Uhlobo lwengcingane yohahlelo yenkcazelo yezentlalo kwimbalo zesixhosa

dc.contributor.advisorVisser, M. W.
dc.contributor.authorDweba, Constance Xoliswa
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of African Languages.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the genre-theoretic analystic properties of social commentary texts in isiXhosa which are extracted from the Bona magazine. These five articles are genres which all just deal with social commentary issues. This study will first explore the broad genre-based theoretical approach to the investigation of the isiXhosa texts as social commentary texts. The genre-theoretic approach will be utilized as framework for discourse properties of the Xhosa texts and a review will be given of the linguistic competence component of the more general theory of writing advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). It will be argued that the theory of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is suitable as a framework for teaching writing, because it incorporates the ethnography of writing which entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following questions: who writes what to whom for what purpose, why and how. In terms of the parameter "write" which is examined extensively in this study the aspects of text analysis examined include topic structuring, coherence, text cohesion, lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purpose as well as cognitive move structure or structural description which is discussed in Bhatia (1993). These text-linguistic properties of the genre-theoretic approach will be investigated invoking Grabe and Kaplan's model of text construction. Finally, this study will also explore the relationship between the ethnography of writing, learning outcomes 3, 4 and 5 of Grade 9 and their related assessment standards in Curriculum 2005. The study explores questions of how Grabe and Kaplan's model can be effectively employed in the analysis of texts in language teaching in Curriculum 2005.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die genre-analitiese kenmerke van sosiale kommentaar tekste in isiXhosa wat verkry is uit die BONA tydskrif. Die vyf artikels is genres wat almal verband hou met sosiale kommentaar vraagstukke. Die studie sal eerstens die breë genre-gebaseerde benadering tot die analise van die isiXhosa tekste ondersoek. Die genre-teoretiese benadering sal aangewend word as raamwerk vir die ondersoek van diskoers eienskappe van die Xhosa tekste, en In oorsig word gegee van die taalvermoë komponent van die meer algemene teroeivan skryf gepostuleer deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996). Daar word aangevoer dat die teorie van Grabe en Kaplan toepaslik is as In raamwerk vir die onderrig van skryfvaardigheid daar dit ook die etnografie van skryf inkorporeer, wat meebring dat In gedetaileerde analise van tekste ook die volgende vrae moet aanspreek: Wie skryf wat aan wie vir watter doel, waarom en hoe. Ten opsigte van die "skryf" parameter, wat uitgebreid ondersoek word in hierdie studie, word aspekte beskou wat insluit inligting strukturering, onderwerp strukturering koherensie, teks kohesie, leksikale keuses as In refleksie van kommunikatiewe doel, sowel as kognitiewe skuif struktuur of strukturele beskrywing, wat bespreek word in Bhatia (1993). Hierdie teks-linguistiese eienskappe binne die genre-teoretiese benadering sal ondersoek word met betrekking tot Grabe en Kaplan se model van tekskonstruksie. Laastens ondersoek hierdie studie ook die verband tussen die etnografie van skryf- en leeruitkomste 3, 4 en 5 van Graag 9, tesame met die verbandhoudende assesseringstandaarde, in Kurrikulum 2005. Die studie ondersoek vrae van hoe die genre analise van tekste in taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005 doeltreffend aangewend kan word.af_ZA
dc.description.abstractISICATSHULWA : Olu fundo luyaphanda ngohlahlelo lohlobo Iwesakhiwo Iwencwadi enenkcazo yezentlalo yeembalo zesiXhosa ezithi zithatyathwe kwimagazini yeBona. La manqaku mahlanu olu hlobo athi ajongane nemicimbi yencwadi echaza ngezentlalo. Olu fundo luyakutlu luvelise ngokubanzi iimbalo ezisekeke kwindlela yesakhiwo sokuphanda ngembalo zesiXhosa njengezona mbalo eziluncwadi olunenkcazo. Indlela yohlobo Iwesakhiwo luyakuthi lusetyenziswe njengophahla ekuhlahleleni iilwimi, ubuchule kunye nemihlaba yokufundisayo kwimbalo zesiXhosa kunye nokunika umboniso welungu lobuchule besakhiwo esiphangaleleyo ekubhaleni ngobunzulu nguGrabe noKaplan (1996). Kuyakuthi kuxoxwe ukuba uGrabe noKaplan (1996) kwisakhiwo sabo uthi alungele ubuchule bokufundisa ukubhala, kuba ithi ingeneiele kuninkcazo yobunzululwazi yokubhala ethi ivelise ukuba uhlahlelo olunamanqanaba Iwembalo lubonisa le mibuzo ilandelayo: ngubani obhalayo ntoni kubani enaziphi injongo, kutheni kunye nakanjani? Phantsi kweparamitha "ukubhala" ekuthi kubeyiyona ende kakhulu kolu fundo ebonakalisa imiba yohlahlelo Iwembalo efana nentloko yolwazi, (edibanisa imihlaba) yobumbo lolwazi oluyintloko, unamathelwano, imbalo enamathelanayo, ukhetho Iwezichazimagama ezizona zibonakalisa injongo zonxibelelwano nangokunjalo nobumbo oluhambayo lobunzululwazi bengqondo okanye inkcazelo ebumbekileyo ethi icaciswe nguBhatia (1993). Le mihlaba yembalo zeelwimi zendlela yohlobo Iwesakhiwo ziyakuthi ziphandwe zivelisa uGrabe noKaplan kumzekelo wabo wobumbo Iwembalo. Okokugqibela, olu fundo luyakuphinde luvelise ukuzalana phakathi kwenkcazo yobunzululwazi bokubhala, ezifundo iziphumayo 3, 4 kunye nesesi 5 sesigaba 9 kunye namanqanaba _okuhlola ahamba nazo. Olu fundo luvelisa imibuzo ukuba uGrabe noKaplan kumzekelo wabo bangathi basebenze ngokuphumelelayo ekuhlahleleni iimbalo kwakubo obu buchule boludwe Iwezifundo zika 2005 ekufundiseni ulwimi, ubuchule bokufunda nokubhala kunye nonxibelelwano.xho
dc.format.extent164 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Discourse analysisen_ZA
dc.subjectXhosa language -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage and languages -- Styleen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Xhosa languageen_ZA
dc.titleUhlobo lwengcingane yohahlelo yenkcazelo yezentlalo kwimbalo zesixhosaxho
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