The management of the culture of teaching and learning in selected secondary schools in Bulawayo

dc.contributor.advisorPrinsloo, N. P.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMasuku, Elisaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Education. Dept. of Education Policy Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEd)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to investigate the culture of teaching and learning in selected Secondary Schools in Zimbabwe. It was addressing the numerous pleas within the Ministry of Education and by other stakeholders, to review the O-level curriculum, to monitor and improve the O-level results and to reduce dropouts at that level. Effective school programmes hold school culture and climate accountable, and as the most influential factors that could facilitate the process of change. This study is a situational analysis of the culture ofteaching and learning in two selected schools in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. The headmasters of the two schools, selected teachers and students were interviewed regarding the culture ofteaching and learning in their respective schools. The culture was revisited from as far back as the dual system of education during the colonial period in Rhodesia through post-independence in Zimbabwe in the 1980s, to the present. It was also traced from the time the sample schools were established to date. The schools are anonymous and they are referred to as Schools A and B. The situation analysis revealed that a healthy culture of teaching and learning exists in School A, but leaves room for improvement. A breakdown of this culture in school B is evident and an immediate restoration is imperative. The primary cause supported by literature review is ineffective school leadership. Other responsible factors are demotivated teachers, poor parental involvement and demoralised students. There is still hope for the culture in School B to improve because of the recent move by the government to allow schools to collect their own fees. Of course, this still leaves the main problem of leadership and uncommitted staff unresolved. Students might have a full time counsellor to meet their social needs. The study initially, states the problem and presents research questions which are answered in the study. Then the historical background of the dual education system and how it affected and still contributes to the culture of teaching and learning, follows. The methodology used in the study, the review of literature interview responses, findings and guidelines for restoring the culture of teaching and learning simultaneously follow. Finally, the study presents suggested recommendations and topics for further study and the short comings of the research.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is onderneem im ondersoek in te stel na die leerkultuur in geselekteerde sekondrere skole in Zimbabwe. Dit inkorpereer die groot aantal versoeke va kie Minesterie van Onderwys en ander belanghebbendes om die O-vlak-kurrikulum te hersiem, te moniteer en te verbeter en om die aantal kandidate wat op daardie vlak uitsak te probeer verminder. Skole met effektiewe programme beskou die skoolkultuur en skoolklimaat as kie oorsake van hierdie probleme, maar is terselfdertyd daarvan oortuing dat juis hierdie faktore die veranderingsproses kan fasiliteer. Hierdies studie in 'n situasie-analise van die kultuur van onderrig en leer in twee geselekteerde skole in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Daar is ondrhounde gevoer met die skoolhoofde, geselekteerde onderyses en leerders van hierdie twee skole oor kie kultuur van onderrig en leer aan hulle skool. Die periode vanaf die dubbelmediumsisteem tydens Rhodesie se Koloniale Tydperk, die post-onafhandklikheidsperiode in die tagtigerjare in Zimbabwe tot en met die huidige tydperk is by die onderhound betrek. Dit het ook die betrokke skool se geskiedenis vanaf sy ontstaan tot en met die huidige tydperk ingesluit. Daar word na die skole verwys as skool A en skool B om hulle anonimiteit te waarborg. Uit die situasie-analise blyk dit dat daar in skool A 'n gesonde kultuur van onderrg en leer bestaan, alhoewel daar ruimte vir verberering is. In skool B bestaan dit nie en 'n onmiddellike herstel van hierdie kultuur is noodsaaklik. Uit die literatuur blyk dit dat die hoofoorsaak van so 'n insinking oneffektiewe skoolleierskap is. Ander bydraende faktore is gedemotiveerde onderwysers, swak ouerbetrokkenheid en gedemoraliseerde leerders. Dit is nog nie te laat im die kultuur in skool B te verbeter nie omdat die regering sedert redelik onlangs skole toelaat om hulle eie fondse in te samel. Dit laat egter die hoofprobleem van oneffektiewe leierskap en onbetrokke onderwysers onopgelos. 'n Voltydse berader kan help om in the leerders se sosiale behoeftes te voorsien. Hierdie studie begin met die problem wat gestel word en bied dan navorsingsvrae wat in die loop van die studie beantwoord word. Daarna volg 'n historiese agtergrond van die dubbelmediumsisteem en hoe dit kultuur van onderrig en leer beinvloed het en nog steeds beinvloed. Die metodologie wat in die bevindings en riglyne om die kultuur van onderrig en leer te herstel, volg daarna. Die studie word afgesluit met voorgestelde aanbevelings, moontlike temas vir verdere studie en die tekortkominge van die navorsing.af_ZA
dc.format.extent171 p.en_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTeaching -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectLearning -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.subjectEducation -- Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectEducation, Secondary -- Zimbabween_ZA
dc.titleThe management of the culture of teaching and learning in selected secondary schools in Bulawayoen_ZA
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