Exploring the experiences of food insecurity among urban poor households in Maseru : a case study of Thibella settlement

dc.contributor.advisorKelly, Candiceen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorCoetzee, Angelaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMolapo, Relebohileen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Lesotho is faced with pressing food insecurity challenges. The challenges are addressed with geographical bias, responses to food insecurity are directed to rural communities. This is fostered by the misconception that poverty and food insecurity are rural challenges. Evidence suggests that this is not true since there is a widened food gap also observed among urban poor households and not much is done by the government to address the challenges. Urban food insecurity in Lesotho, especially in the city of Maseru has been fostered by escalating rural-urban migration. Rural dwellers generally migrate to the city with the hope for greater economic opportunities, social change and therefore a better life. The opposite is, however, often true. Most migrants have low levels of education and are not appropriately skilled to secure decent employment. They are then forced into casual and odd jobs that do not provide consistent or enough income to live a decent and dignified life. Income insecurity results in other socio-economic challenges such as inequality, lack of access to proper housing and basic services. Urban poverty trials and the resultant food insecurity challenges in Lesotho are under-researched and therefore inadequately addressed in policy and planning by relevant authorities. The main objective of this study is to explore the experiences of food insecurity among poor urban households in Maseru. It aims to also understand how the urban poor access food and what the determinants of their food choices are. This qualitative, case study, approached via a social constructivist paradigm, uses focus groups and semi-structured interviews through the purposive sampling of households to collect primary data to explore and understand food insecurity experiences. In order to frame and understand food insecurity experiences, The study focuses on the four dimensions of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) food security indicators: i) food availability, ii) food access, iii) food utilisation, and iv) food stability. According to the FAO, in order for households to be food secure, all the four dimensions should be met simultaneously. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data and the following five themes emerged: i) no food and we starve, ii) limited access to money prohibits access to food, iii) unhealthy food choices, iv) inconsistent income and work in urban areas means we eat and survive on day to day basis and v) government does not care for our needs. The study established that all sampled households were severely food insecure because they failed to meet the four aspects of security. Based on the study findings, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done to come up with more action-based solutions to escalating food insecurity among urban poor households in Maseru. I want to challenge future researchers to research deeper on urban food insecurity in Maseru. I plead with the government of Lesotho and relevant authorities to pay significant attention to the findings of this study in order to address food insecurity in Maseru.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lesotho word gekonfronteer deur aansienlike uitdagings wat voedselonsekerheid betref. Hierdie uitdagings word via geografiese vooroordeel aangespreek en die reaksies op voedselonsekerheid word dus veral op plattelandse gemeenskappe gemik. Dit word aangevoer deur die wanopvatting dat armoede en voedselonsekerheid uitdagings in die landelike gebiede is. Bewyse dui daarop dat dit egter nie waar is nie, aangesien voedselgapings ook toenemend onder stedelike arm huishoudings te sien is, en die regering nie veel doen om die uitdagings die hoof te bied nie. Stedelike voedselonsekerheid in Lesotho, veral in die stad Maseru, is aangebring deur groter landelik-stedelike migrasie. Landelike inwoners migreer oor die algemeen na die stad met die hoop op groter ekonomiese geleenthede, sosiale verandering, en ‘n gepaardgaande beter lewe. Die teenoorgestelde is egter dikwels waar. Die meeste migrante het ‘n lae opvoedingsvlak en is nie geskik om ‘n behoorlike werk te bekom nie. Hulle word dan gedwing om informele en los werk te verrig wat nie vaste of voldoende inkomste bied om ‘n behoorlike en waardige lewe te lei nie. Inkomste-onveiligheid lei tot ander sosio-ekonomiese uitdagings soos ongelykheid en gebrekkige toegang tot behoorlike behuising en basiese dienste. Opnames oor stedelike armoede en die geïdentifiseerde uitdagings wat voedselonsekerheid in Lesotho betref word onvoldoende nagevors en daarom onvoldoende in beleid en beplanning deur die betrokke owerhede aangespreek. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om die ervarings van voedselonsekerheid onder arm stedelike huishoudings in Maseru te ondersoek. Dit het ook ten doel om insig te bekom in hoe stedelike armes toegang tot voedsel bekom en wat die bepalende faktore vir hul voedselkeuses is. Hierdie kwalitatiewe gevallestudie, wat uit ‘n sosiaal-konstruktivistiese paradigma benader word, gebruik fokusgroepe en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude deur doelgerigte steekproefneming onder huishoudings om primêre data te versamel sodat voedselonsekerheidservarings ondersoek en begryp kan word. Om voedselonsekerheidservarings binne ‘n raamwerk te plaas en dit te kan verstaan, fokus die studie hoofsaaklik op die vier voedselsekerheidsaanwysers van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se voedsel-en-landbou-organisasie (FAO): naamlik i) voedselbeskikbaarheid, ii) toegang tot voedsel, iii) voedselbenutting en iv) voedselstabiliteit. Volgens die FAO moet al vier aanwysers gelyktydig nagekom word om te verseker dat huishoudings voedselveilig is. ‘n Tematiese ontleding word gebruik om die data te ontleed, terwyl die volgende vyf temas daarvolgens na vore gekom het: i) geen voedsel ons ly honger, ii) beperkte of geen toegang tot geld verbied toegang tot voedsel, iii) ongesonde voedsel keuses, iv) onstandvastige inkomste en werk in die stedelike gebiede beteken mense eet en oorleef dag tot dag en v) die regering gee nie om na ons behoeftes nie. Deur die studie is daar vasgestel dat alle huishoudings in die opname erg voedselonseker is deurdat hulle nie in die toets betreffende die voedselsekerheidsaanwysers slaag nie. Op grond van die studiebevindings is daar nog heelwat navorsing wat gedoen moet word om met meer aksiegebaseerde oplossings vir die toenemende voedselonsekerheid onder stedelike arm huishoudings in Maseru na vore te kan kom. Toekomstige navorsers word uitdaag om dieper te delf wat stedelike voedselonsekerheid in Maseru betref. Verder doen die studie ‘n beroep op die regering van Lesotho, sowel as die betrokke owerhede, om die navorsingsbevindings in gedagte te hou by die aanspreek van voedselonsekerheid in Maseru.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxi, 116 pages : illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectPoverty -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.subjectFood security -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.subjectLesotho -- Economic conditionsen_ZA
dc.subjectLesotho -- Social conditionsen_ZA
dc.subjectSustainable development -- Lesothoen_ZA
dc.titleExploring the experiences of food insecurity among urban poor households in Maseru : a case study of Thibella settlementen_ZA
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