The characterisation of non-motorised transportation on the Stellenbosch campus

dc.contributor.advisorAndersen, Simen Johannen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKlink, Hans-Peteren_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to understand and characterise how non-motorised transport (NMT) users transverse the Stellenbosch campus of Stellenbosch University. In establishing the behaviour of these users, initiatives in which the data could not only benefit local infrastructure planning but be used as a means to improve current and future transportation services could be identified, especially from a Mobility-as-a-Service perspective. Data was collected in the form of logged signals from Bluetooth devices using 44 custom build Bluetooth sensors. These sensors were placed across the campus area for three periods, which consisted out of four weekdays. From the logged signals, common trends in the form of typical travel paths and detections levels could be determined. The collected data was filtered using Microsoft Excel in order to distinguish between signals logged from motorised and nonmotorised transportation users. From the filtering process, a dataset which estimated the behaviour of NMT users in the forms of detection levels and origin and destination (O/D) matrices was created. Graphs depicting the level of NMT activity over a typical 24 hour period and, heatmaps and O/D maps could be then be designed. Once the data was visualised, it could then be analysed and findings could be formed based on current transportation services and the development of NMT related infrastructure. Major findings in this regard included identifying where micromobility services and the local minibus taxi industry could stand to benefit from the space/time characterisation of NMT behaviour.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis is daarop gemik om die gebruikers van nie-gemotoriseerde vervoer (NGV) oor die Stellenbosch-kampus van die Universiteit Stellenbosch te verstaan en te karakteriseer. Deur die gedrag van NGV-gebruikers te bepaal, kan inisiatiewe geïdentifiseer word waarin die data nie net plaaslike infrastruktuurbeplanning bevoordeel nie, maar ook die beplanning van huidige en toekomstige vervoerdienste, veral vanuit ’n Mobiliteit-as-’n-Diens-perspektief. Data is versamel in die vorm van aangetekende seine vanaf Bluetooth-toestelle met behulp van 44 spesiaal gemaakte Bluetooth-sensors. Hierdie sensors is gedurende drie periodes, wat vier weeksdae insluit, oor die kampusgebied geplaas. Vanuit die aangetekende seine kan algemene neigings in die vorm van tipiese reispaaie en aantekeningsvlakke bepaal word. Die versamelde data is met behulp van Microsoft Excel gefiltreer om te onderskei tussen seine wat van gemotoriseerde en nie-gemotoriseerde gebruikers van vervoer gebruik is. Vanaf die filterproses is 'n datastel geskep wat die gedrag van NMT-gebruikers in die vorm van aantekeningsvlakke en oorsprong- en bestemmingsmatrikse (O/B) vertoon. Grafieke wat die vlak van NGV-aktiwiteit oor 'n tipiese periode van 24 uur uitbeeld, sowel as hittekaarte en O/B-kaarte is daarna ontwerp. Nadat die data gevisualiseer is, kon dit ontleed word. Bevindinge kon gevorm word op grond van huidige vervoerdienste en die ontwikkeling van NMT-verwante infrastruktuur. Belangrike bevindings in hierdie verband sluit in die identifisering van waar mikromobiliteitsdienste en die plaaslike minibustaxibedryf kan baat by die ruimtelike/tydse karakterisering van NGV-gedrag.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 108 leaves : illustrations (some color), maps (some color)
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTraffic surveysen_ZA
dc.subjectNon-motorised transport (NMT)en_ZA
dc.subjectBluetooth technologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTransportation servicesen_ZA
dc.subjectTransportation -- Planning -- South Africa -- Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.titleThe characterisation of non-motorised transportation on the Stellenbosch campusen_ZA
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