavior -- Western Cape, Theses -- Education, Dissertations -- Education, Teenagers -- Sexual behavior -- Western Cape -- Attitudes