Exploring Talent Management Processes and their Effect on Talent Retention within the Western Cape Department of the Premier (DotP)

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Berg-Ross, Ashleneen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorBarties, Biondi Neilen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Leadership.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : A critical success factor and essential value-creating resource, which is an imperative internal resource for every single organisation is talent (high-potential individuals). The number of organisations embracing the concept of talent management (TM) has increased exponentially, which can be attributed to the fact that an organisation can grow and gain a sustainable advantage in the long term through the successful implementation of a TM programme. TM ensures that talented individuals with special skills are situated in the correct positions. Using individual talent effectively can be beneficial, enhancing operational efficiency as well as performance, subsequently contributing to an enhanced image and culture for the organisation. There are various reasons talented employees decide to leave one organisation for another, and TM, in the form of opportunities for development, as well as upskilling and utilising those skills together with career opportunities, is central to the decision by individuals to stay. Human resources (HR) and TM practitioners worldwide are confronted with the issue of employee turnover. To effectively manage this turnover and improve talent retention it is pertinent for management to know the factors that impact TM, talent development and retention within the organisation. The basic emphasis of this study is the exploration of TM processes and talent retention within one specific public sector organisation, namely the Western Cape Department of the Premier (DotP). This research is qualitative as well as quantitative in nature. The researcher employed an exploratory approach, thus gathering the pertinent data by means of interviews and a questionnaire. In the course of the venture the researcher consulted and analysed numerous government policies (which includes departmental standard operating procedures [SOPs]), books, journal articles with additional internal departmental documents. The study essentially used a combination of primary and secondary data. The following key TM dimensions were mapped out by the study: - Talent planning; - Talent acquisition; - Training and development; - Performance management; - Succession planning; and - Talent retention. The outcomes demonstrate that DotP to a large extent applies the principles underlying TM within their organisation. However, issues exist, and proposals are made in this regard. The analysis reveals that employees within DotP regard talent planning, the acquisition of talent, training and development of individual talent, and performance management as imperative for staff retention. They also reveal that the Department’s succession planning efforts are inadequate and hinder successful implementation of a TM programme. In order for DotP to realise its vision and achieve sustainable business results it is essential to employ a more consistent and integrated TM process and retain high-potential individuals.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : 'n Kritieke suksesfaktor en noodsaaklike waarde skeppende hulpbron, sowel as een van die belangrikste interne hulpbronne vir enige organisasie is sy talent (hoë-potensiaal individue). Die aantal organisasies wat die konsep van talent bestuur aanvaar het eksponensieel toegeneem, dit kan dus toegeskryf word aan die feit dat 'n organisasie 'n volhoubare mededingende voordeel kan kry in die lang termyn deur die suksesvolle implementering van 'n talent bestuur program. Talent bestuur verseker dat talentvolle individue met spesiale vaardighede is in die korrekte posisies. Die effektiewe gebruik van individuele talent kan konstruktief bydra tot beter funksionering en prestasie, die beeld en kultuur van 'n organisasie. Daar is verskeie redes hoekom talentvolle werknemers besluit om een organisasie te verlaat vir 'n ander, en talent bestuur, in die vorm van geleenthede vir ontwikkeling, asook opgradering en die gebruik maak van die vaardighede saam met loopbaangeleenthede, staan sentraal tot die besluit deur individue om te bly. Menslike hulpbronne en talent bestuur praktisyns wêreldwyd word gekonfronteer met die probleem van personeelomset. Om ten einde hierdie probleem van personeelomset en talentbehoud effektief aan te spreek is dit belangrik vir die bestuur van die organisasie om die faktore wat talent bestuur affekteer, asook talent ontwikkeling en talentbehoud binne die organisasie te leer ken. Die basiese klem van hierdie studie is die verkenning van talentbestuur prosesse en die invloed daarvan op talentbehoud binne 'n spesifieke openbare sektor organisasie, naamlik die Wes-Kaapse Departement van die Premier (DvdP). Hierdie navorsing is beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe van aard. Die navorser het 'gebruik gemaak van ‘n verkennende benadering, met behulp van 'n vraelys en onderhoude om die kritiese navorsing data te verkry. Deur die loop van die studie het die navorser tydskrifartikels, regeringsbeleid (dws departementele beleide soos standaard operasionele prosedures [SOP's]), boeke, sowel as ander departementele dokumente geraadpleeg en ontleed. Die studie in gebruik 'n kombinasie van primêre en sekondêre data. Die volgende belangrike talent bestuur dimensies is uit gekarteer deur die studie: Talent beplanning; Verkryging, Opleiding en ontwikkeling; Prestasiebestuur; Opvolgbeplanning; en Talentbehoud. Die uitslag demonstreer dat DvdP, tot 'n groot mate, die beginsels onderliggend aan talent bestuur binne hul organisasie toepas. Nietemin, kwessies bestaan, en voorstelle is gemaak in hierdie verband. Die ontleding toon dat werknemers binne DvdP talent beplanning, talent verkryging, talent opleiding en ontwikkeling, en prestasiebestuur as noodsaaklik beskou vir die behoud van personeel. Hulle openbaar ook dat die Departement se opvolgbeplanning pogings onvoldoende is en dat dit suksesvolle implementering van 'n talent bestuur program verhinder. Vir die DvdP om sy visie te verwesenlik en volhoubare resultate te bereik is dit noodsaaklik om 'n meer konsekwente en geïntegreerde talent bestuur proses in diens te neem en hoë-potensiaal individue te behou.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 121 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectTalent management -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectTalent retention -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectLabor turnover -- Prevention -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.subjectWestern Cape Department of the Premieren_ZA
dc.subjectEmployee retention -- Western Cape (South Africa)en_ZA
dc.titleExploring Talent Management Processes and their Effect on Talent Retention within the Western Cape Department of the Premier (DotP)en_ZA
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