Strategies and guidelines for educators to deal with behaviour problems

dc.contributor.advisorSmit, G.
dc.contributor.authorHorne, Debra Theupiena
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Educational Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEdPsych)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increase in violence in our society has a huge impact on learning in some schools. Learners become more and more disruptive and educators experience schools as an unsafe environment. This causes an impediment to learning and teaching. Even educators who have a wealth of experience find it difficult to control and discipline learners in a constructive and positive way. Because of their lack of knowledge and skills, many educators shift their responsibility to teach social skills to the parent whom they believe should actually be responsible for the discipline of their children. The realization that academic achievement and discipline goes hand in hand has compelled educationists and psychologists to address disciplinary problems. Educators are also aware that parents and the education department expect all learners to receive quality education. A definite need has, therefore, arisen to support educators to deal with the youth at risk, disruptive learners, those who are at risk of dropping out, and those who are being expelled or suspended. The purpose of this research is, therefore, to develop guidelines and strategies for educators to deal with disruptive behaviour in the classroom. Many strategies have been developed In the past to address disruptive behaviour. Despite implementing these strategies, disruptive behaviour is on the increase. The research revealed that the failure of these strategies can be attributed to their punitiveness and the emphasis that was placed on control and compliance. These strategies also have failed, because it did not teach the learners insight in their selfdefeating behaviour and how it impacts on themselves and others. The Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) strategy was developed to support educators to teach these learners self-control' skills by teaching them to gain insight in their destructive behaviour. According to the LSCI model the behaviour of learners can be grouped according to the six central issues: • Displacement of Conflict • Lack of Social Skills • Peer Manipulation and Vulnerability to Peer Influence • Anti-social Behaviour without Guilt • Irrational Beliefs • Impulsivity with Guilt. The LSCI Model was structured in such a way to give educators a clear guideline how to support disruptive learners and youth at risk. Although educators were given a clear cognitive map to apply the LSCI strategy, research revealed that they were not very successful in teaching learners the necessary skills to apply self-control and to become resilient. To apply the LSCI model successfully, it is crucial for educators to acquire the appropriate skills to teach learners to gain insight in their self-defeating behaviour and to apply self-control. The assumption can be made that educators do not only need guidelines, but they also need the necessary skills to teach learners to apply self-control. They also need to know what specific strategies are needed to support a learner that exhibit a specific central issue. The researcher attempted to develop strategies and guidelines for educators to deal with the following central issues: • Peer Manipulation and Vulnerability to Influence • Impulsivity with guilt and • Anti-social behaviour without Guilt This research attempted to draw upon the vanous literature, and where necessary developed strategies to support educators by looking at what skills educators need to support disruptive learners and what strategies can be implemented to teach these learners insight in their self-defeating behaviour.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toename in geweld in ons samelwing het 'n groot impak op leer in ons skole. Leerders raak al hoe meer ontwrigtend en opvoeders ervaar skole as onveilig. Selfs opvoeders wat jare ervaring het vind dit moeilik om leerders op 'n konstruktiewe en positiewe manier te beheer en te dissiplineer. Omdat hulle die kennis en vaardighede ontbreek, skuif baie opvoeders hul verantwoordelikheid om leerders sosiale vaardighede te onderrig na die ouers. Hulle glo dat ouers verantwoordelik is vir die dissiplinering van hul kinders en nie die skool nie. Omdat opvoeders en sielkundiges besef dat akademiese prestasie en dissipline hand aan hand gaan, het dit hulle genoop om dissiplinêre probleme wat ervaar word aan te spreek. Opvoeders is ook bewus van die feit dat ouers en die onderwys departement verwag dat alle leerders kwaliteit opvoeding en onderwys moet ontvang. 'n Behoefte het dus ontstaan om opvoeders te ondersteun in die hantering van risiko leerders, gedragsmoeilike leerders, diegene wat moontlik mag uitval op skool en diegene wat uitgeset of geskors word. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is dus om riglyne en strategieë vir opvoeders te ontwikkelom ontwrigtende gedrag in die klaskamer te hanteer. In die verlede is verskeie strategieë ontwikkelom ontwrigtende gedrag aan te spreek. Alhoewel hierdie strategieë geïmplementeer word, neem ontwrigtende gedrag in die klaskamer toe. Navorsing het bewys dat die mislukking van hierdie strategieë toegeskryf kan word aan die feit dat dit te ingestel was op straf, beheer en onderworpenheid. Die feit dat hierdie strategieë gefaal het, kan ook toegeskryf word aan die feit dat dit leerders nie insig in hul destruktiewe gedrag en watter invloed dit op hulself en ander het, geleer het nie. Die "Life Space Crisis Intervention" (LSCI) strategie was ontwikkelom opvoeders te help om leerders seltbeheersingsvaardighede aan te leer deur vir hulle insig te gee in hul destruktiewe gedrag. Volgens die LSCI model kan leerders se gedrag in ses sentrale gedragspatrone gegroepeer word: • Verplasing van konflik • Gebrek aan sosiale vaardighede • Portuur manupilasie en weerloosheid aan portuur invloede • Anti-sosiale gedrag sonder skuldgevoelens • Irrasionele denke • Impulsiwiteit met skuldgevoelens Die LSCI model is op so 'n manier gestruktureer dat dit opvoeders duidelike riglyne bied hoe om gedragsmoeilike en hoe risiko leerders te ondersteun. Alhoewelopvoeders 'n duidelike kognitiewe raamwerk gegee IS om die LSCI strategie toe te pas, het navorsing getoon dat hulle me baie suksesvol was om leerders seltbeheersingsvaardighede aan te leer om hul meer weerbaar te maak nie. Dit is noodsaaklik dat opvoeders toepaslike vaardighede bekom om hierdie leerders insig in hul destruktiewe gedrag te leer, sodat hulle die nodige seltbeheersing kan toepas. Daar kan van die veronderstelling uit gegaan word dat opvoeders nie net die nodige riglyne benodig nie, maar dat hulle ook die nodige vaardighede benodig om leerders te leer hoe om seltbeheersing toe te pas. Dit is ook belangrik dat hulle moet weet watter spesifieke strategieë nodig is om ondersteuning te bied aan 'n leerder wat 'n spesifieke gedragspatroon openbaar. In hierdie navorsing sal daar gepoog word om strategieë en riglyne vir opvoeders te ontwikkelom die onderstaande sentrale aspekte te hanteer: • Portuur manupilasie en weerloosheid aan portuur invloede • Anti-sosiale gedrag sonder skuldgevoelens • Impulsiwiteit met skuldgevoelens Die navorsing poog om deur literatuurverkenning na bestaande strategieë te kyk, en waar nodig, strategieë te ontwikkel wat opvoeders sal help om leerders wat ontwrigtend is, te ondersteun. Daar salook gekyk word na watter vaardighede opvoeders nodig het en watter strategieë kan geïmplementeer word om hierdie leerders insig in hul destruktiewe gedrag te gee.af_ZA
dc.format.extent389 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBehavior disorders in childrenen_ZA
dc.subjectChildren with social disabilities -- Educationen_ZA
dc.subjectLearning disabilitiesen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Educationen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Educationen_ZA
dc.titleStrategies and guidelines for educators to deal with behaviour problemsen_ZA
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