A retrospective content analysis of the ambulance emergency assistant refresher course outcomes as covered by free open access medical education (FOAMED) resources

dc.contributor.advisorVan Schalkwyk, Susan Camilleen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorKeiller, Lianneen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSteyn, Judyen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Centre for Health Professions Education.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MMed)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Continuous professional development (CPD) is a requirement for all healthcare professionals in South Africa. The shift-driven work environment of pre-hospital care often makes attending CPD events logistically impractical to practitioners. Free open access medical education (FOAMed) and online learning could make CPD activities more accessible. The objective of the study presented in this report, was to determine to what extent available FOAMed resources could be used to supplement the outcomes for successful completion of the AEA-refresher course. A retrospective content analysis methodology was adopted to review FOAMed resources posted within a 2-month period for their ability to cover the outcomes of the AEA-refresher course. Data was subject to a three-step process of content analysis that was matched to 17 identified AEA-refresher course outcomes (themes). The FOAMed resources (qualitative data) matched to the course outcomes were converted into quantitative data (the frequency of the themes). A total of 441 FOAMed posts were reviewed during a 2-month period. Of the 441 posts, 61% (269) were excluded based on inclusion criteria related to the AEA practitioner’s capabilities and relevance. Thus, the remaining 39% (172) FOAMed posts were relevant to cover the 17 identified outcomes of the AEA-refresher course. The two most frequently observed themes were related to [i] professionalism with 45 (26.2%) posts and [ii] general other medical emergencies with 39 (22.7%) of the 172 posts. The remaining 15 themes all had up to 8% representation respectively. The study has highlighted the potential of FOAMed resources to supplement the delivery of CPD activities, like the AEA-refresher course. However, given that the outcomes were unequally represented, educational institutions wishing to make use of FOAMed to supplement delivery of CPD events should be aware of the affordances that FOAMed can offer with due caution given to the residual critiques and limitations of FOAMed.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Deurlopende professionele ontwikkeling (DPO) is ’n vereiste waaraan alle gesondheids professionele in Suid-Afrika moet voldoen. Werk in ‘n skof gedrewe omgewing waarin paramedici hulself bevind heed dit dikwels logisties onprakties om DPO aktiwiteite te kan bywoon. ‘Free open access medical education (FOAMed)’ en aanlyn-leer kan DPO aktiwiteite meer toeganklik maak. Die doel van die studie, aangebied in hierdie verslag, was om te bepaal tot watter mate beskikbare ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne die uitkomste vir suksesvolle voltooiing van die Ambulans Nood Assistent (ANA) opknappingskursus kan aanvul. ’n Terugwerkende inhoudsanalise metode was toegepas om ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne te evalueer vir hul vermoë om die uitkomste van die ANA-opknappingskurses te dek. Data was onderworpe aan ’n drie-stap proses van inhoudsanalise wat vergelyk is met 17 geidentifiseerde ANA-opknappingskursus uitkomste (temas). Die ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne (kwalitatiewe data) ooreengestem met die kurses uitkomste is omgeskakel in kwantitatiewe data (hoe gereeld temas teenwoordig was). In totaal is 441 ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne hersien tydens ‘n 2-maande periode. Van hierdie 441 hulpbronne, is 61% (269) uitgesluit, gebaseer op insluitings kriteria verwant aan die ANA vermoëns en relevansie. Dus, die oorblywende 39% (172) ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne was relevant tot die 17 geidentifiseerde ANA-opknappingskursus uitkomste. Die twee temas mees gereeld waargeneem was verwant aan [i] professionaliteit, met 45 (26.2%) van die hulpbronne en [ii] algemene ander mediese noodgevalle met 39 (22.7%) van die 172 hulpbronne. Die oorblywende 15 temas het onderskeidelik almal tot en met 8% verteenwoordiging gehad. Die studie het uitgelig die potensiaal wat ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne kan bied tot aanvulling van die lewering van DPO aktiwiteite, soos die ANA-opknappingskurses. Gegewe dat die uitkomste ongelyk verteenwoordig was, sal opvoedkundiginstellings, wat van ‘FOAMed’ hulpbronne tot aanvulling van DPO aktiwiteite wil gebruik maak, bewus moet wees van die huidige beperkings en kritiek van ‘FOAMed’ en dus die nodige versigtigheid toepas.af_ZA
dc.format.extentvi, 56 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectAmbulatory medical care -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectEmergency medical personnel -- Training of -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectContinuing professional development -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectFree open access medical education (FOAMed)en_ZA
dc.titleA retrospective content analysis of the ambulance emergency assistant refresher course outcomes as covered by free open access medical education (FOAMED) resourcesen_ZA
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