Uitdagings van maatskaplike werkers wat dienste lewer aan volwassenes met metamfetamienafhanklikheid in een landelike gebied

dc.contributor.advisorSlabbert, Ilzeen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKrige, Hannelieen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Social Work.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Methamphetamine dependency has a detrimental effect in rural areas on a micro- meso- and macro level and poses health and social challenges. Social workers in rural areas are confronted with the complexity of methamphetamine dependency daily and have to render services in the midst of challenges that result in a continuous staff turnover in the programme. This study aimed to explore and describe the challenges of social workers who render services to adults with a methamphetamine dependency in one rural area. A qualitative research approach with some quantitative elements was followed in this study. All data were gathered online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews as well as two focus groups with twenty social workers as participants. The empirical findings were analysed to answer the research questions. Six themes with relevant sub-themes and categories were identified, namely the effect of methamphetamine dependency; the causes of methamphetamine dependency; the nature of service rendering to adults with a methamphetamine dependency; the challenges of social work in the methamphetamine dependency field and possible solutions for social work service rendering to adults with a methamphetamine dependency. This study found that methamphetamine dependency has devastating consequences for the adult on a micro level, dysfunctional families on a meso level and communities submersed in chaotic circumstances on a macro level. From the ecological perspective it was found that if individual and environmental factors, the physical and spiritual well- being as well as the social functioning have an adverse influence on an individual and the person-in-environment: fit will be imbalanced. This could be a risk for methamphetamine dependency. Such an imbalance that often leads to methamphetamine dependency increases the pressure on social work service delivery. It was further found that social work service delivery is insufficient in the rural areas, as the demand is higher than the services that are offered. Underlying to poor social work service delivery is that services are not developmental in nature and that cooperation and coordination of services are lacking. Furthermore, neoliberal implications are reflected in the poor social work service delivery, increasing chaotic work circumstances as well as challenging the social work profession. These findings further indicate the increased workloads of social workers, resulting in more pressure and burnout. Again, the important role of social work supervision as well as the function of training and support were highlighted that can act as a buffer against burnout, especially in a complex field such as methamphetamine dependency. The study thus found that it is not only the individual, the family and the community who are affected by methamphetamine dependency, but social workers who render services in this field also experience the negative impact on a micro-, meso- and macro level. The social workers’ knowledge and skills are challenged on a micro level. On a meso level, social workers experience inadequate working environments and on a macro level, the global business principles influence the social work profession, preventing an effective implementation of the developmental approach. Furthermore, rendering services in the methamphetamine dependency field adds to social workers’ feelings of burnout that results in inadequate social work services. There is also only a small portion of the rural areas that require services in this field that are reached, as the demand is bigger than the available social work services. This study has indicated how methamphetamine dependency challenges the social work profession as well as social workers’ professionalism. The overall conclusion is the necessity and relevancy of effective social work supervision and continuous professional development to help develop social workers’ professionalism to establish effective social work services in this challenging field of methamphetamine dependency.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Metamfetamienafhanklikheid is ʼn gesondheids- en sosiale uitdaging met ʼn vernietigende effek in die landelike gebied op mikrovlak, mesovlak en makrovlak. Maatskaplike werkers op die platteland word daagliks met die kompleksiteit van metamfetamienafhanklikheid gekonfronteer en moet te midde van uitdagings dienste lewer wat aanleiding gee tot voortdurende personeelomset in die program. Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om die uitdagings van maatskaplike werkers wat dienste lewer aan volwassenes met metamfetamienafhanklikheid in een landelike gebied te ondersoek en te beskryf. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met sekere kwantitatiewe elemente is vir hierdie studie gebruik. Alle data is aanlyn ingesamel vanweë Covid-19 regulasies. Die data is verkry deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude asook deur twee fokusgroepe te benut met twintig maatskaplike werkers as deelnemers. Die empiriese bevindings is geanaliseer en is bespreek ten einde die navorsingsvrae te beantwoord. Ses temas met relevante sub-temas en kategorieë is geïdentifiseer, naamlik die effek van metamfetamienafhanklikheid; die oorsake van metamfetamienafhanklikheid; die aard van dienslewering vir volwassenes met metamfetamienafhanklikheid; maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering vir volwassenes met metamfetamienafhanklikheid; die uitdagings van maatskaplike werk in die veld van metamfetamienafhanklikheid en moontlike oplossings vir maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering vir volwassenes met metamfetamienafhanklikheid. Die studie het bevind dat metamfetamienafhanklikheid verpletterende gevolge inhou vir die individu op mikrovlak, gesinne disfunksioneel laat op mesovlak en gemeenskappe in chaotiese omstandighede dompel op makrovlak. Vanuit die ekologiese perspektief is bevind dat wanneer individuele- en omgewingsfaktore die fisiese en geestelike welstand asook die sosiale funksionering van ʼn persoon nadelig beïnvloed, die persoon-in-omgewing: pas ʼn wanbalans ervaar. Dit kan as ʼn risiko gesien word vir metamfetamienafhanklikheid. So ʼn wanbalans wat dikwels kan lei tot metamfetamienafhanklikheid verhoog die druk op maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering. Daar is verder bevind dat maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering in die platteland onvoldoende is, want die aanvraag na dienste is baie hoër as die dienste watStellenbosch University https://scholar.sun.ac.za iii aangebied word. Onderliggend tot hierdie leemte in maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering, is dat dienste nie ontwikkelingsgerig geïmplementeer word nie en samewerking en koördinering van dienste onvoldoende is. Neoliberale implikasies is voorts in die gebrekkige maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering gereflekteer wat chaotiese werksomstandighede verhoog en die maatskaplikewerk-professie uitdaag. Die studie se bevindings dui verder op verhoogde werksladings van maatskaplike werkers wat aanleiding gee tot verhoogde druk en gevoelens van uitbranding. Die studie het net weereens die belangrike rol van maatskaplikewerk-supervisie en die funksies van opleiding en ondersteuning belig wat as teenvoeter vir uitbranding gebruik kan word, veral in ʼn komplekse veld soos metamfetamienafhanklikheid. Die studie het dus bevind dat dit nie net die individu, die gesin en die gemeenskap is wat deur metamfetamienafhanklikheid geaffekteer word nie, maar ook die maatskaplike werkers wat dienste in hierdie veld lewer beleef die negatiewe impak op mikrovlak, mesovlak en makrovlak. Die maatskaplike werkers se kennis en vaardighede word uitgedaag op mikrovlak. Op mesovlak ondervind die maatskaplike werkers ontoereikende werksomgewings en op makrovlak beïnvloed globale besigheidsbeginsels die professie wat veroorsaak dat die ontwikkelingsbenadering nie effektief geïmplementeer word nie. Daar is verder bevind dat dienslewering in die veld van metamfetamienafhanklikheid bydra tot maatskaplike werkers se gevoel van uitbranding wat aanleiding gee tot gebrekkige maatskaplikewerk-dienslewering. Daar word ook net ʼn klein porsie van die landelike gemeenskap wat dienste benodig bereik, want die aanvraag is groter in hierdie veld as die beskikbare maatskaplike dienste.af_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMethamphetamine abuseen_ZA
dc.subjectAdolescents -- Substance abuseen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial workers -- Adolescents -- Substance abuseen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial services, Rural -- Adolescents -- Substance abuseen_ZA
dc.subjectRural, poor -- Adolescents -- Substance abuseen_ZA
dc.subjectSocial service -- Adolescents -- Social aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectSubstance abuse treatment facilitiesen_ZA
dc.titleUitdagings van maatskaplike werkers wat dienste lewer aan volwassenes met metamfetamienafhanklikheid in een landelike gebiedaf_ZA
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