Determinants of the realisation of the right to adequate food of children (1 – 5 years old) and their primary caregivers living in rural and urban areas in one region of the Cacadu District in the Eastern Cape

dc.contributor.advisorMarais, Martha Louisaen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorLessing, Elisnaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJenkings, Tamryn Caronen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Global Health. Human Nutrition.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MNutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Background: South Africa has committed to progressively realise the fundamental right to adequate food for all by ratifying the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and other related instruments. Despite this, 26% of the country’s-, and 36% of the Eastern Cape’s population remain food insecure, especially in rural areas. Women and children are most at risk and children’s health is most vulnerable to food insecurity’s effects. This study aimed to assess if the right to adequate food was realised by children and primary caregivers residing in urban and rural areas of the Blue Crane Route in the Cacadu District in the Eastern Cape, and what still needed to be done to fully realise this right. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive study with an analytical component using a mixed methods approach was conducted. In-depth key informant interviews examined the perceptions of key role-players who filled prominent positions in the community. Interviewer-administered primary caregiver questionnaires investigated the reality of the situation. Urban caregiver questionnaires were conducted at clinics in Somerset East, Pearston and Cookhouse, and mobile clinics were used for rural participants. Quantitative data was summarised in frequency tables and histograms to describe the variables. To test for significance p<0.05 was used. Qualitative data was coded and emerging themes were reported to contextualise the findings. Results: Of the 161 caregivers whom participated in the study, 77% experienced risk for- or food insecurity at some point in the past month. Households reported a shortage of food for 2.5 months in the past year and a third had poor dietary diversity. Coping mechanisms, such as purchasing food on credit had to be implemented by caregivers. Caregivers were more likely to go hungry than their children, and although not significant, urban participants were more food secure than their rural counterparts. Significant differences in food security levels were found for household income and ethnicity. Poor living conditions, gender discrimination, poor implementation of policies and programmes, including social grants, a lack of employment opportunities and inadequate agrarian practices were identified as capacity gaps of the State inhibiting the realisation of the right. The Child Support Grant and the National School Nutrition Programme were identified as protective factors. Caregivers (rights-holders) felt disempowered to improve their situation themselves without assistance from the State (duty-bearer). Interviews were conducted with 11 key informants who suggested that rights-holders needed to take responsibility, although they did acknowledge that the State was not implementing policies adequately to support the rights-holders. Conclusions: The right to adequate food is not fully realised by all in the Blue Crane Route. Efforts are being made to improve it, but they are not optimal. Concerted, multi-disciplinary approaches using a rights-based approach to implement policies and programmes are needed together with the empowerment of the community with the necessary skills to accept responsibility and make changes. On-going monitoring, evaluation and reassessment of programmes must take place to ensure efforts are effective at achieving the goal of realising the right to adequate food for all in a sustainable manner.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Agtergrond: Deur die bekragtiging van die Internasionale Verdrag van Ekonomiese, Sosiale en Kulturele Regte en ander verwante instrumente is Suid-Afrika verbind om die fundamentele reg op voldoende voedsel progressief te verwesenlik vir alle individue. Desnieteenstaande, beleef 26% van die land en 36% van die Oos-Kaap se bevolking voedelonsekerheid, veral in landelike gebiede. Vroue en kinders het die grootste risiko en kinders se gesondheid is die kwesbaarste vir die gevolge van voedelonsekerheid. Hierdie studie poog om te bepaal of die reg op voldoende voedsel verwesentlik is vir kinders en primêre versorgers wat in die stedelike en landelike gebiede van die Bloukraanroete-streek van die Cacadu-distrik in die Oos-Kaap woon, en wat verder gedoen moet word om hierdie reg ten volle te verwesenlik. Metodes: 'n Deursnit, beskrywende studie met 'n analitiese komponent is uitgevoer en ‘n gemengde metodes benadering is gebruik. In-diepte onderhoude met sentrale persone wat prominente posisies in die gemeenskaps beklee is gebruik om die persepsies van rolspelers in die gemeenskap te ondersoek. Onderhoudvoerder geadministreerde vraelyste is gestel aan primêre versorgers om die werklikheid van die situasie te ondersoek. Stedelike versorgers se vraelyste is voltooi by klinieke in Somerset-Oos, Pearston en Cookhouse terwyl mobiele klinieke gebruik is vir landelike deelnemers. Kwantitatiewe data is opgesom in frekwensietabelle en histogramme om die veranderlikes te beskryf. Om te toets vir beduidendheid, is p <0.05 gebruik. Kwalitatiewe data is gekodeer en herhalende temas is gerapporteer om die bevindings te kontekstualiseer. Resultate: Van die 161 versorger deelnemers, het 77% die risiko vir- of voedselonsekerheid op 'n sekere tydstip gedurende die afgelope maand ervaar. Huishoudings het 'n tekort aan voedsel rapporteer vir 2.5 maande in die afgelope jaar en 'n derde het swak dieetdiversiteit gemeld. Hanteringsmeganismes, soos kredietaankope van voedsel, moes implementeer word. Versorgers was meer geneig om honger te ly as hul kinders, en hoewel nie beduidend nie, was stedelike deelnemers meer voedselveilig as hul landelike eweknieë. Beduidende verskille in voedselsekuriteit-vlakke is vir huishoudelike inkomste en etnisiteit gevind. Swak lewensomstandighede, geslagsdiskriminasie, swak implementering van beleide en programme, insluitend maatskaplike toelaes, en 'n gebrek aan werks- en landbougeleenthede, is geidentifiseer as leemtes in die Staat se kapasiteit, wat verwesenliking van die reg terughou. Kindertoelae en die Nasionale Skoolvoedingsprogram is as beskermende faktore geidentifiseer. Versorgers (regtehouers) het nie toegerus gevoel om sonder die Staat (pligtedraers) se hulp hul situasie te verbeter nie. Elf sentrale rolspelers, het ondehoude toegestaan en voorgestel dat regtehouers self verantwoordelikheid moet neem, alhoewel hulle erken het dat die Staat nie beleide genoegsaam implementeer om die regtehouers te ondersteun nie. Gevolgtrekkings: Die reg op voldoende voedsel word nie ten volle verwesenlik in die Bloukraanroete-streek nie. Pogings word aangewend om die verwesentliking te verbeter, maar dis nie optimaal nie. Daadwerklike multi-dissiplinêre benaderings, wat gebruik maak van ‘n regte-gebaseerde benadering om beleide en programme te implementeer word benodig, ook om die gemeenskap te bemagtig met die nodige vaardighede om eie verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar en veranderings te maak. Deurlopende monitering, evaluering en herevaluering van programme moet plaasvind om te verseker dat pogings effektief is om die doelwit te bereik, om die reg op voldoende voedsel vir almal op 'n volhoubare wyse te verwesenlik.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxx, 143 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectRight to food -- Sarah Baartman District Municipality -- Eastern Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectPreschool children -- Eastern Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectFood security -- Eastern Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleDeterminants of the realisation of the right to adequate food of children (1 – 5 years old) and their primary caregivers living in rural and urban areas in one region of the Cacadu District in the Eastern Capeen_ZA
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