Using failure modes and effects analysis as a problem-solving guideline when implementing SPC in a South African chemical manufacturing company

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Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Quality management has ceased to be an operational extra, and has become imperative to doing business in a saturated market environment with demanding clients. It is now a significant component of holistic operational management. The ultimate aim remains customer satisfaction, using the most effective techniques to ensure the most efficient and cost-effective process. Statistical process control (SPC) and statistical quality control have been widely used in quality management to enhance process performance by reducing process variation. However, SPC can only be effective if implemented with a structured problem-solving tool. The diagnostic ability of statistics, coupled with a failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) as the problem-solving methodology during an out-of-control action plan, creates an environment conducive to improving processes and empowering employees. The failure modes and effect analysis was used to identify and eliminate sources of variation, which led to a reduction in process variation by 63 per cent and a decrease in defects by 160 961 per million opportunities.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gehaltebestuur is meer as net ’n operasionele ekstra, en het noodsaaklik geword vir besigheidsverwesenliking in ’n versadigde markomgewing met keurige kliënte. Dit het ontwikkel vanaf ’n operasionele ekstra tot ’n beduidende komponent van holistiese operasionele bestuur. Die uiteindelike doelwit bly kliënt tevredenheid, deur die mees effektiewe tegnieke te gebruik om die doeltreffendste en mees koste-effektiewe proses te verseker. Statistiese prosesbeheer en statistiese gehaltebeheer is wyd gebruik in kwaliteitsbestuur om proses optrede te verbeter deur die variasie te verminder. Statistiese prosesbeheer kan egter slegs effektief wees as dit met ’n gestruktureerde probleemoplossings hulpmiddel geïmplementeer word. Die diagnostiese vermoë van statistiek, tesame met ’n mislukkingsmetodes en effekte-analise as die probleem-oplossingsmetode tydens ’n probleem oplossing-aksieplan, skep ’n omgewing wat bevorderlik is vir prosesverbetering en die bemagtiging van werknemers. Die mislukkingsmetodes en effekte-analise is gebruik om bronne van variasie te identifiseer en uit te skakel, wat gelei het tot ’n afname in prosesvariasie met 63 persent en ’n afname in defekte met 160 961 per miljoen geleenthede.
CITATION: Appollis, L. L.M., Van Dyk, W. A. & Matope, S. Using failure modes and effects analysis as a problem-solving guideline when implementing SPC in a South African chemical manufacturing company. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(1):157-169, doi:10.7166/31-1-2294.
The original publication is available at
Problem solving, Manufacturing engineering, Total quality management, Statistical process control
Appollis, L. L.M., Van Dyk, W. A. & Matope, S. Using failure modes and effects analysis as a problem-solving guideline when implementing SPC in a South African chemical manufacturing company. South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, 31(1):157-169, doi:10.7166/31-1-2294