A framework for the development of a contemporary string teacher

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research focused on the identification of weaknesses in the training of string teachers. A desk study was conducted using the assessment syllabi for string teaching qualifications of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, the Trinity College of London and the Australian Music Examinations Board, in an attempt to identify potential shortcomings. A literature study, identifying the knowledge and skills needed by general educators and the specialised skills and knowledge required by string teachers to be effective, served as a reference point for the comparison in the desk study. With the knowledge gained from the literature review, recommendations were formulated regarding the optimisation of the training and assessment of string teachers, including a content adjustment to rectify shortcomings, and altering assessment to extended, structured teaching practice periods with the added support of qualified mentors.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing het gefokus op die identifisering van swakhede in die opleiding van strykeronderwysers. ʼn Vergelykende studie was uitgevoer deur die gebruik van assessering sillabusse vir strykeronderwyer-kwalifikasies van die Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, die Trinity College of London en die Australian Music Examinations Board, in ʼn poging om potensiële tekortkominge te identifiseer. ʼn Literatuur studie wat die benodigde kennis en vaardighede van algemene opvoeders en die gespesialiseerde kennis en vaardighede van strykeronderwysers identifiseer, het gedien as verwysings raamwerk vir die vergelykende studie. Deur die kennis wat opgedoen is in die literatuur studie, was dit moontlik om voorstelle te maak om die opleiding en assessering van strykeronderwysers te verbeter, naamlik: ʼn inhoud-aanpassing om te tekortkominge aan te spreek, en die verandering van assessering om verlengde, gestruktureerde proeftydperke in te sluit met die ondersteuning van gekwalifiseerde mentors.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2015
Music -- Instruction and study., Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (Great Britain), Trinity College of Music., Australian Music Examinations Board., Stringed instruments., UCTD