Beyond #NotTooYoungToRun: party candidacy, political representation and legislative effectiveness of young politicians in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the implication of the #NotTooYoungToRun Act (also called the Age Reduction Law) for young politicians' candidacy in parties, political representation and lawmaking effectiveness across national and subnational legislatures in Nigeria. The study asks three research questions to understand how the age reduction law may open the political space for youth political representation and how young-adult politicians would assert their agency within the parties and legislatures. First, it examines the proportion of young-adult political aspirants that enter the candidacy pool as party candidates and of young-adult candidates elected to national and subnational legislatures. Second, it explores how the internal dynamics of political parties influence the political candidature of young-adult legislative aspirants. Third, it analyses the legislative effectiveness of young and other age group members of parliament (MPs) in the light of institutional dynamics of parliamentary lawmaking processes and norms. The study adopts a mixed-method case study design based on a pragmatic research philosophy. The design makes it possible to triangulate qualitative and quantitative data from the House of Representatives (HoR), Kwara and Oyo Houses of Assembly (HoAs), and the two major political parties, using qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis. The quantitative data includes candidacy and membership records, and qualitative data consists of seventy interviews with multiple actors ranging from MPs, party leaders, representatives of civil society organisations (CSOs), one focus group discussion with ten unsuccessful candidates from minor parties and several official party and parliamentary documents. The quantitative data was analysed using appropriate methods of descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, and the qualitative data was thematically analysed. The study finds that while the reform resulted in a significantly increased number of young-adult candidates, the corresponding unwillingness of parties (especially the major ones) to nominate an appreciable number of young-adult candidates reduced the reform's effect on youth descriptive representation in national and subnational parliaments. As such, the reform's impact is limited to a mobilising effect that sees young adults contesting for elective positions at younger ages than was previously possible. However, while most young adult candidates could not overcome the hurdle of party politics for several reasons, the few who did leverage several combinations of personalistic, social and clientelist appeals to emerge as party candidates and win legislative seats. However, on getting into parliament, the young-adult MPs faced different dynamics that limited their legislative effectiveness in the first term in office. The study's findings have three main implications. First, contrary to previous narratives, young adults are not politically disinterested nor inexperienced in political leadership. Second, electorally competitive young-adult aspirants are not hindered by the age-related selection biases inherent in internal party processes. Finally, the study's findings show that MPs' personal characteristics and institutional positionings and norms are age-sensitive, thereby shaping the legislative effectiveness of young-adult MPs in parliament. The study concludes that as the national and subnational parliaments become increasingly composed of young-adult MPs over the coming years, new questions need to be asked about how these young-adult MPs represent specific youth interests.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die implikasies van die #NotTooYoungToRun-wet (die Wet op die Verlaging van Ouderdom) vir jong politici se kandidatuur in partye, en die doeltreffendheid van verteenwoordiging en wetgewing in nasionale en subnasionale wetgewende liggame in Nigerië. Die studie vra drie navorsingsvrae om te probeer verstaan hoe die ouderdomsverlagingswet die politieke ruimte vir die politieke insluiting van die jeug kan oopstel en hoe jong politici hulle agentskap binne die partye en wetgewende liggame kan laat geld. Dit ondersoek eerstens watter proporsie jong politieke aspirante as partykandidate tot die kandidaatskapspoel toetree en watter proporsie jong kandidate tot nasionale en subnasionale wetgewende liggame verkies word. Tweedens verken dit hoe die interne dinamika van politieke partye jong aspirante se politieke kandidatuur vir wetgewende liggame beïnvloed. Derdens ontleed dit die wetgewende doeltreffendheid van jong parlementslede (LP’s) en ander ouderdomsgroepe in die parlement aan die hand van die institusionele dinamika van parlementêre wetgewende prosesse en norms. Die studie maak gebruik van ʼn gemengde-metode- gevallestudienavorsingsontwerp, wat op ʼn pragmatiese navorsingsfilosofie gebaseer is. Die ontwerp maak dit moontlik om kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data uit die Raad van Verteenwoordigers (RvV), die Kwara en Oyo Wetgewende Vergaderings (WV’s) en die twee hoof- politieke party met behulp van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-invorderings- en -ontledingsmetodes te trianguleer. Die kwantitiewe data sluit kandidaatskaps- en lidmaatskapsrekord in en die kwalitatiewe data bestaan uit sewentig onderhoude met veelvuldige spelers (wat wissel van LP’s en partyleiers tot verteenwoordigers van burgerlikesamelewingsorganisasies [BSO’s]), een fokusgroepbespreking met tien onsuksesvolle kandidate uit kleiner politieke partye, en verskeie amptelike party- en parlementêre dokumente. Die kwantitatiewe data is met behulp van toepaslike beskrywende en afgeleide statistiek ontleed en die kwalitatiewe data is tematies ontleed. Die studie bevind dat, hoewel die hervorming tot ʼn beduidende toename in die aantal jong kandidate gelei het, die ooreenstemmende onwilligheid van partye (veral die grotes) om ʼn aanmerklike aantal jong kandidate te benoem, die hervorming se effek op die beskrywende verteenwoordiging van die jeug in nasionale en subnasionale parlemente verswak het. Derhalwe is die hervorming se impak beperk tot ʼn mobiliserende effek wat veroorsaak dat jong mense teen ʼn jonger ouderdom as wat voorheen moontlik was, om verkose posisies meeding. Hoewel die meeste jong kandidate om verskeie redes nie die struikelblok van partypolitiek kon oorkom nie, het die paar wat dit reggekry het egter van verskillende kombinasies van personalistiese, sosiale en kliëntelistiese aantrekkingskragte gebruik gemaak om as partykandidate na vore te tree en wetgewende setels te wen. Nadat hulle tot die parlement toegelaat is, is die jong LP’s egter deur ander dinamika gekonfronteer, wat hulle wetgewende doeltreffendheid in die eerste ampstermyn beperk het. Die studiebevindings het drie hoofimplikasies. Eerstens is jong mense, in teenstelling met vorige narratiewe, nie onbelangstellend in die politiek of onervare vir politieke leierskap nie. Tweedens word elektoraal mededingende jong politieke aspirante nie belemmer deur die ouderdomsverwante keuringsvooroordele wat inherent aan interne partyprosesse is nie. Laastens toon die bevindings dat die eienskappe van LP’s, institusionele posisionering en intraparlementêre norms ouderdomsgevoelig is, en dus die wetgewende doeltreffendheid van jong LP’s in die parlement vorm. Die studie kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, aangesien al hoe meer jong LP’s in die jare wat voorlê in die nasionale en subnasionale parlemente sal beland, nuwe vrae gevra moet word oor hoe hierdie jong LP’s die spesifieke belange van die jeug verteenwoordig.
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2024.