Kurrikulumontwikkeling in spesiale sekondere skole vir verstandelik gestremde leerlinge in Kaapland
dc.contributor.advisor | Carl, A. E. | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.advisor | Du Preez, J. J. | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.author | Snyman, Cilliers | en_ZA |
dc.contributor.other | Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Curriculum Studies. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2012-08-27T12:27:12Z | |
dc.date.available | 2012-08-27T12:27:12Z | |
dc.date.issued | 1992-03 | |
dc.description | Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. | |
dc.description.abstract | ENGLISH SUMMARY: On the supposition that education should also be possible for the handicapped, it appears as consequence of the study of relevant literature, dealing specifically with the mentally handicapped learner, that responsible teacher involvement in curriculum development is expedient and should be aimed at. The implication here is that there should be knowledgeability and expertise with regard to the curriculum theory and practice to promote meaningful teacher involvement in curriculum development. This can also be to the advantage of the development of the school as well as the professional growth of the teachers. Curriculum development is an intricate, continuous process which progresses systematically according to a rigid plan. Therefore relevant concepts and representative phases of design, dissemination, implementation and evaluation are elucidated and stressed. This theoretic result of curriculum development is associated with the important action of the curricular practice later in this study. The organisational practice of curriculum development is included in models for a curricular design and are described in consequence of the similarities which are found in the structures of leading models for a design. The situation-analysis, selection of aims and objectives, selection and ordering of contents, selection and ordering of study opportunities and evaluation are highlighted and described. In view of the fact that curriculum development forms part of the educational process, the highest . measure of teacher involvement is essential. Active involvement implies that various instances and persons on specific hierarchical levels should be involved with this action and supportive structures should be developed to initiate involvement and participation on relevant curricular levels. With regard to the structural syllabus development for special schools for the mentally handicapped and the practice formation of the curricula in these schools, the structural network for curricular practice is highlighted and discussed. The role which institutions and persons involved with regard to curriculum development in special education for mentally handicapped fulfil, is being investigated. With reference to the theoretical circumscription of curricular procedures and the examination of possible teacher participation within the curricular practice, the present level of teacher knowledgeability and expertise and the quality of teacher involvement and teacher participation with regard to subject curriculum in special education are investigated empirically and findings are formulated. A possible concept program for continuous or in-service training of the teaching staff with regard to curriculum knowledge and curriculum expertise develops from this. This study is concluded with a summary and a number of findings which have been based on the outcome of the study and from which possible recommendations follow. | |
dc.description.abstract | AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die oog op die stellinginname dat onderwys ook vir gestremdes moontlik moet wees, blyk na aanleiding van die bestudering van relevante literatuur wat spesifiek oor die verstandelik gestremde leerder handel, dat verantwoordelike onderwyserbetrokkenheid by kurrikulumontwikkeling wenslik is en nagestreef behoort te word. Die implikasie hiervan is dat daar 'n kundigheid en 'n ingeligtlleid. met betrekking tot die kurrikuleringsteorie en -praktyk moet wees omsinryke onderwyserbetrokkenheid by kurrikulumontwikkeling te bevorder. Dit kan vir die skool se ontwikkeling voordelig wees en ook vir die onderwysers se professionele groei bevorderlik wees. Kurrikulumontwikkeling is 'n ingewikkelde kontinue proses wat sistematies volgens 'n vaste plan verloop. As sodanig word tersake begrippe en die verteenwoordigende fases van ontwerp, disseminasie, implementering en evaluering toegelig en beklemtoon. kurrikulumontwikkeling word in die studie met die kurrikuleringspraktyk verder in verbaild gebring. Hierdie teoretiese uitkoms van belangrike handeling van Die organisatoriese praktyk van kurrikulumontwikkeling is in modelle vir 'n kurrikulumontwerp vervat en word na aanleiding van die ooreenkomste wat in die strukture van toonaangewende modelle vir 'n ontwerp aangetref word, beskryf. Die situasie-analise, seleksie van doelstellings en doelwitte, seleksie en ordening van inhoude, seleksie en ordening van leergeleenthede en evaluering word as sodanig uitgelig en beskryf. Omdat kurrikulumontwikkeling deel vorm van die opvoedingsproses, is die hoogste mate van onderwyserbetrokkenheid nodig. Aktiewe betrokkenheid impliseer dat verskeie instansies en persone op bepaalde hierargiese vlakke by die aksie betrokke sal wees en dat ondersteuningstrukture ontwikkel sal word om betrokkenheid en deelname op relevante kumkuleringsvlakke te inisieer. Met die oog op die kernsillabusontwikkeling vir spesiale skole van. verstandelik gestremdes en die praktykwording van die kurrikula in hierdie skole, word die strukturele netwerk virkurrikulering as sodanig uitgelig en bespreek. Die rol wat instansies en betrokkenes ten opsigte van die kurrikulumontwikkeling by spesiale onderwys aan verstandelik gestremdes vervul, word ondersoek. Na aanleiding van die teoretiese omskrywing van kurrikuleringsprosedures en die beskouing oor moontlike onderwyserdeelname binne die kurrikuleringspraktyk, word die huidige vlak van onderwyserkundigheid en -ingeligtheid en die gehalte van onderwyserbetrokkenheid en onderwyserdeelname ten opsigte van vakkurrikulering in spesiale onderwys empiries ondersoek en bevindinge geformuleer. 'n Moontlike konsepprogram vir voortgesette- of indiensopleiding van die onderwyspersoneel ten opsigte van kurrikulumkennis en kurrikulumkundigheid spruit hieruit voort. Die studie word afgesluit met 'n samevatting en 'n aantal bevindinge wat op die uitkoms van die studie gebaseer is enwaaruit moontlike aanbevelings volg. | |
dc.format.extent | 224 blaaie | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/69678 | |
dc.language.iso | af_ZA | af_ZA |
dc.publisher | Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University | |
dc.rights.holder | Stellenbosch University | |
dc.subject | Curriculum planning -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Children with mental disabilities -- Education -- South Africa -- Cape of Good Hope | en_ZA |
dc.subject | Dissertations -- Education | en_ZA |
dc.title | Kurrikulumontwikkeling in spesiale sekondere skole vir verstandelik gestremde leerlinge in Kaapland | af_ZA |
dc.type | Thesis | en_ZA |
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