A spatially integrated approach for tourism planning and marketing in rural mountainous areas : the Montagu region

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Merwe, J. H.
dc.contributor.authorLinde, Azanne
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to identify marketable tourism products in rural mountainous regions, specifically the Montagu region. These products could stimulate economic growth, because it would provide the means for integrated regional tourism planning and improved marketing strategies. An integrated approach was adopted, implying that environmental, economic and entrepreneurial components were considered in the research. The environmental component refers to the identification and spatial location of existing and potential tourism resources. The economic component involves the selection and combination of resources for the construction of specific tourism packages. The entrepreneurial component refers to consideration of the opinions of the local community. The gathering of environmental data involved the identification of potential tourism resources in rural mountainous regions. Economic data was collected through a questionnaire survey among tour operators, tour brokers and marketers to determine which resources should be grouped together to create marketable tourism products. Data selection on entrepreneurial matters involved a survey among farm owners to determine their perceptions with regards to agri-tourism. Analysis of the data encompassed the creation of a spatial data base by using the raster capabilities of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Each thematic layer in the data base represented the approximate location of a specific tourism resource in the Montagu region. Values were then allocated to different layers according to the importance of each resource within a specific tourism package (average rating as determined by tour operators, brokers and marketers). This enabled the creation of a map for each type of tourism package, as well as a regional map showing the spatial location and concentration of highly rated tourism resources. It was found that, by following this process, the spatial representation of resource preferences for specific packages did not reveal as much variability as would be expected. This was due to the tendency that certain resources were consistently rated highly important for inclusion, notwithstanding the type of package. It was also due to the fact that a number of resources, irrespective of its rating, sometimes occurred in areas with close proximity. However, these maps still provided a good spatial representation of important resources, making it useful for the production of marketing brochures on specific packages. The regional map is useful for tourism planning and marketing in the region as a whole. It gives a spatial interpretation of the geographical concentration of important tourism resource areas in the region. It also facilitates the identification of specific areas where highly rated tourism resources occur, but where tourism has not yet been developed to its full potential. The collection and analysis of environmental, economic and entrepreneurial data made it possible to determine which resources are required to construct marketable tourism products. Ultimately, important tourism resource areas in a specific rural mountainous region were identified through a scientific process of quantification and map production.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsmg was om bemarkbare toerismeprodukte in landelike, bergagtige streke te identifiseer, meer spesifiek die Montagustreek. Hierdie produkte kan ekonomiese groei stimuleer, want die ontwikkeling daarvan kan 'n wyse voorsien om geintegreerde toerismebeplanning en verbeterde bemarkingstrategiee op streeksvlak te verseker. 'n Meer holistiese benadering is gevolg, waarmee bedoel word dat omgewingsekonomiese en ondernemingskwessies tydens die navorsing in ag geneem is. Die omgewingskomponent verwys na die identifisering en ruimtelike ligging van bestaande en potensiele toerismehulpbronne. Die ekonomiese komponent behels die seleksie en kombinering van hulpbronne vir die konstruksie van spesifieke toerismepakkette. Die ondernemingskomponent verwys na die oorweging van die persepsies van die plaaslike gemeenskap. Die insameling van omgewingsdata het die identifikasie van potensiele toerismehulpbronne in landelike, bergagtige streke behels. Ekonomiese data is met behulp van 'n vraelysopname onder toeroperateurs, toermakelaars en bemarkers verkry om te bepaal watter hulpbronne saamgegroepeer moet word om bemarkbare toerismeprodukte te skep. Die insameling van data oor ondernemingskwessies het 'n opname onder plaaseienaars behels om sodoende hulle persepsies ten opsigte van agritoerisme te bepaal. Analisering van data het die skep van 'n ruimtelike databasis behels waar van die roosterfunksies van Geografiese Inligtingstelsels (GIS) gebruik gemaak IS. Elke tematiese laag III die databasis het die benaderde ligging van 'n spesifieke toerismehulpbron in die Montagustreek voorgestel. Die waardes wat aan verskillende vlakke toegeken is, was in ooreenstemming met die belangrikheid van elke hulpbron binne 'n spesifieke pakket (gemiddelde gewig soos bepaal deur toeroperateurs, makelaars en bemarkers). Sodoende is 'n kaart vir elke tipe toerismepakket geskep, sowel as 'n streekskaart wat die ruimtelike ligging en konsentrasie van toerismehulpbronne wat hoog aangeslaan is, aandui.af_ZA
dc.format.extent79, [10], 4, 4, [4] leaves : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTourism -- South Africa -- Montagu -- Planningen_ZA
dc.subjectGeographic information systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectTourism -- South Africa -- Montagu -- Marketingen_ZA
dc.subjectMountains -- Recreational use -- South Africa -- Montaguen_ZA
dc.titleA spatially integrated approach for tourism planning and marketing in rural mountainous areas : the Montagu regionen_ZA
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