The manual motor control of South African children with and without foetal alcohol spectrum disorder during a pegboard task

dc.contributor.advisorBurger, Marletteen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorDr Brink, Yolandien_ZA
dc.contributor.authorAbrahams, Adrian Ianen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Dept. of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. Physiotherapy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScPhysio)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction: Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) refers to a group of conditions caused by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) during pregnancy. Children with FASD have impairments with fine manual motor control when completing a task. These impairments may have a negative impact on these children's ability to execute tasks. Three-dimensional (3D) kinematics is increasingly being used to analyse and assess upper-limb motor tasks. The aim of the study was to use the most feasible and informative approaches while using a motion analysis system to describe manual motor control during a pegboard task in children aged nine to ten years diagnosed with FASD and children without FASD; and the secondary aim was to perform a preliminary analysis comparing spatio-temporal and 3D kinematic parameters between the two groups. Methodology: Participants completed a 16-hole pegboard task in which they reached for and placed individual pegs in the corresponding holes as quickly as possible. A MyoMotion measurement system was used to describe 1) spatio-temporal parameters (duration) and 2) 3D kinematic parameters (joint range of motion). 3D kinematics included range of motion of the shoulder, elbow, head, neck and thoracic in three different planes. Line graphs were used to display the results. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of the continuous variables were also provided in table format. The two-sample Hotelling's T2 test was used to determine if there were any significant differences in spatio-temporal and 3D kinematic characteristics between the FASD and no FASD groups (significance level of 0.05). Results: Thirty-seven children participated: 25 children (FASD) and 12 children (no FASD). The spatio-temporal results revealed that children with FASD completed the pegboard task slower overall; were slower when using the left-hand compared to the right hand; but were faster to perform the transport phase when using the right hand. The 3D kinematics results showed that children with FASD displayed greater elbow flexion/extension and shoulder abduction/adduction range of motion (ROM) when using either the right or left hands; greater flexion/extension and internal/external rotation ROM when using the right hand; greater head and neck side flexion and neck flexion/extension during the right-hand trials; and greater neck flexion/extension during the left-hand trials. Compared to the no FASD group, children with FASD had approximately 10 degrees more neck side flexion ROM during the right-side trials. There were no statistically significant differences between the groups in any of the spatio-temporal or 3D kinematic joint parameters. Conclusion: These findings suggest that children with FASD might find completing the pegboard task more difficult when the using the left (non-dominant) hand than the right hand and utilise different movement patterns when completing the pegboard task (as seen by the differences in joint ROM). Future research should be encouraged to use objective assessment methods to further describe the motor control abilities of children with FASD when completing a fine motor control task i.e. the pegboard task as it will help in the development of evidence-based therapies for these children.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Fetale Alkohol Spektrum Afwyking (FASA) verwys na ‘n groep toestande wat veroorsaak word deur prenatale alkoholblootstelling (PAB) tydens swangerskap. Kinders met FASA het gestremdhede met fyn motoriese beheer wanneer hulle ‘n taak voltooi. Hierdie gestremdhede kan ‘n negatiewe impak op hierdie kinders se vermoe om take uit te voer, he. Driedimensionele (3D) kinematika word toenemend gebruik om boonste ledemaat motoriese take te ontleed en te assesseer. Die doel van die studie was om die mees haalbare en insiggewende benaderings toe te pas terwyl 'n bewegingsanalisestelsel gebruik word om manuele motoriese beheer tydens 'n penbordtaak te beskryf by kinders van nege tot tien jaar wat met FASA gediagnoseer is en kinders sonder FASA.Die sekondere doel was om 'n voorlopige analise uit te voer wat tydruimtelike en 3D kinematiese parameters tussen die twee groepe vergelyk. Metodologie: Deelnemers het 'n 16-gat-penbordtaak voltooi waarin hulle so vinnig as moontlik individuele penne in die ooreenstemmende gate geplaas het. 'n MyoMotion-metingstelsel is gebruik om 1) tydruimtelike parameters (duurte) en 2) 3D kinematiese parameters (gewrigs omvang van beweging) te beskryf. 3D-kinematika het omvang van beweging van die skouer, elmboog, kop, nek en toraks in drie verskillende vlakke ingesluit. Lyngrafieke is gebruik om die resultate te vertoon. Die gemiddelde en standaardafwyking (SA) van die kontinue veranderlikes is ook in tabelformaat verskaf. Die twee-steekproef Hotelling se T2-toets is gebruik om te bepaal of daar enige beduidende verskille in tydruimtelike en 3D kinematiese eienskappe tussen die FASA en geen FASA-groepe was (betekenisvlak van 0.05). Resultate: Sewe-en-dertig kinders het deelgeneem: 25 kinders (FASA) en 12 kinders (geen FASA). Die tydruimtelike resultate het aan die lig gebring dat kinders met FASA die penbordtaak in die algemeen stadiger voltooi het; was stadiger met die gebruik van die linkerhand in vergelyking met die regterhand; maar was vinniger om die vervoerfase uit te voer wanneer die regterhand gebruik is. Die 3D kinematika resultate het getoon dat kinders met FASA meer elmboogfleksie/ekstensie en skouer abduksie/adduksie omvang van beweging (OVB) getoon het wanneer of die regter- of linkerhand gebruik word; meer fleksie/ekstensie en interne/eksterne rotasie OVB wanneer die regterhand gebruik word; meer kop- en nek syfleksie en nekfleksie/ekstensie tydens die regterhandproewe; en meer nekfleksie/ekstensie tydens die linkerhandproewe. In vergelyking met die geen FASA-groep, het kinders met FASA ongeveer 10 grade meer nek syfleksie OVB tydens die regterkantproewe gehad. Daar was geen statisties beduidende verskille tussen die groepe in enige van die tydruimtelike of 3D kinematiese gewrigs parameters nie. Gevolgtrekking: Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat kinders met FASD dit moeiliker kan vind om die penbordtaak te voltooi wanneer die linkerhand (nie-dominante) eerder as die regterhand gebruik word en verskillende bewegingspatrone gebruik wanneer die pegboard taak voltooi word (soos gesien deur die verskille in gewrigs OVB). Toekomstige navorsing moet aangemoedig word om objektiewe assesseringsmetodes te gebruik om die motoriese beheervermoens van kinders met FASA verder te beskryf wanneer hulle 'n fynmotoriese beheertaak voltooi, d.w.s. die penbordtaak, aangesien dit sal help met die ontwikkeling van bewysgebaseerde terapiee vir hierdie kinders.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxxi, 132 pages : illustrations (some color), maps, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subject.lcshFetal alcohol spectrum disorders -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshChildren of prenatal alcohol abuse -- Services for -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshAlcoholism in pregnancy -- Complications -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleThe manual motor control of South African children with and without foetal alcohol spectrum disorder during a pegboard tasken_ZA
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