A comparison between stall prediction models for axial flow compressors

dc.contributor.advisorVon Backstrom, T. W.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorThiart, G. D.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGill, Andrewen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity Stellenbosch. Faculty of Engineering. Dept of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2006.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Stellenbosch University Compressor Code (SUCC) has been developed for the purpose of predicting the performance of axial flow compressors by means of axisymmetric inviscid throughflow methods with boundary layer blockage and empirical blade row loss models. This thesis describes the process of the implementation and verification of a number of stall prediction criteria in the SUCC. In addition, it was considered desirable to determine how certain factors influence the accuracy of the stall prediction criteria, namely the nature of the computational grid, the choice of throughflow method used, and the use of a boundary layer blockage model and a radial mixing model. The stall prediction criteria implemented were the diĀ®usion factor limit criterion, de Haller's criterion, Aungier's blade row criterion, Aungier's boundary layer separation criterion, Dunham's, Aungier's and the static-to-static stability criteria. The compressors used as test cases were the Rofanco 3-stage low speed compressor, the NACA 10-stage subsonic compressor, and the NACA 5-stage and 8-stage transonic compressors. Accurate boundary layer blockage modelling was found to be of great importance in the prediction of the onset of stall, and that the matrix throughflow Method provided slightly better accuracy than the streamline curvature method as implemented in the SUCC by the author. The ideal computational grid was found to have many streamlines and a small number of quasi-orthogonals which do not occur inside blade rows. Radial mixing modelling improved the stability of both the matrix throughflow and streamline curvature methods without significantly affecting the accuracy of the stall prediction criteria. De Haller's criterion was over-conservative in estimating the stall line for transonic conditions, but more useful in subsonic conditions. Aungier's blade row criterion provided accurate results on all but the Rofanco compressor. The diffusion factor criterion provided over- optimistic predictions on all machines, but was less inaccurate than de Haller's criterion on the NACA 5-stage transsonic machine near design conditions. The stability methods performed uniformly and equally badly, supporting the claims of other researchers that they are of limited usefulness with throughflow simulations. Aungier's boundary layer separation method failed to predict stall entirely, although this could reflect a shortcoming of the boundary layer blockage model.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Stellenbosch University Compressor Code (SUCC) is ontwikkel om die prestasie van aksiaalvloei kompressors te voorspel met behulp van aksisimmetriese nie-viskeuse deurvloeimetodes met grenslaagblokkasie en empiriese modelle vir die verliese binne lemrye. Hierdie tesis beskryf die proses waarmee sekere staakvoorspellingsmetodes in die SUCC geĆÆmplementeer en geverifieer is. Dit was ook nodig om die effek van sekere faktore, naamlik die vorm van die berekeningsrooster, die keuse van deurvloeimetode en die gebruik van `n grenslaagblokkasiemodel en radiale vloeivermengingsmodel op die akuraatheid van die staakvoorspellingsmetodes te bepaal. Die staakvoorspellingsmetodes wat geĆÆmplementeer is, is die diffusie faktor beperking metode, de Haller se metode, Aungier se lemrymetode, Aungier se grenslaagmetode en die Dunham, Aungier en die statiese-tot-statiese stabiliteitsmetodes. Die kompressors wat gebruik is om die metodes te toets is die Rofanco 3-stadium lae-spoed kompressor, die NACA 10-stadium subsoniese kompressor en die NACA 5- en 8-stadium transsoniese kompressors. Daar is vasgestel dat akkurate grenslaagblokkasie modelle van groot belang was om `n akkurate aanduiding van die begin van staking te voorspel, en dat, vir die SUCC, die Matriks Deurvloei Metode oor die algemeen 'n bietjie meer akkuraat as die Stroomlyn Kromming Metode is. Daar is ook vasgestel dat die beste berekeningsrooster een is wat baie stroomlyne, en die kleinste moontlike getal quasi-ortogonale het, wat nie binne lemrye geplaas mag word nie. Die numeriese stabiliteit van beide die Matriks Deurvloei en die Stroomlyn Kromming Metode verbeter deur gebruik te maak van radiale vloeivermengingsmodelle, sonder om die akkuraatheid van voorspellings te benadeel. De Haller se metode was oorkonserwatief waar dit gebruik is om die staak-lyn vir transsoniese vloei toestande, maar meer nuttig in die subsoniese vloei gebied. Aungier se lemrymetode het akkurate resultate gelewer vir alle kompressors getoets, behalwe die Rofanco. Die diffusie faktor metode was oor die algemeen minder akuraat as Aungier se metode, maar meer akkuraat as de Haller se metode vir transsoniese toestande. Die stabiliteitsmetodes het almal ewe swak gevaar. Dit stem ooreen met die bevindings van vorige navorsing, wat bewys het dat hierdie metodes nie toepaslik is vir simulasies wat deurvloeimetodes gebruik nie. Aungier se grenslaagmetode het ook baie swak gevaar. Waarskynlik is dit as gevolg van tekortkomings in die grenslaagblokkasiemodel.af_ZA
dc.format.extent113 pages : illlustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectStellenbosch University Compressor Code (SUCC)en_ZA
dc.subjectAxial flow compressorsen_ZA
dc.titleA comparison between stall prediction models for axial flow compressorsen_ZA
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